The guides suggested this topic.  Let’s see what they have to teach us.

Who will be our teacher for this topic?  Seraphim, my angelic guides, will be our teacher for this message.  To learn more about the guides, please read our About page.   If you are new to my channeling, I’ve compiled a glossary if you need to look up certain terms the guides use.  All channeled material is in italics.  It is exactly what I hear in my head, verbatim.

Seraphim:  We want to teach you something very consequential today.  We want to teach you how to transmute shadows that are in fact the personality.  That is, the shadow is so tightly coupled with the personality that it is difficult to become aware of their soul fragmentation.  It is that this message can become available because the channel has gotten to this part in their blueprint and it would be difficult to impart this message without using the channel as an example, so we have procured the personality’s acquiescence to this message, as well as the high self’s permission for this message to be so.  So, that is that.

We will begin this message by describing the personality of the channel before her awakening.  Before her awakening she was very diligent, hard-working, and always went above and beyond expectations, at work and also within her family and friend life.  After her awakening, she is much of the same, however, what is different is what drives her personality.  Before her awakening, what drove her to accomplish what she has accomplished is some self-hate in the body, needing to avoid shame of not being the accomplisher, people pleasing, and the need to not feel the lack of self-love in her energetic system.  So, it may seem that we are disparaging diligence and hard work, but we are not.  What we are pointing you to is to become aware of what drives the personality.  Is what drives the personality inspiration?  Or is what drives the personality motivation?  What is the difference?  When you are inspired, you do simply because you must and you must because being in joy is not negotiable to you.  When you are motivated, you do because you must and you must because it is better than some alternative.  Do you see the difference?  What we are telling you by using the channel as an example is that before her awakening she was very motivated.  After her awakening, she began to understand that she needed to allow to become inspired.  Do you see this?  You need to learn how to allow to become inspired and this is a different feeling and a different state and space from motivation.  So, that is that.

So, now we want to talk to you as to why some shadows are so close to the personality.  There are many variations to this but their transmutation is essentially the same.  So, we use the channel as an example.  What you see externally in her personality is revered in your culture, in your society.  Who does not want to be associated with someone hard working and diligent?  So, that is the first clue.  Those shadows that are close to the personality is usually so because it is tied to some need for validation.  In other words, there is a need for external acceptance for acceptance sake.  Do you see this?  Validation is a very powerful elixir that incites motivation.  We are going to repeat that because it is very important.  Validation is a very powerful elixir for motivation.  When you are motivated to be validated, it is usually indicative of a shadow that is very close to the personality such that it feels like the personality.  You can become aware of these shadows by asking yourself how do you think people see you?  Then, you can begin to reconcile as to what drives your answers.  Is it a motivation to be validated?  Or is it pure inspiration?  When there is a motivation to be validated, then you are dealing with shadows that are very close to the personality. 

How do you transmute these shadows?  We would say becoming aware of these shadows, which is what we taught you prior, is the most difficult aspect of these types of soul fragmentations.  That is, once you become aware you have certain personality traits that are in fact driven by a shadow, it is a natural outgrowth of that exercise to begin to understand what beliefs underlie that soul fragmentation.  Do you see this?  So, we will once again use the example of the channel.  As we told you, one of her personality traits is that she is very diligent and that diligence naturally occurs with hard work.  Before her awakening, why was she so diligent and hard working?  If you asked her then, she would have told you the truth and that is, she did not want to be bullied by her family for being unaccomplished.  So, what we are telling you is that she was aware she wasn’t inspired.  What she wasn’t aware of was that the basis for her need for emotional safety was in fact driven by soul fragmentation.  What we mean by this is that you can give yourself emotional safety by giving yourself unconditional love.  We are going to repeat that because it is very important.  No matter what is happening in your life, no matter the circumstance you are in, you can always give yourself emotional safety by unconditionally loving self.  Do you see this?  The channel did not have this belief before her awakening.  She is aware now, which is why this teaching can be so. 

As you begin to reconcile these personality traits and begin to test if they are shadows, you can understand if they are in fact shadows by asking yourself why do you do what you do?  Are you motivated by something? If so, what?  The answer to this question will tell you if you are in a shadow.  When the answer is soul centered, you are more inclined to be inspired.  When you are in a shadow, ask yourself what are you motivated to avoid?  That is, what is that alternative that is so unpalatable to you that you are motivated?  Seeking deep answers to these questions will essentially lead you to the belief of the shadow, which will lead to its transmutation.

Now, for the core of our teaching.  What we want to teach you, fundamentally, is how to move from being motivated to being inspired.  You move to being inspired when you unconditionally love self.  Again, we will repeat that because it is very important.  You are nearly always inspired when you unconditionally love self.  So, like anything else in life, it is that practice makes perfect.  To become more inspired more of the time, do things simply because it brings you joy.  The more you do it, the more you will accumulate self love energy in your system so that it can become easier and easier for you over time.

We need to give the channel a break for these releases she is going through is quite taxing to her system.  She is nearly done and when she reaches completion in this part of her blueprint, we will begin teaching classes through her to ascend you all through your blueprint.  In the meantime, we will close this message as we close all messages, and that is to encourage you to call on our support and it will be so.  And, so it is.