This topic came to me in my meditation today.  Let’s see what the guides have to teach us about this topic.

Who will assist us today?  Metatron, an angel of alchemical mastery, will facilitate this discussion.  Xavier, my galactic spirit guides, and Seraphim, my angelic guides, will assist us today.  All channeled material is in italics. Beneath the question or heading, in italics, is exactly what I hear from the guides, verbatim.

Metatron: Let us begin by explaining to the readers what is shame, energetically and physically. 

Seraphim: Excellent.  Shame is an energy that is deeply lodged within the cellular memory of the body.  What do we mean by this?  We mean that there is a level of automaticity in the body as it relates to those things, circumstances, and events that remind the body and soul of the shame it experienced in this life or in another life.  If there is a great deal of avoidance in one’s life, if there is some level of incapacity in one area of life, be it in relationships, career, or something else, it might be indicative of an experience in the soul’s life where they felt deeply shamed. 

Now, we would like to teach you how shame energy comes to being and how it becomes lodged in a personality’s cellular memory.  First, we must acknowledge that not all things, circumstances, or events that embarrass someone breeds shame.  For some, they can experience an event that is embarrassing to them and can move on from that without needing to hide it because they are shamed by it.  So, shame is more than a thing, event, or circumstance in one’s life that causes embarrassment.  Fundamentally, shame is bred on the backbone of avoidance of one’s true nature.  We will explain that in a minute.

Second, it’s important to understand that shame is created in multiple instances.  Shame, in normal in circumstances, though there are exceptions, is created through repeat behavior, in this life or in a past life or combination thereof.  What do we mean by repeat behavior?  We will tell you a story as an example.  Let us say there is a man and a woman and they are courting.  Now, in your history and in the time period we are speaking through the channel at this moment, it is customary for the man to make the first move and the woman’s role is to accept or reject such advances.  In this story, the man is shy and the woman knows this, so she makes it clear that she is interested in him and is quite overt about it.  Her friends, subscribing to the convention of the day, tells her she is brazen.  Over time, she begins to stifle her actions and instead, wishes he would make the first move.  He does not and she is devastated at the result.  She gets over this crush and eventually her interest moves on to another.  This time, he is not shy and does make the first move.  Filled with her friends’ expectations of what proper women do, she responds, but he receives the response as tepid one.  That is, he interprets it as rejection and does not take any more actions to move the relationship forward.  Again, she is devastated.  This behavior goes on for some time.  You can think of variations of this story, but the main point is that this woman allowed what she perceived to be expectations of her behavior to override what she truly wanted to do in her soul centeredness.  As the behavior persists, over time, she will begin to feel shame whenever she receives male attention.  Do you see the connection?  She begins to feel shame whenever she receives male attention because she has denied that part of self that wishes to receive male attention.  You can think of variations of this story and change the fact pattern to fit other areas of life, such as careers, but the analysis remains the same. 

Shame is created when you suppress your soul centered truth time and time again.  This includes when the personality allows boundaries to be overridden over time.  We want to acknowledge that there are traumatic variations of this analysis.  We purposely choose a fairly benign example, that is, one that is not triggering, so you can understand the concept without it inciting any shame that may be in the body.  For shame will automatically scramble your brain because it will react to protect you from feeling the shame.  We want to tell those who may have had traumatic instances of shame that we see you and we support you.  You need not relive the trauma to release the shame and we teach you how to do that in this article. 

Metatron: How is shame different from self-hate? 

Xavier: This is a good question for the last time we spoke of self-hate, we defined it as an action or decision that is in diametrical opposition to your soul centeredness.  It occurs when an aspect of self begins to resent the personality for not listening to and honoring their preferences.  In the instance of shame, it is also a denial of one’s soul centeredness but as it relates to some repeated behavior.  The object of that repeated behavior becomes the trigger that creates shame in the body.  When one is in shame, an aspect of self does not necessarily hate the personality, it is more accurate to say that an aspect of self cannot confront some thing, event, or circumstance because it brings up feelings of shame.  So, these two soul lessons are similar but there are nuanced differences between the two. 

Metatron: How does shame affect the cellular memory of the body?

Seraphim:  When there is shame energy in the body, the body will instinctively protect itself when it perceives that there is an object, event, or circumstance that will trigger shame.   Shame is a very powerful energy because of this automaticity.  We alluded earlier that when the brain perceives that some object, event, or circumstance will trigger shame, it begins to problem solve to avoid the shame.  That is, the personality will get a feeling of their brain beginning to feel scrambled because of this rapid problem solving occurring.  The body will react to avoid shame and this will feel like a freeze or flight response in body. 

For this reason, shame energy is tricky to transmute for the body will instinctively protect you from confronting that thing, event, or circumstance that brings up shame. 

Metatron: How can shame be transmuted?

Seraphim: As we alluded to earlier, it is tricky because the body and brain will automatically mobilize to avoid feeling shame.  So, it is not necessary to relive whatever was the thing, event, or circumstance that is the source of shame in order to transmute it.  To transmute shame, say this affirmation when you feel the body is beginning to mobilize to avoid shame:

I am a divine master being capable of transforming myself and my beliefs.

I am a divine master being capable of transforming myself to stand in my power.

I honor my soul centered truth.

I am free of this shame.

I am free.

I am free.

I am free.

And so it is.

We have alchemized this affirmation to assist you in moving the energy of shame out of the body.  It will be effective so long as you are aware of your shame.  Again, you do not have to relive whatever event or circumstance has created the shame, but you do need to have full awareness that you feel shame or are avoiding to feel shame and be aware of the thing, event or circumstance that is the source of shame energy in the body.  Say this affirmation as many times as necessary to be free of shame.

Metatron: How does the personality know that they are free of shame?

Xavier: There is a palpable change in the way the personality feels after shame energy has been transmuted and released from the body.  After transmutation of shame energy through the affirmation we have given you, you can release the energy simply by grounding yourself.  In the case of shame, being in water will assist quite a bit.  You can take a swim in the ocean or simply have a bath and this will assist you in tempering out your energetic body from the transmutation of shame energy.  After release of shame, there is a palpable feeling of freedom within the personality because shame is a kind of prison.  As we said, the body and brain reacts automatically to protect you from shame, either by avoiding what they perceive to be the source of shame or by fleeing from it.  This manifests as a kind of energetic prison for the personality.  When shame energy is lifted from the cellular memory, there is a palpable sense of regaining your freedom from that automaticity.  Fundamentally, assessing if you are free from the shame energy is not an intellectual analysis, but rather an intuitive knowing.  When you are in your soul centeredness, there is a knowing within you if you have transmuted shame.

Metatron: There has been much said in this article.  We are supporting you in your quest to free yourself from shame.  We honor you for being brave enough to confront this difficult soul lesson and we send you love as you move these heavy energies.  And so it is.