X, who are 55 higher dimensional beings, have a message for us today.  For an introduction to X, please read Introducing X – Teachers of Universal Ascension. For a list of all of X’s messages, please click on Category –> X. As per the regular convention of this blog, in italics is the directly channeled message from the guides, verbatim, with no commentary from me.

Message #5

We come forward with a message for you all today to teach you how to release your attachment to identity.  Before we do that, we wish to educate you on what identity is.  Identity is the first level of attachment, you understand?  I am the one who is good at school.  I am the one who is bad at school.  I am the rebel.  I am the saint.  I am the one who strives.  I am the one who takes it easy.  I am the one who reaches my potential at all costs.  I am the one who avoids my potential at all costs.  What we hope you see in these statements is that you are not always aware you hold a certain identity.  Almost no human gets up in the morning wanting to harm themselves, yet many of you do by holding on to identities that do not serve you.  I am the one who _________.  This is identity.  You feel you must be this person.  There is nothing wrong with some of these statements, yes, but what needs to clear is your unguarded attachment to these identities, to your identities that no longer serve you. 

The first thing you must learn is you must learn to be aware of these identities you hold that must now clear.  How do you become aware of them?  By agreement to be assisted to be made aware of how certain identities are no longer serving you.  I am the one that works overly hard.  Yes, that may have served you at one point, but you may have passed the soul lesson where it was useful for you to be that person.  To bring about the oncoming energies of balance, you must clear your prior identities that have precluded you from having balance in your life.  So, how can you know what these identities are?  As we said, by agreement.  What we mean by this is you must intend to be made aware of these identities you have outgrown.  In that intention, your guidance system begins to conspire in your favor to make it so.  So, after making such a request with your guidance team, notice what you are noticing.  When do you feel guilt?  When do you feel that something is not quite right, as if what you are doing does not feel quite right?  It may have been right in the past, but at this moment, you feel discordance.  Engage with the discord and ask on the inner, “What do you wish me to know?  What are you making me aware?”  Thoughts will come as to that identity that needs to release, identities that are no longer serving your highest good. 

Once you have been made aware, the second thing you must do, is you must act on what needs to clear.  Identities are pernicious things because they create automated patterns of behavior that has, in the past, served you well to survive.  So, on some level, you are comfortable with these behaviors.  You may even celebrate it, have pride in it.  However, even if you do, there will be an inner knowing that these behaviors are no longer serving you for your highest good.  You feel irritated, annoyed, or discordant for doing things that in the past you have not minded, and perhaps, even enjoyed or took pride in.  Notice what you are noticing and as you notice the change in how you feel about certain outcomes in your life that is bred by certain behaviors that are rooted in identity, make a concerted effort to change the pattern.  So, if in the past, you would overwork towards some goal, and that is no longer serving you, in the present put forward clear boundaries with your achievement.  If in the past, you did not mind serving others relentlessly at the cost of your own self-esteem, in the present, recognize that you may have been acting out of people pleasing tendencies and be okay with releasing certain people in your life that may not understand that you are no longer the people pleaser that you once were.  In letting go of the old, you bring in the new.  But you must be willing to let go of the old.  Those that we see get stuck in behaviors, even though the soul lesson may be complete, are those that are unwilling to let go of the old, afraid that the new won’t be as good as the old.  It is more accurate to say that these souls are so used to the harm that they do not know what to do with themselves when they are no longer carrying their scars with them.  So, it is to make those agreements with your guidance system to assist you with crossing the bridge to the new, and you will be carried forward into your new vibration.

We wish to tell you how it feels to be unattached to old identities that no longer serve you.  As you shed identities that have created patterns in your life, you begin to free up energy from the transmutation of those automatic patterns.  We would like to tell you all today, that you will feel freedom and all will be well, but the truth is closer in that there is a period of adjustment.  When the identity or pattern is deeply ingrained in the soul, that is, it was repeated over multiple lifetimes or manifested itself for most of the soul’s incarnate life, then the body may be triangulated to repeat the pattern. That is, there is a part of the body that will want to go back to what is familiar.  You see, let us take the example of overworking.  Why do humans overwork to begin with? The short answer is validation.  You see, humans don’t do anything if they do not believe it is to their benefit.  So, if you have done it, there has been some benefit.  There is some aspect of the behavior that made you feel good.  So, why do we bring this up?  Because this is the difficult part of the transition.  For a short time after disaffirming an old identity, there will be part of the personality that will crave the reward.  It will keep triangulating to find that same feeling, that same benefit.  So, the body may automatically seek to do what it’s always done thinking it will get the benefit it has in the past.  And when it repeats the pattern automatically, inevitably there will be disappointment that the good feelings that was had before are now feelings of irritation and annoyance.  If the personality leans in to this, it may contract the soul.  So, it’s important to notice what you are noticing and become aware when the body wishes to regress to a prior behavior that no longer serves the totality of the soul.

So, what is the anecdote to this transition period?  It is to give the soul what it wants through allowing.  Allowing is important in this phase of your growth because only in allowing will you discover ways to be in your soul centeredness.  It could be that ways to be in your soul note is not yet in the consciousness of the personality self and so there is a learning that comes forward when the soul is rapidly ascending and clearing old identities.  What would assist you to make the transition is to set the intention to allow yourself to discover the new.  And follow through.  It would be easy at this time to lean in to your fear of the new and then regress back to the familiar, but as we said before, if the soul lesson has been transmuted, to lean in to what you have always done through that identity will only cause you heartache.  The body knows what is inauthentic. The body knows what is inauthentic, and the body will rebel against repeated efforts at inauthenticity.  

Allowing will lead you to your highest vibration.  What do you feel like doing?  Get centered in yourself, set the intention to know only what will bring you closer to your soul note, and then trust the process.  As we said, the body knows inauthenticity.  When the body rebels at doing something, such as overtly procrastinating or finding things to distract itself with, then the body is rebelling.  When the body is in a health crisis, or dis-ease permeates the body, the body is rebelling from inauthentic behavior.  To assist yourself out of dis-ease, begin to discover and allow the more authentic parts of you to change the past patterns and behaviors of your past.  When the body does not feel good and it doesn’t feel excited about a task or behavior, when there is apathy, this is the body telling you, this isn’t the best use of your time.  We are not saying whatever you are doing doesn’t need to get done but we are telling you that the way you are going about it causes rebellion from the body because you are leaning in to an identity that no longer serves you. 

So, to navigate this transitionary space, become aware of what your body is telling you.  What does it want you to know?  If a particular part of your body is activated, tune in to that part in your mind’s eye and ask what it wishes you to know?  Be open to learning hidden information about yourself by not pushing to go back to the old.  When the body doesn’t believe you are open, it will not discourse with you.  So, be open to what comes and be open to the new by transmuting your fear of it.  Allow the new.  Soothe those soul fragments that are afraid of the new and be grateful for them for they will give you information that will illuminate your path forward.  In some cases, when you are really open to the new, your body will give you information as to how to make the quantum leap to your desired outcomes. 

It is always this or something better, is it not?  To deal with the fear of change, understand that the universe is always conspiring in your favor.  If an identity is being cleared, then it must be the case that something new will come forward for you to be able to live in the next level of freedom the soul craves.  Ask your guidance system to give you glimpses of the new, so that you can get excited for change.  If something is leaving your life, something better is always coming forth but to facilitate the new, you must be open to the new.  To be open to the new is the hard work of allowing your life to unfold to show you pathways to becoming closer to your soul note.  So, allow.  Allow.  Allow.  And it will be so.  And so it is. 

We are always available to assist you in understanding greater levels of allowing.  Call on our energies to get you through this transition of shedding old identities to bring in the new and you will be assisted by us energetically.  We send you love and light from the ethers for your highest ascension to reach your grand potential in this beautiful ascending planet calld Earth.