In my awakening experience, what took me a while to understand was how past lives affected our soul lessons in our current incarnation.  I was guided to write a post asking the guides how our unfinished business from past lives affect our present life.  It is more complex than we understand, but in having a framework to understand it, it can often assist us in releasing past life trauma much quicker.

Who will assist us with this question?  Seraphim, my angelic guides are going to guide us today.  Beneath the question in italics is exactly what I hear from my guides, verbatim.

How do unfinished business from past lives affect our current blueprint?

This is a complex question and from the onset we want to warn all you readers that it is not possible for the brain to understand exactly how this works because of its wiring for linear time.  As the energy on Earth ascends further and further, this may no longer be true but it is true as of this time. 

We can simplify the process by suggesting a hypothetical scenario.  Let us say that there is a married couple and one partner, let us just assume the male for simplicity, cheated on the other partner.  Now, in this hypothetical we hope that your readers are beginning to see the soul lessons arising from the action of both the husband and the wife. We wish to delineate some of the major ones we see for the sake of an education.  First, there is the breakage of the soul contract of monogamy.  Second, there is the need for forgiveness.  Third, there is the appeasement of the betrayal.  We will explain this third one in a moment. 

Continuing with the hypothetical, let us say that the wife, the female partner who was cheated on made the decision to exit the union.  This is okay and depending on her blueprint, may be right action.  In that exit, she has transmuted for herself the appeasement of the betrayal, for in standing in her power to be deserving of someone who would keep the soul contract, she is taking back her power and standing in it. 

Now, continuing further, let us say that while she did what was right for her in leaving that she was never able to forgive the husband.  She threw it in his face whenever she could and she decided that she is the good partner and he is the bad one and could never be a good partner for anyone.  So to speak, it is what is said on your plane, once a cheater, always a cheater.  This creates karma for her.  We know it is difficult for some to phantom, but in not forgiving the husband’s indiscretions, even though he is in the wrong, she is creating karmic justice that she must transmute either in this life or another. 

Let us say now that this wife in this hypothetical marriage is reaching the end of life.  Perhaps, she has entered a second marriage that was quite good for her, but was never able to forgive her ex-husband for his indiscretion.  She always drew a line between men who cheat and men, like her current husband, who do not cheat.  We hope you and your readers see where we are getting at. In creating that line in the sand, she became unable to see the divinity in her ex-husband.  She broke any ability to see oneness with the one who betrayed her.  If she dies with this belief system, not having transmuted it, it will be carried forward into a future incarnation. 

How will this unfinished soul lesson play out in a future life?

So, let us say she came back to Earth and she has chosen to work on forgiveness and seeing oneness in one’s mistakes. This is where it gets tricky for humans tracking their past lives.  There is a belief that it is action for action.  Perhaps this wife that was cheated on, then becomes the other woman, who then needs to seek forgiveness.  That can be a plausible scenario that occurs in this next life she lives, but that is not the only scenario that is possible.

You see it is energy for energy not action for action or situation for situation.  We wish to set you up another scenario that illustrates this concept.  Let us say that this wife has a healthy marriage in this incarnation, but her career is a bit chaotic, in the sense that she is always encountering those that break their word and try to take her power.  She has a belief system that there are those who are just unethical and immoral by nature, and there is her, the upright, upstanding worker.  Do you see the mirror now?  She has drawn a line in the sand with her coworkers in the same way she drew a line in the sand with her husband who cheated in the past life.  In this life, she will keep encountering chaotic work environments until she learns to see the oneness in those who step out of their soul contracts.  She will also need to learn to forgive those who betray her and hold them in their divinity.  She will need to see beyond the mistake and see them for the soul that they are. 

So, you see, you are transmuting energy for energy not action for action.  In this understanding, it will be easier to understand these behaviors you have that seem to have traumatic underpinnings, but the present life may belie otherwise.  Look for areas in your life where it is energy for energy, not action for action. 

One of the things I had a hard time with was that I would always hold on to the idea that I was a good person, so why is this happening to me.  For this wife, she might be thinking precisely the same thing and be unaware that she has the responsibility to transmute this soul lesson. How can we be in recognition of our responsibility?

This is a very good question, for what we will tell you is that there are no accidents. As guides, we often also argue that there are no mistakes.  For the universe does not waste energy.  Never.  Never.  Never.

As humans it is a good habit to always ask, why is this happening for me?  What is my responsibility in this situation that seems wholly unfair to me?  For victims were perpetrators at one point and perpetrators were victims at another point in time. 

In this hypothetical scenario we have set up, has the wife not stolen the power of her ex-husband when she refused to see him for his divinity?  Please do not mistake what we are saying here.  The husband has his own blueprint, he has his own reckoning to deal with that his high self will facilitate.  We are speaking here from the perspective of the wife and what her responsibility is. 

This is a good time to bring up the need to exact justice, which is something else I had to let go of.  When something terrible happens to us, we often want to exact justice at the perpetrator.  Can you speak to this?  How does the karmic justice play out in this scenario?

This is another good insight for it is human nature to want to defend itself.  What we will say, however, is that it is never a good idea to exact justice for it increases the amount of karma that needs to be transmuted.  Let us say, in the hypothetical scenario above that the scorned wife decided to blow up her husband’s car in her anger.  Maybe he loved the car and she wanted him to feel pain.  Well, now she has increased the amount of karma she has to transmute, and this will cause her delays in her own life for the energy available to her will now need to be redirected from more positive actions of manifestation to needing to transmute the karma she created by exacting what she believes to be justice.  It will cause her to feel stuck for some time as she works through this karma.  

Do not get us wrong in the belief that the husband could have cheated and have no consequence.  His high self WILL facilitate him learning the lesson of keeping his word and making the energy whole again.  In the three soul lessons we delineated above, this one has the most energy in it.  So, despite what he might project by way of outward appearance, in his inner life, he will need to pay back this energy. 

Our ultimate point, we hope your readers see this by now, is that there is NEVER a need to exact justice.  In doing so, you will only hold yourselves back.  Those that are stepping out on their soul lessons or what we are calling blueprint in this modality, will have a reckoning facilitated directly by their high self.  This is true for everyone incarnate. 

I have a last question on understanding our responsibility towards the negative things that seems like it is happening to us.  Being unaware that we have a responsibility prolongs the soul lesson and makes the incarnation more difficult than it needs to be.  Do you have any tips for how to become aware of what the soul lesson may be?

There are many ways to facilitate awareness and we would say the easiest one is silent meditation.  Simply think of the difficulty in your mind and set the intention to see the higher view.  Silently meditate for at least twenty minutes and what comes through your mind, even those mindless distractions that you think of are meaningful, will give you clues as to your responsibility. 

I think this is a good place to close this post.  Any last messages for readers of this post?

You have signed up for everything that is happening for you.  It will always assist you to ask, ‘What is my responsibility?’, ‘What is the higher view of this responsibility?’.  In the asking, you will be given clarity.  Look for clues in your present life, for your guides are always communicating with you.  We are with you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  We are infusing you with love and in this recognition, we assist you with gaining clarity.

Thank you for your time!

We send you love in your expansion.