The guides suggested this topic.  Let’s see what they have to teach us.

Who will be our teacher for this topic?  Seraphim, my angelic guides, will be our teacher for this message.  To learn more about the guides, please read our About page.  All channeled material is in italics.  It is exactly what I hear in my head, verbatim.

Seraphim:  What we want to teach you in this message is how to integrate shadows or what we have asked the channel to call soul fragmentation.  Before we do that, we want to teach you what we have taught the channel at the onset of her awakening and that is how energy in your body works.  Now, some of you reading this may be advanced in energetic concepts.  We are going to give you a model, that while not entirely accurate, is illustrative of what we want you to learn.  Why do we do this?  Precisely because the information is useful and the human brain at this point in time cannot truly grasp the totality of your soul, so some simplification will be of assistance to understand how to transmute soul fragmentation.

So, imagine your physical body.  Your physical body is made of a series of energetic spaces.  Imagine those spaces that make up your physical body to look something like a mosaic.  That is, some spaces are quite light and are truly only light, while other spaces may be a confluence of light and dark.  There are no spaces in you that are completely out of light.  Every space of you, even those spaces born out of deep fragmentation or deep trauma, have some light in them.  What we are trying to teach you in this message is how to tune in to the light that you are so that you can light up the spaces of you that have shadow.   

Remember what we said, there is no space in you that have no light.  This means that spaces in you that are fragmented, that is, those spaces in you that are part light and part shadow, have within their construction the answer to the shadow.  Do you understand this?  A soul fragment consists of part light and part shadow.  Therefore, embedded in the soul fragment is the light that will transmute it. We hope in this teaching you begin to have awe for the sheer intelligence of the universe.  Embedded in the soul fragment is the light that will transmute it.  In other words, the obstacle is, in fact, the way. 

There are many things to say about what we just taught you, but we want to pick just three things to extrapolate.  The first is that, if your goal is to awaken quickly, it is counterintuitive to shun your shadow.  Remember what we said.  The obstacle is the way, so circumventing the obstacle is also circumventing the way.  Do you see this?  Shunning your shadow is an inefficient way to heal. We know it is not always easy to confront your responsibility to your shadow, however, this is precisely what you need to do to unlock the light in the soul fragment. 

The second thing we want to extrapolate is that humans often want to awaken without confronting the shadow.  Remember what we said.  Sometimes, though not always, spaces in you are part light and part shadow.  To unlock the light that you are, you must transmute the shadow.  This will free the light.  The more light that is in you, the clearer of a channel you become.  However, understand this.  You are a channel. For it is a human’s birthright to have access to higher dimensional guidance, especially to the high self.  When one is channeling in the manner you see the channel dictating this message, it is because there is enough light in their lightbody to run the energy for such a message with depth to be delivered.  That occurs when enough of the human’s soul fragmentation is substantially transmuted such that the light in the fragment is freed. 

The third thing we want to extrapolate is that humans often don’t understand how to take responsibility for their soul fragmentation.  Taking responsibility for your soul fragmentation transmutes it.  Taking action in your life that embodies a new belief then releases the light in the soul fragment.  How do you take responsibility for a soul fragment?  This is the core of our teaching today.

Awareness of soul fragments usually arise through magnetization of a situation you do not prefer.  Let us give you an example.  Let us say you do not like your current job.  That is a soul fragment magnetizing a situation you do not prefer to give you an opportunity to transmute it and release the light.  Now, let us say the reason you do not like your current job is not because you do not like what you do but you find that the process of your work to be over critical and obsessed with a sense of perfection that you do not think is either efficient or good for the end consumer.  Further, let us say that you have a belief within you that you must be the best at everything, so much so that you have often overworked yourself in the past for that inframarginal increase in the quality of your work.  In reading those two sentences, we hope that you, as the reader, see this person’s responsibility to this work situation they do not prefer.  When humans are within their experience in this plane, they often do not see the correlation between situations they do not prefer and beliefs that is held by the soul fragmentation that the personality is empowering.  Do you see this?  When you put together the belief that is causing the situation you do not prefer, that is transmutation.  In this case, when this person finally realizes that their own need to be the best magnetizes a highly critical environment in their work, that will transmute the situation.  When they begin to shed the belief that they need to be the best and act according to a new belief of having balance in life, then that will release the light in the soul fragment.  Do you see this?  Recognition is transmutation and realization is release.   

There has been much taught in this message.  We will end this message as we end all of our messages and it is to encourage you to call on our support and it will be so.  And, so it is. 

You are loved.  You are loved.  You are loved.