The Universe is always conspiring in your favor.


Category: Seraphim

Choosing Freedom

How, then, do you choose freedom? You choose freedom by being your most authentic self. Truly. You choose freedom by being your most authentic self. At your soul center, you always know what that is. If at your soul center, you feel a bit uncomfortable with some decision, if there is a wobble, if you feel that there are aspects of you that are being left behind by this decision, then that decision is not yet fully authentic

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When the Shadow is the Personality

What we are pointing you to is to become aware of what drives the personality. Is what drives the personality inspiration? Or is what drives the personality motivation? What is the difference? When you are inspired, you do simply because you must and you must because being in joy in not negotiable to you. When you are motivated, you do because you must and you must because it is better than some alternative. Do you see the difference?

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Awakening From Within

[R]emember what we said, there is no space in you that have no light. This means that spaces in you that are fragmented, that is, those spaces in you that are part light and part shadow, have within their construction the answer to the shadow. Do you understand this? A soul fragment consists of part light and part shadow. Therefore, embedded in the soul fragment is the light that will transmute it. We hope in this teaching you begin to have awe for the sheer intelligence of the universe. Embedded in the soul fragment is the light that will transmute it. In other words, the obstacle is, in fact, the way.

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What You Learn From Failure

We want to teach you all today what you can learn from failure. That is, many who are stupendously successful understand that mastering failure is a prerequisite to success. However, some discourses on your plane that espouses a conventional view of success often belie a reality where, more often than not, breakthroughs are facilitated by severe breakdowns, or what some of you reading this perceive to be failure.

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Why Do We Fear Success?

When an aspect of self has been hurt by your success, then it begins to conspire against you to be successful. How can this be? There are many variations of different blueprints but we will highlight those reasons that are relevant to those who will eventually read this message. Soul fragments can become disenchanted with success when that success has been hurtful to them. This includes behaviors such as overworking, pushing too hard, taking actions beyond the limits of authenticity of the soul centered self, and substantial people pleasing to earn that success.

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X – How to Move Forward After Rebirth

Rebirth, as we have taught you all in the past, is a substantial change in one’s energetic body. That is, the energetic body is so transformed such that it is unrecognizable compared to its previous form. This means that the energetic body’s point of attraction in nearly all areas of life or in one deep area of life is completely changed.

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Why Friendship Connections are Severed in an Awakening Experience

Understand that humans are a bundle of connections.  The reality you experience are facilitated by bundles of energetic connections.  Why did you get that car?  You were in agreement to its various components and benefits.  Why are you friends with a particular person?  You are in agreement to their soul centeredness as well as their soul fragmentations.  Sometimes, you are a mirror for them and other times, you are a complement to them.  That is, sometimes you show them who they are and other times, you come in as a kind of helper to assist them in transmuting and releasing their soul fragmentation or to assist in some kind of manifestation by co-creative agreement. 

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How to Transmute Shame in the Body

Shame is an energy that is deeply lodged within the cellular memory of the body. What do we mean by this? We mean that there is a level of automaticity in the body as it relates to those things, circumstances, and events that remind the body and soul of the shame it experienced in this life or in another life. If there is a great deal of avoidance in one’s life, if there is some level of incapacity in one area of life, be it in relationships, career, or something else, it might be indicative of an experience in the soul’s life where they felt deeply shamed.

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The Root Cause of Self-Hate

If the personality persists in making decisions that is in diametrical opposition to their soul centeredness, then the aspect that has become apathetic becomes resentful. Should the personality keep on persisting, then the aspect’s resentfulness will begin to bleed into self-hate. At some point, the high self cannot allow self-hate energy to keep aggregating into the energetic body because it will cause the person’s vibration to lower, so they will usually call a triggering event to stop the individual from persisting in making decisions and taking actions that are in diametrical opposition to their soul centeredness.

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