X, who are 55 higher dimensional beings, have a message for us today.  For an introduction to X, please read Introducing X – Teachers of Universal Ascension. For a list of all of X’s messages, please click on Category –> X. As per the regular convention of this blog, in italics is the directly channeled message from the guides, verbatim, with no commentary from me.
Update: The article the guides are referencing below is, The Art of Trusting the Process.

Message #4

For humanity, the easiest way to make a quantum leap to achieve one’s desired outcomes is by loving self unconditionally.  Humans do not always understand what this means because they don’t know what it feels like to love oneself unconditionally.  Precisely, because you don’t know how it feels until you have actually done it and most humans think their outcomes are love.  Let us explain what we mean by this.  I got a promotion, I must have loved myself enough to achieve it.  I got in to that prestigious school I have always dreamt of going to.  I must have done that by loving myself.  I am in a new relationship, I must have loved myself enough to attract that.  Yes, some of this might be true, but our core point in this teaching is that your outcome is not love.  It is that humans love themselves when their outcomes are doing well, but they often ignore or malign themselves when their outcomes are not doing well. That is, their outcomes are not validating according to society’s standards.

In this article, we wish to teach you what true unconditional self-love looks like.  Let us say, you just lost your job or someone just broke up with you.  In both instances, most humans feel worthless.  He or she did not love me enough to stay, so I must not be worth loving.  My boss did not fight for me to keep my job, I must not have done a good enough job to be worthy of my job.  When one’s life breaks down such that they experience adverse outcomes such as our examples above, it is more accurate to say that there is no longer a point of attraction to keep the status quo going.  That is, he or she is no longer a frequency match to his or her partner or his or her job. 

When these kinds of changes happen in one’s life, it is a golden opportunity to take stock of how much one loves oneself.  Do you blame yourself for the outcome?  Do you love yourself less because you are not in a relationship?  Do you love yourself less because you no longer have a job?  Yes, of course if one desires to be in a relationship or to have a job, then it is only natural to be disappointed when these things break down in one’s life.  The point we are trying to make is that, do you berate yourself for the loss?  Do you blame yourself for the loss?  Do you assign your sense of worthiness based on having these things?  I am worthier when I have a job than when I don’t.  I am more desirable when I am in a relationship than when I am not in one.  It is in painting these contrasts for you that you see the condition that you put onto yourself.  I will be okay, when I am once again in a new relationship. I will feel worthy once again, when I have a new job.  That is not unconditional self-love.  That is the small self dictating to the universe what they wish to have.  It is a conditionality with one’s self.  Do you see this?  When you are only loving to yourself when outcomes are good and validating and cannot honor yourself when they are not, you are not loving yourself.

So, how do you love yourself when you experience adverse outcomes?  Well, the first thing we suggest you do is to process your disappointment, your anger, or whatever negative emotion you are feeling from the loss.  It is natural to feel negativity when an adverse change occurs.  We are not telling you to engage in toxic positivity by pretending that you are happy with the adverse outcome.  Honor these emotions, for there is a soul fragment in you that is feeling them.  The reason they feel them is because they are ready to let go of the belief system that makes them feel these negative emotions.  The belief system that is dissipating is usually what makes the personality so attached to the identity of being the one in a relationship or being the one with the great job.

After you honor the negative feelings that arise from an adverse change, there is a golden opportunity to strengthen your self-love.  Before we get there, we wish to tell you what it looks like when you don’t love yourself.  When you don’t love yourself enough, you seek to get back into a similar relationship.  In fact, when you are really contracting, despite the opportunity for growth, you seek to best the last relationship you were in.  This is an extreme sense of not loving yourself.  I will be in a relationship with someone better than the last.  They will have a better job, be better looking, and most importantly, make me feel more validated than my last partner did.  This is your conditionality multiplying itself.  You are gaining more karma, for you are adding conditions to your self-love.  As you effort in this manner, you will contract yourself and your sense of self-love will decrease.

It is the same with your job.  If after losing your job, you begin to effort on getting a new job with better pay, that is more prestigious, and perhaps more difficult, then you are once again multiplying your conditionality.  This is because what you are signaling to the universe is that you will only feel okay if they give you this, this, and this.  We are not suggesting that you should not get a new job with better pay or that challenges you much more than your last, but what we are saying is that if you condition your feeling good on these things, that this is not self-love.

So, what would it look like when you do love yourself enough?  This is where we teach you how to make a quantum leap.  Most go through adverse outcomes and feel only disappointment.  That is understandable, and we would say, even welcome.  But it is important for you not just to see the disappointment, but to see the golden opportunity for a quantum leap. 

To make the quantum leap, what you need to do is to stop and pause.  In our last message that this channel will link to above, we talked about how to trust the process.  When you are stopped, such as when you lose a job or a relationship, the universe is trying to tell you something for your own good.  They are giving you hidden information, making the unknown, known to you. This is also true for those who experience adverse health outcomes, though the messages may be a little different than the ones we are discussing here. So, what is the message the universe is trying to tell you?  How do you know what these messages are?

To uncover the hidden information, you need to begin to reconcile how you feel about the event.  What did it make you feel?  Disappointment?  Anger?  Unworthiness?  Then, begin to challenge these beliefs.  That is, begin to see what your responsibility is to what you feel.  What you will find is that you are holding a belief about yourself that harms you.  What is this belief?  The harm it causes is why there is no longer a frequency match that attaches you to your old partner or old job.  This realization, this recognition, is what will boost you to a quantum leap.  Once you are in recognition of this belief that has in fact harmed you, likely your entire life, then you can be grateful that you are moving on to something new.  The difference between this and our last example of you just setting out to get a better partner or job, is that in our prior example, you did not know what that something better was.  You were pandering to societal validation to tell you what that is, which will contract you and exacerbate your karma. If you transmute the belief that has caused you suboptimal outcomes up until now, then you will know what that something better is.  In that knowing is the opportunity for a quantum leap.  I will be with someone that loves me unconditionally and not just because I am successful.  I will have a job that honors my skills and doesn’t devalue me for the sake of the bottom line.  Whatever the case may be, what you are doing is you are disaffirming whatever you have settled for in the past, and affirming that you are worthy of more.  This sense of worthiness comes from a stronger sense of unconditionality with yourself.  You are worthy of more because you love yourself more.  You are not telling the universe that you are worthy when you get this, this, and this.  Do you see that change in direction?  That change in direction is what differentiates the quantum leap from contraction. You are worthy of more because you are more unconditionally loving to the self. 

Loving yourself is an art.  Loving yourself is an art.  It is important to look at the pauses in one’s life, the stoppages, the stuckness, and to be grateful for the opportunity for the quantum leap.  Your gratefulness will catapult you to a much higher frequency, than if you simply struggled through what you perceive as an adverse outcome.  Being grateful for adversity is hard work.  It requires that you do the inner work to uncover the hidden information. In this recognition, you will shore up your level of unconditional love and bring more peace into your life.

We bring you peace and love.  Call on our energies for support on understanding the unknown and making it known, and you will be assisted.  A quantum leap is at bay, and we are supporting your jump to the pleasant unknown that your heart desires.  Be still in adversity and in that stillness, you will find the courage to love yourself when you perceive all not to be well.