The guides suggested this topic so lets see what they have to say about it. 

Who will assist us today?  Metatron  will be our teacher for this message.  To learn more about the guides, please read our About page.  If you are new to my channeling, I’ve compiled a glossary, if you need to look up certain terms the guides use.  All channeled material is in italics.  It is exactly what I hear in my head, verbatim.

Metatron: You are a wayshower.  You are a wayshower.  You are a wayshower.  When you are a wayshower, sometimes conventional success will elude you.  Why?  It is because being a wayshower sometimes requires you to be unconventional and when you regularly seek the validation that comes with conventional success, it may derail your pathway to becoming the wayshower that you are.  Do you see this? 

Are we suggesting that you give up any semblance of conventional success to become a wayshower?  Absolutely not.  However, what we are saying is when you have an attachment to an identity of being conventionally successful, then that attachment may derail your pathway to being a wayshower.  Being a wayshower does not mean you do not get the benefits of conventional success, it merely means that you are showing a way that does not yet exist in your plane.  Because it does not yet exist on your plane, what you are showing a way for is usually born in unconventionality.  Do you understand this? 

This brings us to how do you develop an attachment to an identity of conventional success? There are many variations of the different blueprints that manifest this soul lesson.  Before we get into that, we want to discuss with you the reason you allow yourself to become attached to an identity of conventional success.  That is, what is the benefit to you to be attached to the idea of conventional success.  The benefit to you is that it may feel good, you may mistake the feeling of validation for love, and most commonly, you do it out of habit of many lifetimes where you have been conventionally successful and anything else feels truly off to you. 

Now that you know the benefits, how does the attachment come to fruition?  When something feels good, it is natural to want more of it.  We don’t begrudge you feeling good, but you must ask yourself where the feeling comes from.  Do you understand this?  Does the good feelings come from being in your soul center?  Or does it come from the appeasement of a soul fragment?  It is important to discern for that discernment will bring you to your soul center. 

In cases where the incarnate soul has experienced abandonment in its matrix of experience, these individuals often mistake the feeling of validation for the feeling of love.  When the incarnate soul has a strong desire to matter, in other words they do not feel they matter simply for existing, this is usually indicative of a multidimensional soul lesson in overcoming feelings of abandonment.  So, this is another potential root cause of the development of an attachment to an identity of conventional success. 

When the incarnate soul has experienced lifetime after lifetime of extreme success, sometimes the soul begins to forget what it is like to climb through the ladder of persistence.  This especially becomes true when that success has come very easily to the soul.  When this habit begins to permeate the soul, the high self begins to see it as a kind of squandering of potential.  Understand this, you come here to learn emotional maturity through spiritual tests.  Do you see this?  So, it is seen as squandering talent when the incarnate soul begins to avoid being tested for persistence by deliberately staying in a lane where they are guaranteed to be successful. 

These things are what create an attachment to an identity to conventional success.  Now, we want to make something clear.  There is nothing wrong with conventional success.  There is nothing wrong with the benefits of conventional success.  If you consider yourself to be conventionally successful, we are not suggesting that is wrong.  What we speak of is the attachment to an identity to that conventional success that holds back your greater possibility of becoming a wayshower. 

To release that attachment to an identity of conventional success, you must take the root cause that we have spoken off and you must transmute that aspect of self, that soul fragment.  How?  By understanding your responsibility to the belief that creates the behavior.  We will repeat that because it is very important.  You transmute your attachment to an identity of conventional success by understanding your responsibility to the belief that creates the behavior.  We will give you a hint.  Ultimately, it boils down to loving self unconditionally.  Self-love is often the anecdote to most soul lessons.

We speak of these matters because we want you to reach your biggest possibility and the likelihood is that if you are reading this, your biggest possibility is to be the wayshower that you are.  Remember what we said.  To be a wayshower is to show a way that does not yet exist on earth.  If this is true and it is, then to be a wayshower will usually require you to take some unconventional, but magical, paths.  If you are attached to an identity of conventional success, then you may unconsciously decide to forego the pathway of becoming a wayshower.  This is our ultimate point for teaching this lesson.

The channel is completing her upgrades and we must let her go because we have completed the message we wish to send.  We will end this message as we end every other message and that is to encourage you to call on our energies for support and it will be so.  And, so it is.