X, who are 55 higher dimensional beings, have a message for us today.  For an introduction to X, please read their first message, Introducing X – Teachers of Universal Ascension. For a list of all of X’s messages, please click on Category –> X.  As per the regular convention of this blog, in italics is the directly channeled message from the guides, verbatim, with no commentary from me.

Message #12

What is the new you?  The new you is the rebirth of New Beginnings.  Many of you who will read this have experienced a Rebirth.  That is, you have done substantial amount of inner work such that your energetic body is so transformed such that it can be said that you are a new you.  This is what this work has been all about.  Before we get to the crux of our teaching, we want to take some time and energy to acknowledge YOU.  You deserve honoring.  You deserve honoring.  Why?  Because the inner work you have done is no small feat.  If you are reading this, you have either gone through several Dark Nights of the Soul to get to where you are at or you have been working on yourself on the inner for a very long time.  We honor you for all that you have done and it is important to honor yourself for gifting this experience of Rebirth.  So, that is that.

Now, for our teaching.  What we wish to teach you today is what multidimensionality has to do with the new you.  You see, humanity is currently undergoing a transformation.  Many of you are beginning to open up to your multidimensionality.  What do we mean by multidimensionality?  Multidimensionality has to do with your energetic capabilities that transcends time and space.  That’s why it’s called multi-dimension-ality.  It spans different dimensions.  Time and space are two separate dimensions, which you experience on the Earth plane. 

What does multidimensionality have to do with the new you?  The new you is the old you but awakened to their multidimensionality.  That is, as we have previously imparted in other channeled messages on this site, you as the personality will largely remain the same after Rebirth, just more peaceful, joyful, and substantially more magical.  If you enjoyed having lattes before your full awakening, after you will still enjoy lattes, although, you may be more discriminating as to the energy of those things you put into your body. 

What are these other worldly capabilities we speak of?  This is the fun part, the joy we wish to impart into the Earth plane and the channel is in agreement to this at higher levels.  These are some of the abilities that are going to begin to open up in the next few years for many of you reading this.  For others of you, it may open up in the next decade or so.  Rest assured that if you are reading this, your soul wishes you to understand the biggest multidimensional possibility of you. 

Portal Openers: Many of you reading this will begin to open portals to the other side through your light body.  The lightbody is the channel that is being used to open up the portal.  Why is opening up a portal a useful capability?  It allows you, as the portal opener, to begin to facilitate change on the Earth plane by assisting others and yourself to visualize a more just, sustainable, and fun place to be in existence.  What you are doing when you open up a portal is you are accessing a menu of energetic capabilities not naturally or easily available on Earth.  How you open up a portal will be a knowing that will be downloaded onto your lightbody and you will, like this channel, have an innate knowing of what to do to do what you need to do. 

Vortex Creators: We want to highlight for you the difference between a vortex and a portal.  Both of these capabilities are ways for rapid transformation and manifestation. The difference between them is that a portal is necessary to reach the other side and a vortex is useful in taking any energy and rapidly ascending it.  Both of them lead to similar outcomes in that it generates rapid transformation and manifestation, but they take different energetic routes to get there.  Again, as with portal openers, many of you who are vortex creators will spin a vortex through your lightbody.  The knowing of how to do this is innately in your lightbody and your job in the next few years is to begin to understand how you can download this knowing.  This is a topic we will undertake at a different time, but for those who need some instruction now, the way you begin to extract this information is by allowing.

Energetic Body Healers: Many of you know that the energetic body is connected to some aspect of your physical body.  So, you can map the energetic body to the physical body and vice versa.  Your energetic body assists you in many things in your lifetime.  Among them are good health, manifestation, attraction of relationships, both platonic and romantic, and many other things that humanity will discover in time.  There are already energetic body healing modalities on Earth such as Reiki and Pranic Healing.  However, many of you reading this are a kind of etheric surgeon in the sense that you have a particular capability of healing the energetic body.  For example, some of you reading this have particular capabilities of healing the energetic body as a way to enhance the physical health of the human.  Others of you are masters at removing boulders that often invisibly make humans feel stuck.  We could go on and on as to each capability but it is not necessary because the knowing of your particular capability is within you and it will unfold in time.

Multidimensional Teacher: This group of magical ones have a particular capability of reknowing academic discourse to become more spiritually aligned with who each of you truly are.  There are many disciplines, including the one the channel studied, economics, which began with truly pure intent but has over time become skewed towards the lower aspects of self.  Many of you will begin to download how these discourses can be reknown given the limitations of the academic material that is currently in use.  Some of you will choose to rewrite many of the texts that are used to teach children and young adults and they will be well received.  At first, it will be a minority of humans who will opt for them but in the coming decades it will become more and more accepted.  Understand that you came into this world as wayshowers and we ask you to be brave in imparting your knowing.

Multidimensional Channelers: We understand that there are currently multidimensional channelers that are on Earth at this moment.  That is, there are already those who channel other beings from other planets, other dimensions, and from various areas of the other side or the akashic records.  The world you understand today is only a fraction of the world that exists.  That is, yes, there are multidimensional channelers now, but many more will begin to awaken and they will reach different parts of the universe or other universes, and the other side that have not been reached before.  Understand that when we speak of the capabilities in this message that the specific manifestation of that capability is specific to a particular person.  That is, when you are capable of something, you are the only one capable of that thing in the particular way of which you are capable of it.  You are a unique energetic being and there is no energetic being on Earth just like you.  This is because the universe does not waste energy, so it does not double on up on what is already possible.

Holograms: The holograms are a kind of chakra system that is built in to the luminous body.  The luminous body follows the lightbody and the purpose of the holograms is to integrate the luminous body into the lightbody and thus, the physical body.  What holograms do is they facilitate access to the Rainbow Bridge, which is the gateway to the Alchemical Matrix.  More will be taught about the Alchemical Matrix at a later time but the short of it is that the Alchemical Matrix is another tool of rapid transformation and manifestation.  Walking through the Rainbow Bridge is a grand undertaking, as this channel has experienced, because it is an experience that is so transformative that each of you will begin to reknow yourself as the biggest possibility of you when you undertake it.

Clair Builders: Many of you today know that physical things can be infused with energy to assist you in healing, transforming, and manifesting.  These are items such as intention candles and incense.  Some of your beauty products have been reknown and reinfused with energy.  We are calling the humans that build these kind of products as Clair Builders.  Why?  It is because they are taking a clair and they are infusing it into the product.  The reason we are adding this to the list, even though it already exist on the Earth plane is that many more products will be infused by clairs very, very soon.  That is, your teas, chairs, mugs, even your technology will begin to be infused by a clair with those with a knowing of how the physical world can intake energy.  Many of you reading this believe that only crystals can hold such energy.  Crystals are very powerful, yes, but so is wood, and metal, and literally anything that comes from Gaia.  So, many  more of these products will be created in the coming months and years and those who are Clair Builders will begin to reknow humanity’s consumption in a very big way. 

Before we close this message, we would like to give the readers of this message some pointers about discovering the new you with more ease and grace.  We already spoke of this concept of triangulation in other messages.  Triangulation is one of the predominant ways in which individuals who have Rebirth tend to avoid their new reality.  Understand that, while Rebirthing is a grand time in your incarnation, it can be a scary time for aspects of you who are uncomfortable with the unknown.  In that discomfort, they may regularly triangulate to find comfort in the familiar.  To assist you in stepping into the new you, we have come up with this affirmation.  Say this three times a day when you feel you are triangulating and you will be assisted by us and your guidance system.

I am a divine master being transformed.

I claim my magic by allowing my discovery of it.

I allow.  I allow.  I allow.

Magic is me.

Magic is in me.

Magic is in my soul.

And so, it is.  Understand that as you transform yourself, you assist others in transforming themselves.  The self-transformation of one person is the transformation of all of humanity.  This is because as we said before, when one of you rises, all of you rise.  When one of you rises, all of you rise. 

There has been much offered here by way of energy.  We will close this message as we close every other message and that is to remind you to call on our energies for support and it will be so.  And so, it is.  You are loved unconditionally by us.