It’s hard to tell if we are making authentic life decisions.  It sounds like it should be fairly straightforward, but it isn’t because we are more energetically complex than we understand. I asked the guides to assist us in understanding this topic.  Let’s see what they have to teach about it.

Who will assist us today?  Xavier, my galactic angels, Metatron, an angel of alchemical mastery, and Seraphim, my angelic guides, will assist us today.  Beneath the question in italics is exactly what I hear from the guides, verbatim.

From a guide’s perspective, what is authenticity?  What is an authentic life decision?

Seraphim: This is a good question to begin with for it is important that we do not assume we have a shared understanding of terms.  We wish to assist in these blogs as if you are all kindergarteners and you are learning about energy from the beginning.  The reason we have decided to approach it in this manner is that there are a lot of misinformation in your plane and we wish to assist humans in attaining the understanding that is for their highest good.  So, good.  Let us begin with an understanding of what is authenticity and what is a decision.  Then, we will put the two together so you can understand it at an alchemical level.

We will begin with what is a decision.  A decision is a change in your energy that was prompted by you as the personality or the embodied self.  For now, we will use these terms interchangeably, but there is a subtle difference between the two.  Let us say, for example, that it is about 11:55 am and you have become hungry.  It’s about lunchtime so that makes sense given the natural process of the physical body.  Your hunger is not a decision made by you because it is not a change in your energy prompted by the personality.  Do you see this?  However, if you decided at that moment that you are going to eat to appease your hunger, then you as the personality have prompted a change in your energy.  That is the first decision.  Understand that it is a decision because you had a choice to do nothing.  There were alternatives to choose from.  Then, you would probably decide what you will eat.  Do you want to eat meat, some kind of vegetable, or just a pastry?  Further, you would make a decision to procure what you have decided to eat, either by cooking it or buying it at a restaurant.  Then, once you have procured the food you wish to eat, you will probably eat it.  So, why are we belaboring the point using this example?  It is because we want you to understand that a decision is energy and different decisions have different levels of energy.  The first decision to decide to eat had a lot of energy because the decision is consequential to the wellbeing of the personality.   So, to decide not to eat and not to honor the needs of the physical body would be a substantial dishonoring that may create shadows in the energetic body.  If you keep repeating this type of decisions, the shadow gets darker and darker until it becomes a blockage.  Another decision node that takes up a lot of energy are those decisions that required action.  When you went to procure the food and when you ate it, those are decisions that are consequential to the energetic body.  How so?  Well, if you decide to procure food that was not in the best interest of your body but was expedient, this may prompt a shadow to aggregate in the energetic body.  If you decide to eat food that is not in your best interest, you empower the shadow you just created and it becomes just a little bit darker in the energetic body.  So, that is the energetic basis of decisions.

So, now, what is authenticity?  Authenticity is who you truly are when you are in your soul centered self.  We will repeat this because it is very important.  Authenticity is who you truly are when you are in your soul centered self.  The authentic you is not the intellectual you, although there can be overlaps between the two.  The authentic you feels joy in your heart and peace in your mind.  The authentic you feels joy in your heart and peace in your mind.  The authentic self is to be within the knowing of the I am self.  So, the authentic self does not wobble, it does not analyze, and it does not judge.  The authentic self is simply who they are and who they are is constant over time and space.

To wrap it up, what is an authentic decision?  An authentic decision is a change in the energy of the physical body prompted by the personality that comes from one’s soul centered self.  It is a decision made when there is joy in your heart and peace in your mind.  It is the decision that would be made when you are in your soul centered self.  It is not a decision born in analysis or derived by the intellectual mind. The intellectual mind and the soul centered self are not always divergent, however, it is good to begin to differentiate between the states of your being. 

How do we know we are making authentic decisions?

Metatron: Discernment.  As Seraphim has taught above, it is about discernment.  So, let us take the example of deciding what you eat for lunch.  The intellectual mind would have some ideas of what is best for you based on what the personality finds appealing, its understanding of nutrition, and other factors the intellectual mind may find important.  The intellectual mind is consequential to the process, but Seraphim’s core point is that an authentic decision is a decision that does not originate from the intellectual mind – it is one that originates in your soul centered self.  The soul centered self can communicate with you based on the vocabulary and the knowing of the intellectual mind.  So, there is an interaction between the two of them, you see?  But an authentic decision is one that is ultimately made by the soul centered self. 

So, in this question, you are really asking us how can you know you are in your soul centered self?  The short answer is that you sometimes don’t.  The long answer is that it takes practice to really begin to be able to discern when you are within the intellectual mind versus when you are within your soul centered self.  That is, to discern the state of your being. 

What we can tell you is that if after you made the decision, you do not feel joy in your heart and peace in your mind, it may not have been an authentic decision.  If after you take some kind of action as part of the decision-making process, and you feel discordant energy in your being, then likely, you did not make an authentic decision.  You can begin to imagine that the most difficult authentic decisions to make are those decisions for which the soul centered self is divergent with the beliefs and patterns of the intellectual mind. This is a topic that we would like to undertake with the channel in another post.  For now, suffice to say that it is important for you to begin the process of discerning when you are in your soul centered self versus when you are not in your soul centered self.  Do you feel joy in your heart?  Do you feel peace in your mind?  Or is your intellectual mind on auto-pilot from the beliefs and patterns it has held for many lifetimes?  Sometimes, it is hard to tell and the more aware you are, the more discerning you will be. 

The more integrated you are, the easier it is to reach the soul-centered self and discern the state of your being.  Is this true?

Metatron: We would say that you are not wrong, however, you are also not entirely accurate.  By universal law, you can always reach your soul centered self, no matter how integrated you are.  Yes, on some level, there may be more ease in naturally reaching the soul centered self when one is more integrated, however, this does not need to be the case if you knew methods of how to reach the soul centered self.  We will delineate some methods now, but this can be a good post to further elucidate these methods.  So, getting into the channeling state during meditation is one way to reach the high self.  You can also be in nature, such as a park or swimming in the ocean, and this is another way to reach the high self. The reason this works is because when you are in nature you are anchored by Gaia and in that anchoring, it is easier for you to reach your soul centered self.

What happens, energetically, when we make inauthentic decisions?

Xavier: As was alluded to by Seraphim above, when you make inauthentic decisions, you potentially create shadows in your energetic being.  If you empower these shadows enough, then they become dark enough to become blockages or boulders within your energetic system.  It’s important not to create boulders in your incarnation because boulders take a lot of energy to relieve.  Blockages and boulders also take energy away from more productive uses such as manifestation and building of relationships.

You can imagine that if you are light and your energy is light, each inauthentic decision dulls that light.  You do it enough times and you literally cannot light your own way.  This is when people begin to feel burnout.  Many people experiencing burnout often do not know why they are burned out and it is because they were not aware, as Metatron alluded to above, that they were making inauthentic decisions.  That is, there is a divergence between the truth of the soul centered self and the beliefs and patterns of the intellectual mind that has been garnered over several lifetimes.  These humans are literally not aware that some of their belief systems are inherently harmful to them.  These often occur when the human is taught that hard work and over work is a virtue.  Overwork is actually not a soul centered decision.  We repeat.  Overwork is actually not a soul centered decision.  Yet, on your plane, it is a celebrated action.  This is a more extreme example of making repeated inauthentic decisions.

What happens when you make seemingly innocuous inauthentic decisions? These are things like, I will eat a smoothie today for lunch because I can work through lunch even though my body is craving meat.  Or decisions like, I will work out on a treadmill at a fast pace even though I only have energy for a mild stroll at a park.  It seems innocuous because it fits the belief system of your plane and you have a misguided belief that it is good for you.  What is good for you is to be in the truth of your soul centered self.  We repeat.  What is good for you is to be in the truth of your soul centered self.  Hard exercise may be good for some but it may not be what you signed up for according to your soul centered self.  What happens when you make enough of these repeated inauthentic decisions?  It may not be severe enough to dull your light entirely to reach burnout but it will make your ability to be in your soul centered self more and more difficult over time.  You will have difficulty discerning what you are passionate about or if that person is a fit for you in a relationship.  In empowering the intellectual mind over the soul centered self, you create shadows in your energetic system such that it makes it more difficult for you to naturally be in you soul centered self.  You will always be in analysis paralysis and have difficulty feeling joy in your heart and peace in you mind.  It is not to scare you, but to encourage you to find ways everyday to become your more authentic self for the more authentic you are the easier it becomes. 

What happens, energetically, when we are regularly making authentic decisions?

Xavier: Expansion.  You become so expansive that you feel lighter because what you are doing when you make authentic decisions regularly is that your are empowering the light that you are.  When you do that, you become more and more light.  Sometimes, you become so much light that you transmute shadows you have created in the past.  This is the way to integrate in joy.  To be your most authentic self regularly is to integrate in joy. 

When you become more and more light, you become attractive to those who are like frequencies.  You begin to walk the world with a confidence that is magnetic.  People begin to feel lighter just by being around you.  You love easily and give and receive freely.  It is easier to attract abundance, the more light that you are.  So, we can go on and on but basically, to become more light by making authentic decisions is to open yourself up to the biggest possibility of you. 

I think this is a good place to close this post.  Any last messages?

Metatron: Believe anything is possible.  We find that humans are always empowering their limitations.  We repeat.  We find that humans are always empowering their limitations.  Stop this.  Stop it because it distracts you from what you are truly capable of.  You are an infinite being of possibilities.  A divine master being of those possibilities.  Honor this.  Own this.  And it will be so. 

Thank you for your time and energy!

Seraphim: Call on any of our energies and you will be assisted in becoming your most authentic self.  And so it is!