This is not a channeled post.  One of the most important things that my guides have taught me is to transmute my everyday judgements and those seemingly innocuous negative thoughts we have throughout the day.

The goal is to get to neutrality, then to joy

The goal of ascension is to get our minds to be more neutral more of the time.  We get there by transmuting as many of the soul fragments that we have and reintegrating them to the soul.  We can integrate many of these soul fragments by being aware of our day to day thoughts.  We have tens and thousands of thoughts everyday.  The more of these thoughts are negative and judgmental, the less integrated we tend to be.  Now, it’s important not to judge yourself for the judgmental and negative thoughts you have because everyone has them.  The important thing is that you take steps to be aware and do something about it.  The more integrated you are, the easier it becomes to stay within this neutral space more of the time.

How can we transmute judgmental thoughts?

When I first opened up, my guides emphasized the need to transmute my seemingly innocuous everyday judgmental thoughts. These are things like when you feel irritated because you had a question and the sales clerk ignored you.  Or when you see someone wear something particularly loud and unflattering and think, “they should not be wearing that.”  These thoughts may seem innocuous and in some cases, like the one where you are ignored by the sales clerk, even justified.  However, if you let it fester, it could aggregate enough negative energy in your energetic body to create a triggering event.  My guides have emphasized the need to address these thoughts and transmute them because when I hold these negative energies in my body, I become a less clear channel because holding these negative fragments in my energetic body tends to unground me.  I told my guides from the very beginning that I wanted to be as clear a channel as possible.  In response to that, they emphasized the need to transmute as many of these negative judgmental thoughts on a day to day basis.

So, what do you need to do to transmute these thoughts?  First, ask on the inner, ‘What is the root cause of my irritation with the sales clerk?’  At this point, the soul fragment will tell you the belief system that caused the judgement.  It could be that in being ignored, the soul fragment felt unworthy or discarded.  When you get to the root belief that caused the judgmental thought, on the inner, direct your guides to transmute the belief system by saying on the inner ‘I release my feeling of unworthiness and my feeling of being discarded.’ After you release the belief system, you will get a feeling of relief, like the negative energy is moving past you.  As you do this more and more, your mind over time will become more and more neutral and your judgmental thoughts will decrease day by day.

Do the same for judgements you make of the self

Often times when I make a stupid mistake, I say to myself, “God, I’m such a loser.”  We all do a variation of this and it is an automatic, seemingly innocuous reflex.  This, too, is also important to transmute because if you do it enough it may, like above, aggregate enough negative energy within your energetic body to create a triggering event.  At the very least, it will murky up your energetic body such that you feel ungrounded throughout your day.

To transmute these kinds of thoughts, just like above, ask on the inner, “what is the root cause of me saying ‘God I’m such a loser’?”  The soul fragment will begin to engage with you and tell you the root cause.  If you don’t hear it in words or see it in pictures, you may get a feeling that tells you what the root cause is.  Perhaps, like above, the root cause is that you felt unworthy and the source of this unworthiness may be your need for unrealistic perfection.  Once you have identified the root cause, just like above, direct your guides on the inner to release the belief system by saying, ‘I release my need for perfection and feelings of unworthiness that it brings.’  Upon release, there will be a feeling of relief.

Transmute as many thoughts as you can daily and you will raise your vibration

One of the best things I ever did for myself was to do this for as many thoughts as possible on a day-to-day basis. It can often be a very laborious exercise in the beginning, but as I progressed I found that my mind became more and more peaceful much faster and it is able to stay neutral more of the day.  To recap, whenever you have a judgmental or negative thought, do the following steps:

1) Acknowledge the judgmental or negative thought.

2) Elicit awareness by asking on the inner what the root cause of it is.

3) Ask your guides or high self to release the root cause or belief system that caused the judgement.

Do this for as many negative and judgmental thoughts you have daily and you will find that you can, over time, more easily hold a high vibration for more of the day.