I recently did some energy work at Egmont Key State Park off the coast of Tampa Bay in Florida.  When I left the remote island, I was extremely tired and fatigued. I believe this is due to the intense energy work from a portal or energetic power spot.  So, I asked the guides to explain what happens in our body when we do energy work and to give us some tips on how to cope with these symptoms.

Who will assist us today?  Seraphim, my angelic guides, Kahuna Nui Dolores, an Ascended Master who specializes in the energetic work for quantum ascension, and Kahuna Nui Sebastian, an Ascended Master who specializes in past life regressions through time and space and the energetic work for healing.  Beneath the question in italics is exactly what I hear from the guides, verbatim. Since several guides are going to be assisting us today, I will delineate below who is answering the question.

What is happening to our body when we do energetic work?

Sebastian: When one does energy work, several things occur.  We wish to give base scenarios for there are many possibilities and we wish to simplify a very complex topic.  Before we get there, we wish to explain the energetic basis of the body.  You are mostly energy. Do you understand this?  When energy becomes very tight and concentrated, it becomes matter.  So, before you are matter, a physical body, you are energy.

The physical body is then just streams of energy, is it not?  When energy work is done, what occurs is that you are being cleaned up energetically.  So, those streams of energy that are of lower vibration are falling away or being scrubbed to its higher vibration.  This is fundamentally changing the cellular memory of the body for before you are a bunch of cells that form a body, you are a bunch of energy that form cells.  When the energy that comprises of the cellular memory of the body is cleaned, inevitably those cells evolve to their higher vibration and in that evolution, there are descension symptoms.

Can you explain descension symptoms?

Seraphim: Descension symptoms are what we call the symptoms that occur when the energy of the cellular memory of the body is cleaned. Descension symptoms can be any physical symptom you feel that you attribute to dis-ease.  We wish to caution readers of this post in that it is important to listen to your body when doing energetic work.  It is also important to work with doctors who are open minded to alternative means of energetic medicine, if you wish to engage in energy work.  Fundamentally, this is about discerning the right practitioner to work with and this is your work to do.  When energetic work becomes too intense, it often creates a healing crisis for the cellular memory of the body is changing faster than the body can keep up with.  So, it creates a healing crisis to signal its need for rest.

What are the most common descension symptoms and what can be done about it?

Dolores: The most common symptom of energy work is fatigue or tiredness.  This can range anywhere from feeling more tired than usual to sleeping for hours on end.  This occurs because the soul needs all of its energy to do the ascension work in the cellular level.  The tiredness is useful in slowing you down so most of your energy is used to clean up the cellular memory of the body.  If you fight this tiredness, often times what occurs is that you take away energy from the energetic work for ascension and as a result, you truncate your energetic healing or prolong it, depending on what is in the blueprint.

The second most common symptom of energy work is crying.  It’s important not to stuff your tears for the tears usually indicate a release of trauma from the cellular memory of the body.  It’s important to allow the crying and tears to release for in that allowance, you free yourself of past or present life trauma that is sitting in the cellular memory of the body.

The third most common symptom of energy work is dehydration for water is the fuel for energy work.  When energy work is particularly intense, the body will seek to be hydrated intensely for water is what fuels the release from the cellular memory of the body.  When undertaking energy work, it is important to stay hydrated with water that is of fairly high vibration.  This means that the water has not absorbed any negative vibration from being stored or transported.  To ensure this, you can simply clear out the energy of the water either through the use of sage, reiki, or by simply asking your guides to clear out the water before you drink it.  This is a very important step for if the water is energetically dirty, it causes the energy work delays for we also have to clean the water before it can be used in energy work.

There are many other descension symptoms.  To understand these other descension symptoms, focus on where it is in the body and ask on the inner, what is causing this pain or this symptom? Replace this pain and this symptom with the actual pains and symptoms you are feeling.  You will get an answer.  In this answer, you can discern what can be done with the descension symptom.

When I do energetic work, sometimes I can’t sleep at night.  Is this also a descension symptom?

Dolores: We would say that this is not necessarily a descension symptom in the sense that the symptom is not about the clearing of the cellular memory of the body as its root.  What is happening here is the nervous system gets activated because of the intense energy work happening.  When the nervous system is not calm, the appropriate hormones that induces sleep cannot be made by the body.  What would assist in this instance for most cases but not all is to increase intake of magnesium to calm the nervous system.  It is always best to get nutrients naturally from food.  If that is not possible, supplementation may assist but we recommend that you consult your doctor if this is the route you choose.

How do we decide if we should go to a doctor?

Sebastian: To be conservative, we will say it is always prudent to go to a doctor when cost is not an issue.  We also wish to say that discerning the right practitioner for you as has already been said is very important.  Healing is a co-creative exercise and if your partner in this co-creation is inherently resistant, then it blocks your healing.  So, this is your responsibility to ensure that you are in co-creation with the right practitioner.

Now that we have said that, we will concede that most descension symptoms do not require a doctor’s visit.  You have a knowing within you as to whether or not a doctor is warranted.  We would say that when pain is involved, a visit to the doctor may be prudent.  So, again, this is your responsibility to discern and it is important not to let the ego mind get involved.  Feel into it and from there, discern as to whether or not a visit to the doctor is necessary.

Any last messages before we close this post?

Seraphim: It is important to discern for yourself the pace of your ascension.  On the Earth plane, there is a belief that faster is better.  This is not true for if you do not integrate each energetic ascension you take, it actually takes longer to raise your vibration than if you had balance in your energetic work. So, be prudent with the way in which you discern what is best for you.  Listen to your body.  If there are still descension symptoms lingering, perhaps taking a break from intense energy work is warranted.  If you regularly integrate the energetic work that you do, you will ascend much faster than if you did not and cause a healing crises.

Thank you very much!

Dolores: We are omniponent and are everywhere and anywhere at once.  Call on these energies for assistance and it will be so.  We are sending you unconditional love from the highest vibrations available on the Earth plane and we support you in love in your journey.