Category: Attachment
Discerning Between the Need for Validation and Tru...
Posted by Maricar | Jun 14, 2023 | Ascension, Attachment, Jacqui, Rigidity, Self Love, Soul Fragmentation | 0
Overcoming an Attachment to an Identity of Conventional Success
by Maricar | Mar 6, 2025 | Abandonment, Attachment, Metatron, Self Love, Soul Fragmentation | 0
You are a wayshower. When you are a wayshower, sometimes conventional success will elude you. Why? It is because being a wayshower sometimes requires you to be unconventional and when you regularly seek the validation that comes with conventional success, it may derail your pathway to becoming the wayshower that you are. Do you see this?
Read MoreThe Road to Recovery from an Addiction to Validation
by Maricar | Dec 15, 2023 | Attachment, Metatron, Self Love, Seraphim, Soul Fragmentation, Xavier | 0
I woke up this morning and felt guided to ask the guides about this topic. Let’s see what...
Read MoreX – How to Release Attachment to Identity
by Maricar | Dec 12, 2023 | Ascension, Attachment, Authenticity, Avoidance, Awareness, Procrastination, X | 0
We come forward with a message for you all today to teach you how to release your attachment to identity. Before we do that, we wish to educate you on what identity is. Identity is the first level of attachment, you understand? I am the one who is good at school. I am the one who is bad at school. I am the rebel. I am the saint. I am the one who strives. I am the one who takes it easy. I am the one who reaches my potential at all costs. I am the one who avoids my potential at all costs. What we hope you see in these statements is that you are not always aware you hold a certain identity. Almost no human gets up in the morning wanting to harm themselves, yet many of you do by holding on to identities that do not serve you. I am the one who _________. This is identity. You feel you must be this person. There is nothing wrong with some of these statements, yes, but what needs to clear is your unguarded attachment to these identities, to your identities that no longer serve you.
Read MoreReframing Failure to Make a Quantum Leap
by Maricar | Jun 28, 2023 | Attachment, Failure, Metatron, Quantum Leap, Raphael, Rigidity, Self Love, Seraphim, Soul Fragmentation | 0
I have failed quite a bit in academic settings. I was dismissed from the first university I...
Read MoreDiscerning Between the Need for Validation and True Self-Love
by Maricar | Jun 14, 2023 | Ascension, Attachment, Jacqui, Rigidity, Self Love, Soul Fragmentation | 0
The guides suggested that we do a post about discerning between being validated and self-love. ...
Read MoreGetting Unstuck – How to Move Forward When You Don’t Have Clarity
by Maricar | Jun 3, 2023 | Attachment, Crystal Guides, Discernment, Growth Interference Quartz, Resistance, Rigidity, Sebastian, Soul Fragmentation, Stuck, Xavier | 0
A few years ago, I came back home to Hawaii after spending most of my most formative professional...
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