The Universe is always conspiring in your favor.


Author: Maricar

Releasing Resistance to Your Biggest Possibility

Why would you resist your biggest possibility? Well, most people believe they do not resist their biggest possibility, yet they do not live lives that are truly their highest excitement. The truth is many people do not know when they are resisting their biggest possibility, and this is what we wish to assist you in this teaching.

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Envisioning for 2025

Envisioning is the process of seeing some joyful vision in your mind’s eye, first, then allowing the universe to assist you in making that vision into physical reality. Envisioning is a spiritual art that requires the utmost soul centeredness. Again, we will repeat that because it is very important. To properly envision, it requires the utmost soul-centeredness.

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Why Do We Fear Success?

When an aspect of self has been hurt by your success, then it begins to conspire against you to be successful. How can this be? There are many variations of different blueprints but we will highlight those reasons that are relevant to those who will eventually read this message. Soul fragments can become disenchanted with success when that success has been hurtful to them. This includes behaviors such as overworking, pushing too hard, taking actions beyond the limits of authenticity of the soul centered self, and substantial people pleasing to earn that success.

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X – How to Make a Quantum Leap by Being Grateful for Self

We want to teach you all today how to be grateful for yourself.  Before we do that, we want to explain to you, energetically, why this is important.  Imagine that your energetic body is a ball of energy.  This ball of energy has a set point of vibration.  Within this vibration, there are frequencies you can access.  Gratefulness ascends you to the highest frequency you are capable of and beyond that.  Gratefulness is that thing which raises your frequency.  When you raise your frequency enough, it has the potential to raise your vibration, your set point of magnetism in this life.  This is why gratefulness is important and why we want to teach you how to make a quantum leap through your gratefulness.

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