I was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in my late 20s after I had already finished a college degree. It has taken me years to reconcile the event and be at peace with how it all occurred.  There are many books written on this topic but I wanted to ask the guides about the energetic basis of ADHD and also the purpose of the late diagnosis in our blueprint.  Specifically, how do we transmute the feelings of regret of loss time?

I would like to note that we are going to delve deep into the energetics of mental health.  Please do not misconstrue this post as providing medical advice.  It is very important to listen to your intuition and heed doctor’s orders.  I, myself, listen to my psychiatrist and take Adderall regularly, especially when I have a lot of ‘Earth work’ to do.

Who will assist us with this question? Kahuna Nui Sebastian, an Ascended Master who specializes in energetics behind the healing journey, and Xavier, my galactic angels are going to guide us today. Beneath the question in italics is exactly what I hear from my guides, verbatim. Since two guides are going to be assisting us today, I will delineate below who is answering the question.

What is the energetic basis of ADHD and other mental health disorders?

Xavier: Ahh, the question we have been awaiting from our guidee here.  This is a complex topic that cannot be covered in a simple post such as this but we wish to cover the basics, especially the galactic roots of many who have received the diagnosis.  Understand that dis-ease has a biological basis and an energetic basis at the same time.  For everything is energy,  is it not?  With that said, it is important to address both the biological basis, of which a doctor would be most useful, and the energetic basis of disease.  We are going to cover the latter here. 

Let us begin with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD.  We must be honest that the use of disorder really irritates us, as much as high vibrational beings can be irritated, that is.  For you are not disordered, you are simply special in a way that society does not yet understand.  We will not cover the biological basis of ADHD here, for it is covered very well in other modalities.  We wish to cover the energetics behind this so-called disorder.  Your brains are not disordered, it is simply capable in a widely different manner that the Earth is currently capable of.  Do not worry for Earth will catch up because you will be the vehicle for that.  Basically, the energetics of your brain is that it looks for joy.  Plain and as simple as day and night.  Your brain looks for joy.  Period.  Period.  Period.  It looks for joy.  Get that into your head and begin looking for joy in your life and your brain will be much more at ease on the Earth plane.  Now, it’s important for your brain to look for joy in its authentic blueprint and not towards addictions that actually breed contraction.

Can you comment on the energetics of other mental health disorders?

Sebastian:  It is too complex to cover here but we wish to give you a framework for how to understand it.  We reiterate what was said in the introduction regarding heeding doctor’s orders but more than that, it is important to be in co-creation with the right doctor.  So, ask yourself, how do I feel with my practitioner?  Do you feel safe?  Do you feel supported?  Do you feel that they are leading you to expansion?  Or contraction?  This is your work to do to be in your discernment.

All mental health disorders have a biological basis and an energetic basis as has been already said.  Doctors are useful for navigating the biological basis of the dis-ease.  You must navigate the energetics of the dis-ease for yourself.  For, like anything else in the Earth plane, it is a vehicle of ascension.  That is, it moves you forward in your blueprint.  So, ask yourself, what did I sign up to learn in this experience?  Most of those with ADHD signed up to learn how to be in joy.  That is their collective call.  Other mental health disorders have similar collective energies that can be discerned by those who have it. 

There are many of us who have been diagnosed late and have experienced the shame of unchecked symptoms throughout our lifetime.  Part of it is that ADHD wasn’t well understood.  What is the energetic learning in the late diagnosis?  How can we transmute the regret of lost time?

Sebastian:  We wish to begin by telling you that you came in as wayshowers.  So, by definition, you came to show a way that does not yet exist.  As children, you were the energetic teachers to adults who did not understand you.  You learned to stand your ground and be in your power while the adults in the room tried to hammer down the nail that sticks out.  Most of you did it and heeded the call of your blueprint.  So, that is the energetic basis of the situation.  Earth is catching up to you, not the other way around.

As for the regret that arises from a late diagnosis, we wish to ask you, did you really lose time?  If the call was to stand in your power and assert that your difference be respected, did you really lose time?  We would say that you did not.  We know that’s not how many of you feel, however, we wish to explain using our guidee here, if she will allow us.  She finally sought the diagnosis when she decided to respect herself rather than mold herself to society’s expectations.  Today, she is showing the way through this blog which will be ahead of its time and will assist those who need it, even after she has already completed this current incarnation she is in.  So, the higher view is not that you lost time, but that you finally moved forward when that part of the blueprint, the part that wishes to respect your need for joy and respect yourself enough to know it is possible, is met.

Thank you, that was a very powerful revelation. How can we begin to forgive the past?  Forgive ourselves for our perceived missteps and forgive the adults in the room that judged and, sometimes, openly ridiculed how we naturally are?

Sebastian: We thank you for this brave question.  The adults in the room are also students of Earth.  The irony, in some cases but not all, is that often times you who have ADHD have often been the soul adult in the room.  Do you all see this?  We wish to pause for a moment to let the energy settle for this is quite a revelation to many of you. 

As we say that, we see the energy moving and it becomes easier then to be in forgiveness.  For the situation was given to you because you were more than capable of handling it.  We wish to caveat this in that each person with ADHD has their own blueprint, their own learning, their own past-life karma to transmute.  So, a trick that can be done is to go on the inner, preferably while in the channeling state in meditation, and ask the high self, what is the higher view?   What is the learning in my blueprint?  You will get answers, if not directly, through messages in your day-to-day life.  We would say that how each of you gets to that state of unconditional love for your supposed perpetrators is different.  So, discern what is in your blueprint and heed the curriculum set out for you for transmutation.   You can always call on this energy to assist you with this. 

How can we re-pattern ourselves to be able to thrive on the Earth plane with our brains naturally becoming unfocused when it is not stimulated? 

Xavier: We think you are asking the wrong question.  You ask how you can re-pattern yourself to meet Earth’s needs and we ask you instead to contemplate, how can you rebuild Earth to meet the need for your brain to be in joy?  Isn’t it wonderful that all these lightworkers are remaking the boring parts of Earth to be more naturally in joy? 

I feel like we are in an in-between state before those with ADHD can have more flow in their lives, especially in the education system as it is currently conceived.  Are you saying we can rebuild our lives fairly quickly so that our brains are mostly in joy?

Sebastian: What we can tell those who are not in flow is that it is always possible to be in flow.  That is, you have written your blueprint such that there is a pathway to be in flow but you might have to be open to different possibilities and not be so rigid as to how you are going to get there.  Again, go into the channelling state in meditation and ask for answers and it will come. 

If you are not currently in flow, you are like salmon swimming upstream.  So, ask yourself, in what ways am I trying to remake myself into something I am not?  Go within and transmute the need to be somebody you are not.  Honor who you are, be in your authenticity, and you will find flow.

As for the education system, there are now many choices but they may not be the traditional choices given to those who are neurotypical.  Be open to the way you learn.  As those with ADHD graduate, they will transform the system to be less boring, less rigid, and frankly less militant than it has been.  Children should be in joy and those with ADHD will be wayshowers in remaking the system. 

I’d like to ask a question for those who might be going through the diagnosis right now as adults.  What advice do you have for how to cope with all they are going through?  All they are learning about themselves? 

Xavier: First thing that needs to be done is to honor yourself.  There is nothing wrong with you.  Strike this from your vocabulary.  You are simply different.  Once you are on the other side of this, you will find that you are not only different but quite special, like our guidee here who is using her multidimensional brain quite beautifully.  Be open to the gifts of the experience, and your psychic and galactic gifts will open much more quickly and naturally than if you were otherwise resistant to it by believing you are disordered.

Sebastian: There is an energy around all that you are going through.  What would assist you quickly to deal with much of the emotions that are shedding at this time is to ground yourself fully.  So, look for ways to spend extended time in nature.  Go to the beach, hike and do forest bathing, put your bare feet on the ground.  Go with what you are guided to do.  Grounding the emotions that are being shed at this time will assist you greatly in bouncing back quickly. 

Now, to more practical matters, if the energies are quite heavy, we suggest that you seek professional help to help transmute the energies of shame and regret that might be bubbling up.  So, there are many ways to do this.  There is traditional counselling but there are also more esoteric routes such as going through energy medicine, reiki, and other alternative healing modalities.  There are many on the Earth plane and we wish to tell you to discern what calls to you and then evalute the efficacy of that modality.  How do you feel after a session?  Do you feel that you have released or do you feel even worse about yourself?  Just as we spoke of discerning your doctor, also discern how the healing modality is assisitng you.  Are you expanding?  Are you contracting?  From there, you will know how to move forward.  We wish to tell you that these times can be hard.  We understand this.  But put one foot in front of the other every day.  Take one step, just one is needed daily and at some point, you will be running a marathon in no time.  Be kind to self for in this kindness you can find the strength to forgive. 


Xavier: You are not disordered.  You are different.  We would even say you are special once you figure out what gifts lie in your multidimensional brain.  Celebrate yourself. 

Thank you for your time!

Sebastian: We are supporting all those who read this in their journey.  Simply call on these energies for assistance and it will be so.  Be in peace, send love, and be all that you were called be in the hightest way possible.  We send love from the ethers and we ground you in your expansion.