I am addicted to procrastination.  Part of it is my ADHD and the time blindness that comes with.  Another part of it was covered in a post about the late diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) where the guides told those of us with ADHD that we need to do things that bring us joy.  When we are not our most authentic selves, we are often not in flow.   Most people procrastinate at one time or another, even those that don’t have ADHD.  In this post, I ask the guides to help us identify the root cause of our avoidance so we can transmute the pattern of procrastination.

Who will assist us today?  Seraphim, my angelic guides, Kahuna Nui Sebastian, an Ascended Master who specializes in energetics behind the healing journey, and Xavier, my galactic angels are going to guide us today. Beneath the question in italics is exactly what I hear from my guides, verbatim. Since several guides are going to be assisting us today, I will delineate below who is answering the question.

Why do we procrastinate, especially when it hurts us to do so?

Sebastian: Humans procrastinate as a way to avoid.  So, the question is not why are you procrastinating.  It should be, what are you avoiding and why? We wish to delineate the major reasons we see that humans procrastinate.  Now, this is not all inclusive for there are infinite possibilities to the types of blueprints that come to Earth.  However, it provides a framework for readers of this  medium to be able to diagnose the root cause of their avoidance.

The first major cause of procrastination is that humans don’t like the task they are procrastinating on.  We would say eighty percent of the time this is the root cause.  The problem then becomes, how do you complete a task that MUST be completed?  Humans get into trouble when they are rigid in the way in which they approach it.  They must force themselves to do it.  It must be them that does it.  These are belief systems.  We would say that if you removed your rigidity and delegated the task to someone else, it fixes most procrastination that we see. 

The second major cause of procrastination is trauma.  Trauma may come from the current incarnation or a past life.  Usually, there has been trauma around the task that is being avoided for the incarnate soul has a belief that if they performed the task that trauma will befall them again.  This must be dealt with professionally if one is not trained in healing modalities that integrate soul fragments.  We would say seeking some kind of counselling coupled with energetic work of the release will assist those who are procrastinating because of trauma.  

The third and last major cause of procrastination is apathy.  Sometimes, humans are burned out.  They have been taking orders for some time and they just have had enough of it.  Now, we wish to explain how burnout happens energetically.  One gets burned out when one regularly makes inauthentic decisions.  Humans are light, are you not?  When you make inauthentic decisions, you give away your light and decrease your own over time.  You do it enough times and the light in you fades so much you are burned out.  When the light fades significantly, you become apathetic to life because you can’t light your own way.  So, you have difficulty getting excited about the path, for you cannot see your own path.  The antidote to this is to take your power back and begin making authentic decisions.  As you do so, you increase the amount of life in you and you reinvigorate your light.

What about fear of failure?  Is that not a root cause?

Sebastian: This is a variation of the second root cause we delineated above, which is trauma. You are afraid to fail because failure will bring back resonances of a current or past life trauma.  Integrate that trauma and your fear of failure will be transmuted. 

Let’s say that we know which of the three is the major root cause of  our avoidance.  What do we do to stop the procrastination?

Xavier: This is a better question than you understand for what Sebastian has delineated above is the way in which to stop the energy.  It will stop the pattern.  But how do you reverse it based on the framework above?  We will start with apathy for it is the easiest one to address.  When one is burned out, it will take some time to get your life back.  So, there are issues of expectation here, is there not?  That is, you MUST give yourself the time and space to light your life back up.  This is a must for most of you.  It’s important not to be rigid as to how to stop this avoidance for you are being tasked to choose yourself over the inauthentic task. 

When the root cause is trauma, as Sebastian has said, professional help is often warranted.  Someone who is skilled in soul integration or inner child retrieval or similar modalities will assist greatly.  In this instance, it is also important to give yourself the time and space to HEAL.  This is often not a one and done situation. It will often require commitment on your part to transmute the trauma so choosing your healing first is a must. 

The last root cause is actually the most complex for the reason that there are varied and diverse reasons for which you may dislike a task.  So the antidote here is to discern.  Is the task recurring?  Can it be delegated?  Why do you dislike it?  Perhaps, there are different ways to do the task such that you will actually like it?  If this is the root cause of your procrastination and avoidance, experiment with what might work.  Speak to the high self or the future self to see what has worked in future instances of yourself. 

What if you don’t know the root cause of your procrastination yet?  How can we discern?

Serpahim: Most have an idea what the root cause is.  Understand that it might be a confluence of root causes for as Sebastian has alluded to, blueprints are diverse and varied and can be very complex artifacts, especially for those who are old souls.  Simply stating, for old souls, you have met many of the soul lessons available to humans such that your blueprint only contains a confluence of lessons.  So, watch out for this if you may think you are an old soul.  For those who are truly stumped, getting into the channeling state in meditation will assist you in the discernment necessary to diagnose the root cause.

For those with ADHD or a multidimensional brain, what is the connection to how our brain is wired differently and procrastination?

Xavier: It boils down to your brain needing to be in joy.  So, we are going to be honest with many of you who are older souls: it is challenging to be in joy in a boring world.  However, you came in to be wayshowers, doers, innovators, change-makers.  So make the change you signed up to make and you will be reinvigorated.  This often requires that you think different and be brave in that difference. 

When I procrastinate, I think about the task incessantly but can’t face the task.  What should we do in this instance?

Sebastian: This is good insight for if this happens, it is a good indication that you are dealing with trauma.  So, go within and ask, who inside of me cannot face the task?  Who is so traumatized they cannot face it?  We reiterate that it could be a present or past life trauma.  Be open to what comes and if the trauma is particularly severe, seek professional help in a modality that resonates with you.

Other times I procrastinate, I distract myself with anything and everything other than the task that must be done.  This is very common with people with ADHD.  What should we do when this is our style of procrastination? 

Xavier: We wish to address those with ADHD.  When this occurs, the task is inauthentic to you, so your brain looks for joy.  Your brain strongly looks for joy.  Do you see this?  It has very low tolerance of not being in joy, so choosing a profession you are passionate in is key to distractibility.  Choosing tasks that you find joyful is key to being in flow. 

Sebastian: For those without and with ADHD, this can also be an indication of apathy and burnout.  You do not wish to do the task and distract yourself becasuse what you are distracting yourself with gives you light and what you are avoiding is decreasing your light.  Understand that the human soul naturally wishes to light its way, not dim its way.  So it will chose light over dark and this is why you avoid. 

Sometimes procrastination can be so severe it leads to undesired results that can be quite serious.  What can we do when this happens?

Sebastian: Procrastination has levels for it is, simply stated, a point of integration of a soul fragment.  When you ignore the first instance of procrastination, it creates energy, discordant energy.   You ignore another instance of it and do not address the root cause, that discordant energy gains traction.  You keep ignoring the root cause and at some point you have manifested an undesired event for you allowed the energy to gain so much traction that it becomes a tangible event in your life.  So, the antidote here is to not ignore the levels of procrastination and be brave in addressing the root cause.

However, we would say that if the adverse event has already occurred that it is important to integrate the feelings you have about the adverse event and move on.  We understand that this is easier said than done, however, it is what needs to be done.  There is only acceptance and integration to be done at this point.  If you do not integrate your adverse feelings of the event, it will re-occur until you face the root cause.  Do you understand this? For you signed up to learn what you need to learn in your blueprint and the high self will make it so. 

I think there has been a lot of information offered here.  I think this is a good place to close this post.  Any last messages for readers of this post?

Seraphim: You are always supported in your journey.  Call in your guides and angels and it will be so.  You can always call on these energies to assist you in your integration. 

Thank you very much for your time!

Xavier: We are sending you energy from the ethers and supporting you in your journey.  We are here, we are there, we can be everywhere at once.  Call on these energies and it will be so.