Category: Failure
What You Learn From Failure
by Maricar | Jan 23, 2025 | Failure, Quantum Leap, Rebirth, Self Love, Seraphim, Soul Fragmentation | 0
We want to teach you all today what you can learn from failure. That is, many who are stupendously successful understand that mastering failure is a prerequisite to success. However, some discourses on your plane that espouses a conventional view of success often belie a reality where, more often than not, breakthroughs are facilitated by severe breakdowns, or what some of you reading this perceive to be failure.
Read MoreReframing Failure to Make a Quantum Leap
by Maricar | Jun 28, 2023 | Attachment, Failure, Metatron, Quantum Leap, Raphael, Rigidity, Self Love, Seraphim, Soul Fragmentation | 0
I have failed quite a bit in academic settings. I was dismissed from the first university I...
Read MoreWhen Procrastination Hurts – How can we Transmute the Root Cause of Severe Avoidance?
by Maricar | Aug 4, 2022 | ADHD, Avoidance, Burnout, Failure, Procrastination, Sebastian, Seraphim, Soul Fragmentation, Trauma, Xavier | 0
I am addicted to procrastination. Part of it is my ADHD and the time blindness that comes with. ...
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- Abandonment
- Admissions
- Alchemical Matrix
- Allow
- Anger
- Ascension
- Astrology
- Attachment
- Authenticity
- Avoidance
- Awareness
- Blueprint
- Burnout
- Career Change
- Courses
- Crystal Guides
- Crystals
- Dimensions
- Discernment
- Dolores
- Failure
- Fear
- Forgiveness
- George
- Grad School
- Gratefulness
- Growth Interference Quartz
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- Imposter Syndrome
- Intentions
- Jacqui
- Jordan
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- Law School
- Learning Disability
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- Luminous Body
- Manifestation
- Meditation
- Mental Health
- Metatron
- Middleway Guides
- Multidimensionality
- Passion
- Past Life
- Poverty Consciousness
- Procrastination
- Psychic Abilities
- Psychic Readings
- Quantum Leap
- Raphael
- Rebirth
- Reference
- Resistance
- Rigidity
- Sebastian
- Self Love
- Seraphim
- Shame
- Soul Fragmentation
- Spirit Guides
- Stuck
- Toros
- Trauma
- Videos
- Vocation
- X
- Xavier