The guides actually suggested this topic, so let’s see what they would like to teach us today.

Who will assist us today?  Seraphim, my angelic guides, Metatron, an angel of alchemical mastery, Xavier, my galactic angels that specializes in creator energy, Kahuna Nui Sebastian, an Ascended Master who specializes in past life regressions through time and space and the energetic work for healing, and Kahuna Nui Dolores, an Ascended Master who specializes in the energetic work for quantum ascension, will assist us today.  Beneath the question in italics is exactly what I hear from the guides, verbatim.

What are the different types of quantum leaps humans can make?  What do each type of quantum leap do in terms of meeting our soul lessons or ascending?

Seraphim: This is a good place to start.  There are five kinds of quantum leaps we wish to teach you today.  So, let’s get started. 

1. Clearing of Energy

Seraphim: We have spoken of this kind of quantum leap before elsewhere on this website.  The universe takes into account every thought and action that you have.  It records everything.  So, when a soul lesson is repeated, it aggregates the energy of that soul lesson in the body.  It’s the same soul lesson, but because it has been repeated multiple times, energetically, it packs a punch in the body.  This shows up as a blockage or a dark shadow in the person’s life.  In this part of the person’s blueprint, the person is always hazy, unable to make decisions easily, and has difficulty seeing the horizon of the soul lesson.  That is because the light in this part of the body is marred by repeated offenses of this soul lesson.

Once the lesson has been learned, however, that is, the person is aware of their responsibility to the offense, it is not necessary to keep relearning the lesson.  It is, however, necessary to drain all the energy from the repeated offense.  In these instances, spirit guides can assist you in draining the remaining energy.  The way one can do this is to select several crystals that are resonant with you and place them in the chakras you have intuited are affected.  That is, place these crystals into the areas of the chakras you intuited are blocked or harboring shadows – it’s always important to intuit these areas rather than think of them intellectually – and then meditate, usually lying down, for roughly one hour.  That is how long it typically takes guides to assist in these types of quantum leaps. 

What is occurring during the meditation is that the crystals are connecting to your chakras and the guides are connecting and the directing the crystals and performing etheric surgery on the energetic body.  Allow the guides to do what they need to do without trying to direct the process or energy.  Simply relax into the process and try your best not to get in the way of the guide’s work.  If your intellectual mind does get in the way, the spirit guides assisting you will simply nudge you to integrate that aspect of self, and integrating it by clearing that energy will assist the spirit guides performing the work greatly.  So, stay present without engaging the intellectual mind. 

When the process is complete, you will feel quite tired and may sleep right after.  Allow this, for it is the body’s way of recalibrating itself after the massive etheric surgery that has occurred.  Be kind to your body for the next few days.  Give it what it craves by way of food and exercise or movement.  The body is very intelligent.  It knows what it needs to do to be at its optimal state.  It is your job to listen to your body and intuit what signals and messages it is sending you. 

2. Creator Energy

Xavier: Those with multidimensional minds have the ability to manifest at quantum speeds by connecting to the creator energy that they are.  These are usually humans that are in, what is called on your plane as, the autism spectrum, including those with what is referred to as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD.  None of you are disordered, you understand?  The humans incarnate today just don’t understand the evolution you are bringing to the planet at this time.

The way you connect to creator energy is very easy.  Get centered into yourself, and imagine moving your energy from the upper chakras, which is roughly 2 feet above the head and down into your earth star chakra, which is about 1 feet below your feet.  Imagine rainbow light moving from your upper chakras down to your earth star chakra and back up again to the upper chakras.  You should be imagining a kind of oval that outlines your body.  Settle into this rainbow light, which is the creator energy that you are.  The rainbow light will morph into the type of creator that you are.  Allow this sacred geometry to form and try your best not to engage the intellectual mind.  Allowing is very key here.  As you begin to settle into the energy, you will feel a lightness and oneness with the I am self.  Honor this.  As you are in this exquisite energy, begin envisioning what it is you wish to create.  Now, what you are doing is co-creating with your high self, with the I am divinity.  Co-create, not lead.  We repeat, co-create, not lead.  You are not in charge in the sense that it is co-creative.  The reason this type of manifestation works so fast is that you are allowing a oneness with the high self which manifests very quickly on your plane when it is allowed.  So, allow for the images to come and allow the high self to direct your next efforts on this plane.  Repeat this exercise until you have manifested what you wish to manifest and it will be so. 

As you repeat the exercise, you will get instructions on what actions are necessary on the Earth plane to be able to complete the imagined manifestation.  It may be an integration and if it is, then integrate the soul fragment accordingly.  Or it can be an action born in joy.  Do these actions authentically. That means doing it in right timing.  That also means allowing for your heart to be in joy and your mind to be at peace before you take action.  Do not force yourself to do these matters or do them intellectually out of flow with your I am self because that will dull your creator energy and regress your progress.  Do it in allowance with the I am self and all that you are throughout time and space. 

3. Allowance with the High Self

Metatron: As Xavier noted above, when one is in the flow of the high self, manifestation is easier, faster, and more potent, in terms of its impact.  Everyone can connect to the high self.  Those who have chosen to incarnate connected to creator energy have a specific aim being on earth, so their connection is naturally at quantum speeds.  This is partially the cause of what is perceived as an imbalance.  Those who incarnated with what is termed as “normal” can still make quantum leaps but you do them a bit differently. 

As noted above, your upper chakras are about 2 feet above the head and the earth star chakra is about 1 feet below your feet.  Imagine your upper chakras and your earth star chakras forming a divine line across the back of your spine.  This is your column of light.  Some refer to it as the kundalini.  Get into the channeling state in meditation and engage your column of light or your kundalini by running energy up and down your divine line.  Keep running this energy until the energy solidifies and encapsulates your whole field.  Relax into the process because each person’s field is different from any other person’s field. Allow your field to naturally develop as you relax into meditation.  Do not try to control the development of your field with your intellectual mind.  Allow.  Allow.  Allow.  Once your field shows itself to you, begin the process of discoursing with your field.  What are your intentions?  What is it that you wish to manifest?  Is it in line with your blueprint?  Are there integrations necessary before you can begin the process of manifestation?  Answer these questions and get clear on why you are manifesting what you are manifesting.  That is, before you begin manifesting anything and taking action, you should have a clear sense of how this benefits your blueprint and how the actions of manifestation will ascend your soul.  Without this clarity, manifestation will be slower.  Again.   Without this clarity, manifestation will be slower.  What we are trying to teach is to discern right action.  If you know how what you wish to manifest enhances your journey on earth and its degree of compatibility of your blueprint, you know it is right action.  You can get this information when you turn on your field, as we have instructed above.  As you discourse with your field, you are connecting to the greater I am.  In this connection, you will get information on what integrations are necessary to manifest your goals and what actions you need to take to complete that manifestation.  Listen and allow.  Listen and allow.  And it will be so. 

4. Manifesting with Land

Sebastian: The land on earth is very powerful at particular power spots.  These are portals and vortexes that are on earth. We cannot tell you where they are at because that is for you to intuit on your own.  We cannot rob of your learning.  However, we can tell you that most of the land listed with the National Park Service in the United States are either portals or vortexes.  Those that are listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites are also portals and vortexes, though some are not so it is for you to intuit the energy of where you are at. 

Portals and vortexes are very powerful for manifestation because they hold and wield a lot of energy.  If everything is energy, rapid manifestation is simply the rapid movement of energy that elicits quick manifestation.  How portals and vortexes can be used for manifestation is to do the following.  First, set intentions for your manifestation.  What is it that you want and what purpose do you believe it serves in your journey on earth?  That is, as Metatron taught above, how does it enhance your blueprint?  How does it ascend your soul?  Get clear on this.  Second, once you are clear, take your intentions to the portal or vortex that you have intuited and ask the land for assistance on your manifestation.  Do this by picking a spot at the vortex or portal that resonates with you and meditating on your intentions for manifestation.  When you do this, you will get messages from the land as to what action is necessary on your part to accomplish what you wish to manifest. 

What you are doing when you are doing what we are instructing is that you are connecting to the soul of Gaia to manifest your goals.  In the same way, Metatron taught you how to connect to your field, what you are doing here is connecting to Gaia’s field.  Now, there is a question of which should you do?  Connect to your field or connect with Gaia through a portal or vortex?  This is for you to intuit.  If what you wish to manifest belongs to you, the knowing is within your DNA on which method will serve you best.  The information is in you when you are in allowance of all that you are.  So, do not think about it intellectually, instead intuit it and then allow.  Intuit it and then allow.  And so it is. 

5. Connecting with Spirit

Dolores: In much of the same way Sebastian has taught you to connect with Gaia, you can also connect with the spirit of the universe, the All That Is, to manifest. To do this, choose a crystal that resonates with you for this purpose.  Attune to the crystal initially by meditating with it for about 20 minutes.  If you are already attuned to your chosen crystal, then you are ready to connect to All That Is. 

Take your chosen crystal for this exercise, and put it in your heart space.  You can simply do this by meditating lying down or holding the crystal up to your heart space during meditation.  In your meditation, reflect on what you want to manifest and the underlying intentions regarding this manifestation.  Why do you want what you want?  As the other guides have taught you, how does it enhance your journey on earth?  How does it meet a soul lesson?  Will it assist in ascending you?  Get clear on these matters.  Once you are clear, then ask the crystal to connect to universal consciousness.  You WILL feel a change in the state of your body when you are connected.  There is an inherent knowing when you are connected.  Once you are connected, then begin asking the All That Is to move energy towards what you wish to manifest.  Allow the energy to percolate and intuit when you are done harnessing the energy.  There is an inherent knowing within you when this is complete.  When it is complete, act on the knowing you have downloaded to move your manifestation forward.  Now, it may take a few hours or a few days for you to be able to extract whatever energy you downloaded, so be patient with the process. 

What we are all teaching you in these processes is different ways to use your intuition to connect to a greater power for rapid manifestation.  The name of the game is to use your intuition.  Again, the name of  the game is to use your intuition.  You do this by connecting to yourself as the I am.  So, if you are unclear about something, connect to all that you are to get the answers.  This is not an intellectual exercise.  This is an exercise in intuition.  Listen, then allow.  Again, listen, then allow.  This is not a space where you make things happen or where you allow the intellectual mind to go rampant.  This is a place where you are in a state of allowing.  So, be patient with the process for the more patient you are the easier it is to develop your intuition.  Again, listen to your knowingness and then allow.  Your inner knowing is calm, unattached, and inherently confident about what is to come next.  Again, your inner knowing is calm, unattached, and inherently confident about what is to come next.  Intuition is swift in its knowing.  It does not analyze because it does not need to.  It inherently knows.  That knowing is in your DNA.  If there is analysis, it is to check in if the intellectual mind has taken over.  So, what we are telling you here is the importance of allowing your intuition be in the forefront of your manifestation rather than your intellectual mind. 

This is a good place to close this post.  Any last messages?

Seraphim: If you do not think you are doing it right, keep doing it until it FEELS right.  This is an exercise in intuition as Dolores has taught you.  As is often said on your plane, practice makes perfect.  As you practice, you will develop a knowing as to what is effective for you and what is effective given certain intentions.  That knowing is in YOU.  That knowing is in YOU.  So, develop your intuition to extract your own knowing and you will learn how to rapidly manifest.

Manifestation is a skill like any other skill.  The more you do it, the easier it becomes.  What we are teaching you here is to move from manifesting through the intellectual mind to manifesting from the I am self, which is faster and more impactful on the whole.  So, call on any of our energies to assist you and it will be so.

Thank you for time and energy!