Category: Rigidity
Reframing Failure to Make a Quantum Leap
Posted by Maricar | Jun 28, 2023 | Attachment, Failure, Metatron, Quantum Leap, Raphael, Rigidity, Self Love, Seraphim, Soul Fragmentation | 0
Discerning Between the Need for Validation and Tru...
Posted by Maricar | Jun 14, 2023 | Ascension, Attachment, Jacqui, Rigidity, Self Love, Soul Fragmentation | 0
X – Navigating Crossroads
What we will do in this message is to prepare you for the coming New Year. The New Year is a good time for new beginnings, to access the rebirth of the completions of this year 2023, which has been, for many of you, a year of clearing out those things that no longer serve your highest good. It’s important for you to honor the hard inner work that has been elicited in this year of 2023. You moved substantial amounts of energies, some that have been very old and have held you back for multiple incarnations. You see, Earth is preparing for a renaissance of itself and to do that, it must assist you in shedding these energies that no longer serve you or humanity. For in shedding these energies, you rise and everyone rises. You see, when one of you rises, all of you rise. We will repeat that because it is very important. When one of you rises, all of you rise. This is because you are all One.
Read MoreHow our Judgements Breed Rigidity
by Maricar | Jul 4, 2023 | Awareness, Karma, Rigidity, Sebastian, Self Love, Seraphim, Soul Fragmentation | 0
As humans, you are very magnetic. You will magnetize to you those situations that allow you to learn what you need to learn according to your blueprint or whatever karmic lessons you have decided to learn in this lifetime. We will repeat because it is very important. Humans are very magnetic. The people that you attract and that are attracted to you are not random. If there was no point of attraction, they would not be in your life. We repeat, the people in your lives are not random. If there was no point of attraction, they would not be in your life. So, if they are, there is a reason.
Read MoreReframing Failure to Make a Quantum Leap
by Maricar | Jun 28, 2023 | Attachment, Failure, Metatron, Quantum Leap, Raphael, Rigidity, Self Love, Seraphim, Soul Fragmentation | 0
I have failed quite a bit in academic settings. I was dismissed from the first university I...
Read MoreDiscerning Between the Need for Validation and True Self-Love
by Maricar | Jun 14, 2023 | Ascension, Attachment, Jacqui, Rigidity, Self Love, Soul Fragmentation | 0
The guides suggested that we do a post about discerning between being validated and self-love. ...
Read MoreGetting Unstuck – How to Move Forward When You Don’t Have Clarity
by Maricar | Jun 3, 2023 | Attachment, Crystal Guides, Discernment, Growth Interference Quartz, Resistance, Rigidity, Sebastian, Soul Fragmentation, Stuck, Xavier | 0
A few years ago, I came back home to Hawaii after spending most of my most formative professional...
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