This post is not directly channeled, however, it comes from the teachings of my guides.  In this post, I thought I would write about some of the things I am learning about how to transmute soul fragments.  As you progress through your blueprint, ascend further and begin to embody higher dimensional aspects of your soul, it begins to take a great deal of awareness to transmute some of the most difficult soul fragments.

Why integration opens up your multidimensional capabilities

Portions of our soul fragment from the whole of the embodied soul when we experience trauma in this life or in another past life. In fact, the saying, “I feel shattered” when one goes through a traumatic event is illustrative of what occurs on soul level when we experience trauma.  These soul fragments are being held down by substantial amounts of energy within our chakra system so we do not re-experience their trauma day in and day out.  When they ‘go home’ or reintegrate back into the oversoul or the embodied soul, it frees up substantial amounts of energy that can now be used to run multidimensional energy, either to access our psychic abilities or for manifestation.  At some point, you transmute enough of these soul fragments that you have extra energy available.  This extra energy is critical to be able to run the energy for any of the clairs.  One becomes psychic when they have enough extra energy to be able to process the energy packets that are sent by their guides and these energy packets can travel within the energetic body from chakra to chakra unimpeded.  This is why integrating these soul fragments and freeing up the energy they take up is often key to opening up psychicly to your guides.

My guides have explained that soul fragments are kept within our energetic system, specifically within our chakras.  At some point we have transmuted and integrated enough of these soul fragments such that parts of our chakras can unify, eventually activitating the column of light in the spine.  There is a book called ‘What is the Lightbody?‘  that explains this process.  My guides have said that this book is a bit dated. Nonetheless, I do not know of another book that explains this process.  When the column of light in your spine integrates, your body is on the cusp of becoming a fifth dimensionary vehicle because the unified chakra is the precursor for the integration of your lightbody.  To be clear, my guides have explained that just because the light body has not yet integrated, it doesn’t mean that it does not exist.  It does, but it might not be integrated within the physical body.  That is, you need to perform the soul integration process so the fifth dimensionary aspects of the soul can be embodied, thus integrating the lightbody.  When the lightbody integrates, it comes with the requisite multidimensional gifts of that part of the soul.  Then, life truly becomes magical on a day to day basis.  The level of consciousness you begin to have access to is vast and frankly, nothing short of magical.

To be clear, you do not need to have the lightbody integrated to be psychic.  There are many pathways to opening up.  This is only one of those pathways.  It truly depends on the curiculum you have set forth in your blueprint.  If you want to open up, my suggestion for you is to ask the universe to open up your psychic gifts and in this asking, they will show you what needs to be integrated to make it so.

Awareness is Key to Opening up to our Multidimensionality

It seems obvious that awareness and integrating our soul fragments is the key to opening up to our multidimensional psychic abilities.  However, discerning from our center, from our truth, and distinguishing this truth from what is a soul fragment is not always as easy as it seems.  How do we get to our center, our truth, when the soul fragments hold a lot of energy and are literally screaming at us, energetically, to do the opposite of what we need to do?   There are several ways.  Awareness can often be very tricky when soul fragments are holding so much energy that they may have the ability to misrepresent right view or belief, right action, and right timing.  In my experience, this usually means that some grave trauma befell us in a past life or we repeated the behavior in multiple lifetimes because we empowered the belief system that the soul fragment holds.

Silent Meditation heightens our awareness

The first way to discern what our truth is, what the right path may be, is through silent meditation.  Now, there are many books on silent meditation and they are all valid.  But one thing I never read about is how to transmute soul fragments through silent meditation.

1) Set an intention for your meditation

The first thing you want to do before you silently meditate is to set an intention.  You can set an intention to integrate a particular soul fragment or to understand the root cause of a specific soul lesson.  You can also set an intention to manifest something and ask to be shown what belief systems are getting in the way of the law of attraction.  Where does your vibration need to elevate in order to manifest your desires?

2) Set a timer for at least 20 minutes and set up your environment for silent meditation.

After you have set your intention, take some time to set up the environment of your meditation.  This may entail setting up a timer.  Personally, I use Insight Timer.  These meditations usually take at least 20 minutes, however, they can last to up to an hour or two, depending on how deep the soul fragment is and how much they need to impart to you.  You can also use any candles that may assist your intention.  I am a huge fan of House of Intention candles because they have worked for me beautifully in the past and my guides have confirmed that these candles create mini vortexes for our intentions. You can also incorporate crystals into your meditation.  Intuit the use of crystals rather than intellectually thinking it through.  Usually one or two crystal works more beautifully than many crystals.  That is, the more crystals you use the more confused the energy usually becomes.  Again, intuit the use of crystals.  There are no hard and fast rules and your intuition is usually your best guide.  Lastly, Solfeggio Frequencies have often assisted me in transmuting soul fragments.  Again, intuit what frequency will be useful.  Take the time to set up your meditation and it will center you much faster than if you didn’t.  I give many suggestions of amping up the energy here and it is tempting to use many of these all at once.  However, I am here to tell you that is probably not a good idea.  One or two supplements will usually do and will make the energy much more focused than when using too many at once.

My guides have taught me that water is the fuel for energy work.  With that said, make sure you stay hydrated during this exercise.  Drink water before the meditation and keep water on hand during the meditation.  If you feel yourself becoming severely dehydrated, stop the meditation and hydrate.  This is usually an indication that you are running out of chi energy and need to do this exercise in phases.  Do not push yourself too hard because it may elicit a healing crisis.

3) Be aware during the meditation and engage with the soul fragments

Take a few minutes to get yourself centered until you can feel energy running through you.  For some, this shows up as an involuntary, but gentle swaying of the head or upper body, either left to right or up and down.  For others, it may simply show up as a centered and grounded feeling that can be felt as tingles in the crown or throughout the body.  However it shows up for you, honor the few minutes it takes to get to this centered space.  Getting to this channeling state is important because it heightens and ‘cleans’ our ability to discern our awareness.

Some meditation instructions will tell you that when your mind begins to travel that you should silence it.  You should not do this during this exercise because the soul fragment is making itself known to you in the beginning. Engage with what comes through, however negative it is.  Also, discern if what is coming through is the truth that you hold deep within your center or if it is a soul fragment making known what it needs from you.  What you can do in this part of the meditation is ask questions to be able to discern what the soul fragment needs you to know.  The goal is to get to the root cause of the trauma and to acknowledge that root cause to transmute it and eventually integrate parts of the soul fragment.

Is it guidance or a belief system that needs to be transmuted?  To know, ask on the inner, ‘Is this my truth?’  You will get an answer.  If you don’t hear the answer as words or see it as pictures, your high self will communicate with you through feelings.  That is, what feeling comes through right after you ask ‘Is this my truth?’  Is it positive?  Is it negative?  What is the exact feeling?  Remorse?  Guilt?  Shame?  Pride?  Self Righteousness?  These are all indicative of a soul fragment.  The high self feels and sounds neutral.  Even when the high self is telling you it is proud of you, it says it in a neutral manner, like as a matter of fact.  Anything that is not within this neutral territory is usually a soul fragment that needs transmutation.  When you are able to identify the belief systems that the soul fragment is holding that has caused it to be fragmented, begin to engage with this information and ask the soul fragment what it needs from you to go back to its wholeness.

Judgements, however innocuous, are usually mirrors.  If during this exercise you begin to have thoughts that are external to yourself, especially when those thoughts are judgements of others, understand that this may be a mirror that the soul fragment is using to get you to be aware of their needs.  It is also useful to know that advice is a form of judgement, so when you begin to give advice in your head to some third party, understand that this may be a mirror to your own soul integration.  Begin to call out these judgements and ask the soul fragment what they wish you to know.

For example, how this has showed up for me is that when I first started law school, one of my thoughts was this was so hard that it should be yet another accomplishment, not simply an experience that facilitated my ascension of building a vocabulary that will assist others.  The key here is that the thought was not neutral.  Sure, taking on a graduate program is something to be proud of.  However, when that pride is not neutral, when it is not coming from the centered energy of the high self, it is a soul fragment.  That is, when that pride is unspokenly about the exclusion of those who choose not to take on graduate work, it is a soul fragment.  I hope you see this.  When you are proud of yourself because you did something others did not do, it is a soul fragment.  So, it is to engage with that judgement of the other who did not do what you did or to engage with the one within who needs to feel special at the expense of exclusion of others.  I hope you see how tricky this can be.  It is not to take away from anyone’s hard work but it is to say that ‘scrubbing’ the energy will make you feel even prouder of yourself that is coming from deep within from the high self.  You will feel special because you exist not as a condition of something external to yourself.

Asking, ‘What is my responsibility?’ transmutes truly victimized orphans who went through grave trauma.  I have had a lot of soul fragments from past lives that were imprisoned simply for being poor. I also had other soul fragments from past lives who assisted many people from dire situations but in the end were persecuted for their psychic abilities, and no one came to their aid, not even those they assisted.  Now, these soul fragments truly feel victimized for good reason.  However, staying in that victimized state won’t allow them to integrate.  In these cases, it was important for me to ask, ‘what is my responsibility?’  To being imprisoned?  To being persecuted for doing good? In the lives I was imprisoned, I choose those lives to learn how to harness energy for my freedom.  It was an advanced lesson.  Unless I could forgive my victimizers, I could not reach the right level of vibration to harness the energy for my freedom.  That is, the dire situation was necessary for me to understand how to make the quantum leap from a very dire situation.  This understanding allowed me to forgive the circumstances, see it as gift, and finally integrate these orphans.  Now, for the soul fragments that were persecuted, this follows from those that were imprisoned.  In some cases when I was imprisoned, I was assaulted so badly, I vowed never to forgive and to exact justice.  The guides have taught me that it is never a good idea to exact justice for the universe will always do it for us by the law of karma.  The need for us to exact justice is clearly a soul lesson that needs to be transmuted.  What I needed to learn in these past lives is that I needed to learn how to forgive people’s lack of compassion and in some cases their unawareness to their complicity of making me the other.  It was also a mirror for this life in assigning hiearchy to people and accomplishments.  So, in knowing what our responsibility is to our victimization, it allows us to transmute those soul fragments because it points us to the root cause or root belief of what caused fragmentation to begin with.  It also gives us information as to what action transmutation requires.  In my case, it required that I forgive everyone in my past and current life that I have felt victimized me.

It’s important to note that nothing ever happens to us that is outside of us.  We attract everything to ourselves.  If there was no point of attraction, then it wouldn’t be happening to us or if it did, it would not trigger us.  In the latter case, when something is happening to us for which we are not triggered, we have usually been chosen to be a teacher in that situation.  We are chosen, in many cases, to also show us that we have completely transmuted the soul fragment.  It a kind of congratulations or kudos from the high self.

Whenever you find yourself pointing the root cause to a third party, however valid you believe it is in the moment, this is a good indication that it is time to ask, ‘what is my responsibility?’ to this situation, feeling, or soul integration.  This will allow you to understand not only the point of attraction of the soul fragment but also, hopefully, get to the root cause/belief and thus, transmute the soul fragment completely.  Again, it is always important to remind ourselves that if it is happening to us, there is a point of attraction on the inner that causes the triggering event.

Allow the soul fragment to grieve the trauma that occured.  When soul fragments experienced extreme trauma in this life or a past life, they deserve to have someone acknowledge their victimization, the unfortunate circumstances of their trauma.  That is, it is important for the adult or big self to honor what the soul fragment went through, the difficulty of it, the injustice, and exactly how brave they needed to be to get through it.  This goes hand in hand with asking what our responsibility is to a particular soul fragment and this can be tricky.  The acknowledgement or honoring is important for it often serves to pull out the root of the soul fragment so that it does not grow back or repeat the pattern in your current life.   So, it is to acknowledge that the soul fragment was a victim, for just a brief moment.  If you are indeed ready to pull out the root of this soul fragment, you will not dwell on the victimization for long.  If the soul fragment does not integrate right away and begins to play out alternative scenarios that should have been but could realistically not be for we cannot change the past, then you have to go back to the prior step and get clear as to what your responsibility was to the victimization.  When soul fragments begin to negotiate alternative pasts that should have been, wishing what actually occurred did not occur, there has not yet been acceptance.  Which means that they do not yet know the root cause of the trauma.  Get to this root cause so that you can eventually pull out the root.  One way to do that is to go back to asking what your responsibility is.

4) A feeling of neutrality, of joy and unconditional love, will begin to permeate you during meditation

When you are able to do this process and integrate a soul fragment substantially, usually a feeling of peacefulness follows.  It is what I imagine gurus and channels call the feeling of ‘joy’ or ‘unconditional love.’  It is a beautiful and indescribable feeling of utter rightness in the moment.  It is in this moment that I often get the deepest guidance.  Once you get through all the blocks we discussed above, the high self or your guides may come through and begin to get you onto your next path of whatever you wish to manifest.  It is hard work to get to this phase, so make use of the time you are in this vibration and simply relish in the energy and enjoy it.  You can also ask your most pointed questions for your high self or your guides.  Over time, as you integrate more and more, you will be able to communicate with your guides without having to get to this channeling state.

Awareness, Discernment, and Soul Integration is an Ongoing Experience

It may take several rounds of doing this silent meditation before you get to #4 above.  My suggestion is not to give up and keep integrating the soul fragments as we discussed above, even when you are not in silent meditation.  That is, whenever you have judgements in your day to day existence, ask what is it mirroring?  Further, when you begin to feel sorry for yourself and we all do from time to time, ask ‘what is my responsibility’ to what is happening to me?  Doing this regularly, integrates soul fragments little by little and is really critical for the most stubborn of soul fragments.  For these boulders, we often have to chip away at it slowly before we have enough energy to totally carry it out.

What I wish I knew before I opened up is the fact that soul integration is an ongoing process and it gets trickier and trickier at each point of integration because your ability to discern exponentiates.  So, in some ways, the universe expects more from you than prior to the integration.  One thing that has kept me going, is to tell myself that if I am going through a particularly difficulty soul fragment, that I have in some cases earned it, in the sense that it is being put in front of me because I am now capable of transmutation.  This perspective has allowed me to be grateful for the opportunity to integrate soul fragments and look forward to the gifts that integration brings.  And it is a gift, because I have never in my life felt this grounded into my soul and felt this comfortable about myself.  What I wish to leave you with is the idea that soul integration is an ongoing process but not to see it as never-ending work but rather points of gratefulness that activates truly magical multidimensional capabilities.