I felt guided to ask the guides to assist us on how to overcome fear with more ease and grace, as opposed to efforting through it. Let’s see how they can assist us.
Who will assist us today? Seraphim, my angelic guides, Metatron, an angel of alchemical mastery, and Xavier, my galactic angels, will be our teachers for this topic. Beneath the question in italics is exactly what I hear from the guides, verbatim.
What is fear?
Seraphim: Energetically, fear is a stoppage, it is a pause. So, when you feel fear, and it stops you from what you believe is your highest good, take a moment to take stock and discern if your instincts are correct. Is what you wish to do right action? Is it right timing? Journaling will assist you in understanding authentically what is in your soul centered truth. This is because the body knows, and the body becomes uncomfortable when you as the personality is trying to push it in an inauthentic path.
So, what is really being asked in this question is when should you as the personality overcome fear by facing it and when should you respect fear and discern what the universe wishes you to know at this moment? If the soul lesson is to overcome fear by facing it, that is, what would transmute your fear is for you to face it head on, then there will be an inner knowing in your soul centeredness. We will teach you a trick right now, no matter how much fear you feel, if you set your mind to it and make it a must, you can still get into your soul centered truth. This is by universal law. To know if the most efficient way to transmute your fear is to face it, set the intention to get as centered as possible and ask on the inner if this is the case. You will get an answer, for if you feel fear, then it is ready to be released from you. You only need to shore up your courage to face it. So, if facing your fear is what you need to do, and you perform this exercise in discernment, then there’ll be a longing to find peace within yourself and in that longing is the answer to face your fear.
Now, when is fear telling you to stop and to discern some information about the hidden self? The hidden self are those resistant aspects of self for which you are unaware are contracting your soul. To know if this is the case, do the same exercise we have delineated above and ask on the inner where is this coming from? If you get an answer that gives you some valid objection on why you shouldn’t do this thing that you feel you must do, then that is an indication that you are dealing with the hidden self. Grapple with the information you are getting and reconcile the belief system that is being made known to you.
Intense levels of fear that breed severe avoidance deserves attention. When the belief is made known to you, begin to challenge it. Is it true? More importantly, do you want it to be true? There is a slight difference here. If it is true, then you have to ask yourself if you want it to be true. If you do not wish for it to be true, then simply replace it with the truth that is for your highest good. On the inner, when you are in a soul centered space, you know what this is. Do not decide what this is intellectually. That will not work. Discern this from the depths of your soul centeredness. If you are successful in getting there, you will find that once you replace the suboptimal belief, that the fear will dissipate.
If what you gather isn’t true, then it is to understand why there is such an attachment to an untruth. That is, the soul fragment is holding on to the idea that this must be true. I am worthless, why bother trying. I don’t feel like it, and it won’t make a difference anyway. If the fear is intense, then there is an attachment to the belief, despite it not being your soul-centered truth. So, you need to deal with the untruth as well as to the attachment to the untruth. This is key because it is the attachment to the untruth that will get you to the root cause of your fear.
In the case where we need to face the fear head on, how can we do this?
Xavier: Good. This is the question we have been awaiting. If it was easy for you to do, you would have already done it and this conversation would be moot. Fear is a complex emotion, and it deserves your respect in the sense that you must be vigilant as to its multifacetedness. With that said, when you cannot move forward even though you know this is for your highest good, the reason you are unable to move is because you are trying to take on too much energy at a time, and you do not have the requisite availability of energy in the body to make the move. So, to protect you, the high self stops you.
What is the anecdote to this? First, understand your fear for what it is. Go on the inner and asked to be shown its multifaceted nature. What are the different aspects of this fear that stops you? Then, ask which aspect of this fear can be tackled at this moment? When you ask this question, your high self will begin to show you which aspect will move you forward the most. Heed the guidance. Again, do not think about this intellectually. You may not understand, initially, what you are being shown but when you complete transmutation of the fear, it will all make sense. This is purposeful for part of the learning is to understand what it is to be in the present moment and how to discern right action and right belief in the present moment. This is an important point for these two things go together. To truly be in your soul centeredness is to experience your Now self and the Now self is in its soul centered truth. When you find the discourse moving towards dwelling on the past or overtly negotiating a future, ask the high self to assist you to bring you back to your Now self and discern again. When you do, you will get the information you need that will lead you to the action that will transmute the fear that stops you.
Then, Will WE be able to move past the fear and move forward?
Metatron: Yes. You may have to do the exercise Xavier has delineated above several times to address every facet of your fear. Once you do, you free up the energy such that the fear is substantially dissipated, and it no longer controls you by stopping you. Understand that when certain beliefs or patterns were repeated for several lifetimes, that the body may become stuck in its automated response. If you have successfully transmuted the fear, then this automated response shouldn’t stop you. However, it may trigger you a bit because the body needs to relearn itself anew without this fear. You can do this by simply replacing the fear with a new belief. I am the one who is brave. I am the one who transforms themselves and others by being in my soul centered truth. I am the one who overcomes and moves forward. This is the part where you become your own storyteller. What do you wish your story to look like? What does it look like when you are in your soul centered truth? Then, affirm this new story of your life each time an automated fear response bubbles up in you. And you will be able to move forward.
Transmuting fear isn’t a discrete action. It is a process of discernment, then transmutation that leads to action, then more discernment and transmutation, that allows you to take yet another step. It can be hard work, but it is a process that will free up substantial amounts of energy that will lead to your freedom.
In the second case where we need to transmute some aspect of the hidden self, once we integrate the soul fragment, will we be able to move forward?
Metatron: Yes, but there is an additional step that you need to make. We want to make a distinction here. There is a difference between transmutation of the fear and moving forward. These are distinct energies and distinct processes. So, if you do the exercise delineated above, you will transmute the fear, which means that the fear will no longer have a grip on you as the personality. That is, you are free from the fear. There is an implicit assumption in your question that when you are free from the fear, that you will automatically move forward, as if they are one process. Sometimes, it can feel this way, but in other instances, it might not be that simple. Why? Because it depends on your level of discernment as to the rightness of your movement forward. Is it right action? Is it right timing? Yes, the fear is gone and that is good. Now, that you are free to do as you wish, should you do as you wish? The answer is not always yes and to be thorough, you should discern whether or not what you wish is right action and right timing.
To answer your question more fully, when what you wish is right action and right timing, then yes, you will move forward almost automatically. When it is not, then you will still feel a stoppage. If this is the case, then discern the information that the universe wishes you to know. Ask on the inner, if not this, what is something better for my highest good? You will get an answer. For if you have transmuted the fear, then the high self will be eager to move you forward, but it needs to move you forward to get closer, not farther, from your soul note. So, what does this look like? Ask on the inner and you will get clarity.
Again, as we said before, whichever scenario you fall in, transmuting fear is not a discrete event, it is a process. So, take the step you can, then do the discernment we have taught you here, and then take the next step you can until you get to your desired outcome.
I think there has been a lot of information offered here. Any last messages?
Seraphim: Do not effort through your discomfort. While it may feel like it is working because you are moving forward, in reality what is occurring is that you are facing the fear head on but you are creating more contraction than you are expanding. This is why we discourage you from efforting. When you have transmuted the soul lesson and have clarity as to the next step forward, that step will occur with ease and grace. If you are stopped again, then performing the discernment we are teaching you here is key to taking the next step with ease and grace. So, this is how you move forward without efforting. Do not force yourself. However, it is also important not to be complacent, in the sense that there is always a step you can take. What is that step? Take it, then discern what needs to be done next to be able to take the next step. As you take one step after another, momentum will build until you are offered a quantum leap. So, if it seems laborious at first, do not despair, as you become more seasoned at discerning how to move forward without efforting, a quantum leap will be offered to you.
If it seems as if the universe is conspiring against you, then it is time for you to take stock of your attachments. Are you efforting? That is, are you rigid in your movement forward such that you do not wish to hear what you need to hear or know what you need to know? Is there shame in you as to the uncovering of the hidden self? Reflect, reflect, reflect. Ask to know what you need to know for your highest good and you can move past your greatest resistance. We, as guides, are always here assisting you. The universe is always conspiring in your favor.
Xavier: For those who feel that their origins are predominantly galactic, fear can sometimes show up as transmutation of your galactic soul fragments. Earth is a space of soul integration, a deep learning of emotion and sometimes humans sign up to transmute galactic soul lessons on Earth because of the extra dimension of learning they will experience by attaching emotion to what they experienced in another planet. This is important for souls only do this if there is a quantum leap to be made with the transmutation. This is why this channel opened up so rapidly to her psychic and energetic gifts. If you feel this is what is occurring for you as well, the steps we delineated above to move through your fear is the same, but you may experience receiving information that is out of this world, that is not familiar to you given what you understand about the Earth plane. Trust the process and do not fear what you are receiving. Ask your guidance system to show you what is the energetic or spiritual significance of what you are being shown and in the asking, it will illuminate what your gifts are. You have come with these gifts to assist Earth, so the high self will be very motivated to show you how to use these gifts to effect positive change on Earth.
Thank you for your time and energy!
Metatron: Call on our energies for assistance and it will be so. You need not lift fear on your own, so be received by us and you will be assisted on your path of ascension.