I have lost a lot of connections as I’ve levelled up and it hasn’t always been easy to be severed from jobs, friends, or even our possessions.  No matter how you cut it, change is hard and the greater the distance of the leap, or the more rapid you ascend, the more painful it can be.  Let’s see what the guides have to tell us about our relationship connections when we are levelling up.

Who will assist us today?  Metatron and Seraphim will facilitate this conversation, while Seraphim and Xavier will assist us in the discussion.  To learn more about the guides, please read our About page.  All channeled material is in italics. Beneath the question or heading, in italics, is exactly what I hear from the guides, verbatim.

Metatron: Welcome to your awakening.  You’re opening up deeply to higher dimensional aspects of self and this can entail that you must let go of connections that no longer serve you.

Metatron: Our first question to our wonderful guides in assistance is, how are relationship connections energetically determined? 

Xavier:  This is a good place to start for to understand why something is leaving, you must understand why it was in your life to begin with.  Understand that humans are a bundle of connections.  The reality you experience are facilitated by bundles of energetic connections.  Why did you get that car?  You were in agreement to its various components and benefits.  Why are you friends with a particular person?  You are in agreement to their soul centeredness as well as their soul fragmentations.  Sometimes, you are a mirror for them and other times, you are a complement to them.  That is, sometimes you show them who they are and other times, you come in as a kind of helper to assist them in transmuting and releasing their soul fragmentation or to assist in some kind of manifestation by co-creative agreement.  For relationships to exist in your life, there are usually a sufficient amount of connections to someone.  You may be both a mirror to and a helper for their soul fragmentation and you may also be a soul centered connection.  For people to remain in your life, there is usually anywhere from 5-9 connections of this sort.  When those connections are no longer strong or no longer needed and there isn’t a sufficient need for connection, the universe often conspires in your favor and severs the connection for you.  It does this for your and the other person’s highest good. 

When connections are severed, humans often have a hard time letting go.  They have thoughts such as why am I being punished, why is this happening, or why do I need to let them go?  Our answer to that is you are not being punished, it is happening for your highest ascension at your request at higher levels, and you don’t need to let them go for you have free will, but to resist the energetic removal that is no longer an energetic match would set you up to regress.  It is not to say that you or the other person is of low vibration, it is more accurate to say that neither of you are an energetic match any longer.  It is often not possible to understand, intellectually, why you are being severed from anyone and sometimes, the incarnate soul may understand what is happening but the personality does not.  In these cases, how do you know that you are acting in your soul centeredness when you sever a connection?  Simply get into your soul centeredness by meditating until you get into the channeling state and when you are in the channeling state, ask on the inner, is this right action?  Is this right timing?  Is it right belief?  If the answer is yes to those questions, then despite your lack of intellectual understanding of the matter, it is what needs to occur in order to live your best life. 

Seraphim: Why do relationship connections sever?  That is, why do we get disconnected, energetically, to those we may not have expected to get disconnected from? 

Xavier: We want to take the time to say the quiet part out loud.  That is, those connections you are more than happy to sever are not disconnections that you grieve losing.  Those you are asking about are truly those connections that may have been strong or deep when you were connected and there may be some understanding as to the disconnection, but more than that understanding there is a level of surprise that this connection was chosen by you at higher levels to be let go.  And it genuinely hurts and confuses you, the other person, or both of you. 

Relationship disconnections occur because, as was alluded to earlier, the connection is no longer energetically purposeful for you.  The connection, which takes up your energy, is no longer moving your blueprint forward.  It is no longer needed for you to ascend where you are going according to the matrix that is your blueprint.  We know that for some of you, it is hard to hear.  If you meditate on the disconnection, you will know that what we are saying is indeed true of this connection that has been severed. 

That knowing while in the channeling state is truly all you need to let go, but for those who have strong intellectual tendencies, they have a need to understand why.  We want to tell you on the onset that this does not serve your highest good.  It is enough that you know in your soul centeredness that it is right action, right timing, and right belief.  To assist those with a predisposition to need to intellectually understand, we will extrapolate further.

As we have said earlier, relationship connections occur because there is some deep energetic need for it.  Either you are mirror to or a complement to one’s soul fragmentation or in a co-creative agreement to some manifestation.  These two things, the clearing of soul fragmentation and co-creative manifestation, are to us, as guides, one and the same.  But it is often not seen that way on the Earth plane. 

When relationship connections are severed, it could be that one person with the connection has transmuted the soul fragmentation such that, there is no longer an agreement between the two souls to be a mirror for the other.  It could also occur that the person has so far transmuted or released a soul fragmentation such that the energetic distance necessary to be a complement or to be a helper to someone’s soul fragmentation, is no longer met.  That is, to be a helper, usually, a person is only slightly ahead of the other person in terms of ascension.  When that distance becomes too far, then another helper will come forward to fill the void for the person that needs the assistance.  You see, when you are in assistance to someone, it is not a one-way street.  The helper ascends by helping and they benefit to being a helper in as much as the one being helped benefits from being assisted.  When the distance grows too far, when you fall out of frequency or sometimes, though rare, you fall out of vibration from someone, the connection is no longer beneficial for both and the connection is severed.   It is not useful to surmise, who left who or who surpassed who, it is more accurate that you left one another and you are in agreement to this at higher levels.

Lastly, as we have said earlier, connections can also occur when you are in co-creative agreement with some kind of manifestation.  Sometimes, when what needs to be manifested comes in to form, the agreement is complete and therefore, severs. 

Metatron:  What happens after relationship connections are severed? 

Seraphim: What happens after a relationship connection is severed is that you need to let go of the connection.  That may entail that you grieve a friendship or relationship that once had substantial resonance in your life.  Let it be okay and let yourself let go for the universe always provides you all that you need.  If this connection has been severed, then another one that will serve your highest good much better will come along. 

Another thing that needs to occur after a relationship connection has severed, other than acceptance of the disconnection, is to be grateful for the disconnection.  We know it is difficult to lose someone that has meant so much to you, but to be grateful of the loss is to recognize that it is this person or someone better.  To be grateful for the loss is to facilitate that someone better coming in to your life much faster than if you didn’t take time to be grateful of the disconnection.

We want to teach you how to be grateful for the disconnection for it may not be obvious to the personality.  Now, there may be some hurt on either or both parts because of the disconnection.  It’s important to transmute the soul fragmentation or the stream of consciousness that feels this way.  When we say be grateful for the disconnection, we do not mean declare, “Good riddance!”  That will not get you to the quantum leap we are proposing is possible.  What you need to do is to be grateful for what they may have offered you when the connection was present, honor what you have learned by being connected to them, and then visualize yourself being connected with the next soul that will have greater resonance.  You do not need to know exactly what that looks like, you only need to intend how you would like to feel in the next connection that you experience, and honor that you are deserving of a connection that is a better fit for you and what you need to ascend. 

Xavier: There has been much said in this post.  We wish to close this post by thanking the channel for suggesting the topic and by honoring her acceptance of all that she has lost as she rapidly awakens to higher dimensional aspects of self.  We want to tell her that we are always with her and supporting her, as we are always sending you all love and supporting you in your journey.