Growing up, I was taught that working hard was very important.  My first-generation parents worked two jobs to be able to send all their children through college.  As an undergraduate, I had to work very hard to pass because I unknowingly had a learning a disability.  I spent most of my life outworking my learning disability to get through life, school, and all the careers I have had.  I sometimes joke with friends that I am a recovering workaholic, but the recovering part is a work in progress.  As I progressed through my ascension and began fully developing my channeling abilities, my guides were very clear that I needed to learn how to allow.  That meant, no more overworking and it is now literally impossible for me to outwork my learning disability.  For everyone who, like me, has difficulty letting go and allowing, I asked the guides to assist us in understanding why it is so important for our ascension and developing our channeling or psychic abilities.

Who will assist us today?  Seraphim, my angelic guides, Kahuna Nui Sebastian, an Ascended Master who specializes in energetics behind the healing journey, and Xavier, my galactic angels, will assist us today. Beneath the question in italics is exactly what I hear from the guides, verbatim.

As we ascend and develop our psychic or channeling abilities, why is it so important to master the art of allowing?

Seraphim: We wish to address what it means to allow.  To allow is to be in the flow of your soul centeredness.  It is to be in the heart space and not within the intellect.  So, to allow is to listen to your own knowingness at the center of your soul.  This is the same as tuning in to your heart space and walking the world through your heart space.  It will come as no surprise to most humans that many of you lead with your intellect.  You are taught in school certain values and examples that illustrate these values.  You are taught your history and that history is given a value judgement of what is right and what is wrong based on a preconceived notion of building the future that the adults in the room think is ideal.  This is not wrong, but humans also do not have a knowing that this is not right.  This is because the future is created in the present, and the future moves moment by moment as you make decisions and harness energy within the present moment.  What the outcome will be is truly unknown until that energy has solidified.  So, to know what an ideal future will be is a bit of an oxymoron to guides on the other side.  There is no ideal future, only the future you create within the present moment. 

So, this brings us to answering the question.  The reason it is very important to master the art of allowing once you have opened up to your supernatural gifts is because to allow is to be in one’s soul centeredness.  To allow means that you are not sabotaging yourself by engaging the intellect.  To allow is to allow the energy to flow through the column of light in the spine unimpeded.  To allow is to engage with the energy as is, not as you want it to appear or as you judge it to appear.  In order to be as clear of a channel as possible, you MUST learn how to get to this soul centered space because it is only in your soul centeredness that the energy is being interpreted as it must be for the highest good of the person you are reading for. 

Why did you guide me to stop overworking to learn to allow?  How does working hard impede our sense of allowing?

Xavier: This is a very good question and you are not yet aware of why it is a good question.  You will find out soon precisely why this was a good question to ask. 

Let us begin with a short lesson on energy.  So, let us use the example you set forth in the introduction: graduating college with an undiagnosed learning disability, namely ADHD and Dyslexia.  The way you went about it to circumvent your dyslexia is you wrote nearly everything relevant down from your textbooks.  You believe this engaged your memory so you could remember, then understand what you read.  You were not wrong, which is why you successfully graduated from college.  However, given the countless hours you spent on ten pages of reading, if you could allow back then, you would have found that being in your soul centered self would have given you much more efficient ways to get through college.  In certain instances, you did allow, but for the most part, as you said in the introduction, you were hell-bent on outworking the disability.  If you could allow back then, you would have found that you learn auditorily quite well, which is why you are highly clairaudient.  If you hear something significant, you almost never forget it.  So, leaning on the way you learn rather than forcing yourself to learn in a way that is difficult for you to learn, namely by reading by sight, you would have cut down your study time by more than three fourths. 

So, it is important to stop overworking in order to learn to allow because when you are overworking, you are highly likely not in your soul centered self.  You are engaging the intellect, and the intellect likes to work hard on a problem to solve.  In many cases, especially when it comes to engaging your supernatural abilities, the intellect is not the most efficient way to get information.  The information is in you.  It is in your DNA.  What you are doing when you are allowing is you are retrieving what you already know.  To do that, you must allow, you must be able to get to your soul centered self at will.  Furthermore, you must be able to discern when you are within the intellect versus when you are in your soul centered self and this is difficult even for the most ascended humans. 

This brings me to my next question, which is how do we know we are operating within our soul centered self as opposed to being in our intellect?

Sebastian: We are going to tell you something that might be disappointing, and that is that most humans cannot tell the difference.  However, the significance of this article is that you can learn to be able to tell the difference to allow much more of the time.  Let us give you an example. 

Let us say you need to get three things done at work.  We will make up a profession just to make this example relatable.  Let us say that you are a pharmaceutical salesman and you have to see three clients today and give each of these three clients samples of medicines that you sell.  Now, pharmaceuticals are important products because they can be life-saving for many humans that take them but they do not work the same in every human because every human has a unique enough DNA such that this is the case.  In this example, you have gone to your first two clients and they did not have any additional questions or comments for you. You are now with your third client, a hospital and you are speaking to a doctor who just happens to be dealing with a weird case.  Your drug, intellectually, is a really good fit for this patient that he is having difficulty with and he is very excited about the drug.  You, on the other hand, are getting an uncomfortable feeling in your stomach.  Intellectually, you know the drug is a good fit, but something just doesn’t feel right.  When you are in these types of situations, the funny feeling you feel in your stomach can be very subtle and easy to write off as you overthinking it.  In fact, in this example, you aren’t overthinking it.  The doctor’s patient is, in fact, a weird case, because the doctor will receive information later that furthers his patient’s diagnosis.  The patient is a weird case because there is a comorbidity.  Even as you are not a doctor, you intuitively knew that the doctor wasn’t on the right track.  At this moment, if you allow yourself to be in that soul centered truth and simply told the doctor your hunch, you would be in your allowing.  If you remain silent, then you would be empowering the intellectual mind.

We like this example because it illustrates several lessons about how energy works.  First, you have a knowing within your DNA on what is right action and right timing.  When something is right action, there is rightness to it that is within your soul centeredness. When something is right action, there is a no doubtedness that the action must be performed now.  When something is right timing, there are usually no obstacles to contend with.  The coast is clear, so to speak.  When there are obstacles in the way, rather than powering through them right away, first ask, is this right action?  Then ask, is this right timing?  Once you begin to empower your intuition more of the time than your intellect, you will begin to master the art of allowing.  Second, your intuition works within a split of a second.  It is a subtle shift, either in your feelings or in the state of your body, that alerts you that you may need to pivot.  If you pause and tune in to your soul centeredness, you can begin to discern whether that shift was indeed an intuitive hit or simply a soul fragment in fear.  How can you tell the difference?  In your soul centeredness, there is a peacefulness as to the rightness of the choice.  When it is a soul fragment, it often cannot come to a conclusion or make a decision – because it is in fear and it is trying its best to guess which decision will keep it safe.  Third, the more you allow your intuition and the more you engage with intuitive hits the easier it will be for you to discern when you are within your intuition or within the intellectual mind.  Your intuition is very elegant in its decision-making – it is decisive and swift in that decisiveness because it is tapping into your inherent knowing within your DNA – your capabilities across time and space.  The intellectual mind often isn’t as swift or decisive and it will often come up with analysis.  An analysis is often not a knowing.  Rather, it is evidence of the intellectual mind trying to problem-solve. 

Is there a way we can verify if we are within our soul centeredness  and allowing versus if we are in the intellect?

Serpahim: Using divination tools such as a pendulum or tarot cards will allow you to verify if you are responding within your soul centered truth and allowing or if you are within your intellectual mind.  Furthermore, the body often does not lie unless it is short circuited by the intellectual mind, so muscle testing can also be used to verify if you are within you soul centeredness or it is the intellectual mind who is responding.  

I think this is a good place to close this post.  Any last messages?

Sebastian:  To enhance your intuiton, ask your high self everyday to give you an intuitive hit about a particular topic or activity of that day.  Then, wait and listen for that shift.  As you engage your intuition more and more and as you empower your intuiton more of the day, your intuiton will get stronger and stronger.  Your intuition is like any other skill.  The more you use it, the better it gets. 

Thank you for your time and energy!

Seraphim: Call on this energies to open you up and it will be so. 

Xavier: Call on us to activiate your galactic gifts and it will be so.  

Sebastian: The pathway to opening up to your psychic abilities is through healing and integration.  Call on us to assist you with your healing and it will be so.