It’s challenging to be in our soul-centeredness while undertaking a legal education because the traditions and institutions that underlie achieving the degree are inherently designed to elicit separation.  I don’t think the system is completely without purpose, lawyers do serve an adversarial system.  The guides have told us that we can always find a way to be our most authentic self.  If that authentic self is to get closer to our soul note, to feel the oneness with all those we encounter, how can we reconcile this desire to be in our spiritual truth with the perception of what it takes to acclimate to a profession that serves an adversarial system.

Who will assist us today?  Metatron and Xavier will be our teachers. For more information about the guides, please visit our About page.  Beneath the question in italics is exactly what I hear from the guides, verbatim.

Generally, lawyers serve an adversarial system.  The norms of this adversarial system sometimes bleed into legal education.  How can law students remain soul centered and focused on their spiritual truth given this reality?

Metatron: First, we want to acknowledge the underlying spirit of the question.  Yes, lawyers do serve an adversarial system, however, understand that adversity requires collaboration to be resolved.  Isn’t that interesting?  It is that you can see this process as negotiation, which has an energy of push and pull or you can see it as a process of collaboration, which has an energy of expansive ascension.  Your perspective is a choice, just as how closely you get to your soul centered truth is a choice.  Now, as we are emitting this energy we are feeling a certain resistance.  What if I want to collaborate but the other wishes to negotiate?  Won’t I get screwed over if I show my cards to my opponent?  Well, again, perspective is a choice.  If you choose to see your counterparty as an opponent, then that is how you will see them and that is how they will show up.  There is fear in this objection, you see.  But we are not going to tell you to just get over your fear.  That will not assist you to get to your soul centered truth.  Instead, move through your fear by reconciling the belief systems that is underlying it.  You will find that when you are conscious of those beliefs that your fears will transmute and, in that transmutation, the high self can reach you enough to guide you on how to be in your soul centered truth to become collaborative with one who wishes to engage in an adversarial energy.  It is always possible to be authentic no matter how difficult the situation may be.  The question for you is how much can you step into unchartered sea to be able to experience this magic?  

Secondly, we wish to address the environment of law schools, generally, as breeding adversity and what students can do to be the change they wish to experience.  So, it is that masses of people like a student body have much energy to emit and therefore, much power over the institutions that they engage in.  What energy do you wish to emit?  How do you wish people to feel around you?  Many students wish to be successful and this is understandable.  However, many students also believe that to experience this success, they must “sell out” into a system they don’t believe in.  This is not true.  Students can be the change they wish to experience and they can be an inspiration to their professors, who have also once been students and been subjected to the same false narrative of needing to succumb to an adversarial perspective in order to be successful.  This is survival mentality and we will concede that before the fifth dimensionary energy was put fully in place that some of these energies were karmic but in today’s energetic environment, this is no longer true.  Anything is possible if you believe it is possible.  This means that if you wish to emit love, you will get back love.  If you wish to emit fear, then you will get much of the same returned to you by way of adversity.  Fear breeds more fear.  So, the question for students today is what will you choose?  What will you lean in to?  Do not think that one student believing it could be different cannot make a difference in the totality of the energy.  Love is much more powerful than fear and a small amount of students who commit to emitting love can overtake a system historically plagued by fear.  So, we are going to ask you again, what will you choose?  Be brave in that choosing and if you feel you are wobbling in your commitment, ask us or your guidance system to boost you up.  In this process, the universe will conspire in your favor and you will experience the alchemical magic possible when you believe in the impossible. 

I think law schools and the profession of law engages in a lot of pageantry.  Some of it is procedurally useful, but others breed separation.  How can one use their law degree to assist in humanity’s ascension? 

Xavier: This is a useful question for many who will read this.  What we need to teach you in this moment is how to inspire change.   Understand that many law students matriculate precisely because they wish to engage in change.  It is in the process of being subjected to such intense competition and scrutiny that they lose their spirit to be the change they wish to be.  They begin to emulate the exact system that tortures them and in that unconscious transformation, they begin to also train other would-be attorneys or law students to become the same.  Most graduate programs in the channel’s home country and other similar countries engage in much of the same.  So, the problem here is succumbing to the unconscious transformation that is undesired, that is not within this person’s soul centered truth.  What we would suggest to beginning law students is to get out a journal or an index card and reflect on the world you see as you currently understand the world.  Do not think academically in this exercise.  That is, you don’t have to know if you will be a Mergers and Acquisitions attorney or a tax attorney or a civil rights attorney to know what you will write down.  You only need to reflect on your current experience and what you wish to see in the world as a result of your lived experience.  For example, do you want to see more equal justice by way of enforcement of laws?  Do you want to see equal access to education? Do you want to see simpler tax returns?  Whatever the case may be, write it down.  It is okay if you don’t know how to get there yet.  Just write down these aspirational visions and as you write them down and ground them in your body, your high self will begin to show you how to accomplish these matters.  Perhaps, you begin to come across some article that changes your views about equal enforcement of laws.  Or a family friend mentions how another country educates their children.  Notice what you are noticing and you will move towards the direction of your dreams. 

The next thing that will assist many law students to commit to their ascension as they work towards graduation, passing the bar, and then becoming attorneys is to reflect on who they wish to be as a person.  How would you like people to feel around you?  It is unlikely that many of you will write down that you wish people to fear you when performing this exercise unless you are leaning into to a dark shadow.  Do this exercise and keep it somewhere you can revisit monthly.  Revise it as you see fit.  In reminding yourself who you wish to be and how you wish people to feel around you, you will be less likely to succumb to the unconscious transformation of leaning in to fear.  This is the way you can commit to your ascension while going through the process of joining the profession of law.

We wish to comment on the channel’s use of pageantry because there is a learning for everyone in this discussion.  Yes, some of the pageantry is not operational. That is, it does not serve a greater purpose in buttressing humanity’s ascension.  However, some of it can be very useful towards ascension, if only those affected by it begin to reknow it in love.  We will take the example of the Socratic Method to illustrate what we mean.  For many law students, though not all, the Socratic Method is torturous.  They fear it, they develop ulcers over that intense fear, and they do not understand why legal educators are so committed to something that harms them so much.  The institution of legal education commits to the Socratic Method because it can be a very expansive devise if only professors give up seeing it as an adversarial method.  We will illustrate why.  When a professor questions a student in a class of say 50 students, there are two main energetic possibilities.  The student could feel attacked at which point the professor and all 50 students begin to leak energy.  Or the student could feel supported and buoyed by the expansive energy offered by the professor and 49 of his or her classmates.  It does not matter if the student being questioned got the answer right or wrong, what makes the difference is the perspective that the professor leads with.  Do they encourage the students to step into love or do they incite fear?  How does the professor hold the energy of the class?  What perspective do they offer?  That of collaborative change or that of adversity?  The perspective makes all the difference on whether this class as a mastermind will contract together or expand together.

So, whatever these processes are that you judge as pageantry, ask on the inner if it can be reknown.  If it can be, then it is inherently useful for humanity’s ascension.  It takes only one person to reknow something in love to create a domino effect, so do not believe that your efforts to reknow these traditions and institutions in love is in vain.  What we are teaching you today is how to discern what is the biggest possibility of you.  Discern what is possible and then follow the breadcrumbs that will allow you make little changes that have a big effect on your experience. 

That is good to know about the Socratic Method.  The Socratic Method can breed comparisonitis.  How can we remain soul centered when we are plagued by our own insecurities according to how we think we are performing compared to others?   

Xavier: Good, it’s important to be honest about your experience so that you can become aware of your soul fragmentation.  In the last discussion, we emphasized the professor’s role in holding the space of the mastermind energy created by a classroom of students.  However, the student also has  a role in that space, for they are a contributor to the mastermind.  So, it is as we have taught you prior to reflect on who you wish to be and how you wish people to feel when they are around you.  Doing this exercise will buoy you in times of challenge. 

So, let us say that you were called on and got the answer massively wrong.  Your mind begins to spin on how can you have done that and how stupid can you be to get something so easy wrong.  If this is an automatic response, there is a soul fragment that requires transmutation.  So, addressing that is important.  There are many articles in this forum that teaches you how to do this. 

What we want to teach you in this example is what your reaction emits to the mastermind.  If you got a difficult answer correct and it buoys your confidence, this sends expansive energy to the classroom mastermind.  However, if you got a seemingly easy question wrong, and you reacted with disappointment, if at the point of your realization of your disappointment, you commit to being in your soul centered self and affirm your unconditional love to self, this emits quantum levels of expansiveness towards the mastermind. So much so, that the student who may have snickered will begin to feel guilt and a realization will dawn on them that had they been in the same situation that they would not have been capable of the same level of unconditional love.  This happens energetically.  So, yes, comparisonitis may occur with the use of Socratic Method, but how wonderful could it be if you transform that comparisonitis to becoming a wayshower?  This student that felt terrible about getting this seemingly easy question wrong is a wayshower and in their commitment to unconditionally loving self, they begin to show others how to be wayshowers as well.  So again, as we have emphasized in other questions, it is all about perspective.  You can see the Socratic Method as facilitator of comparisonitis or see it as an opportunity to be a wayshower no matter the outcome of the Socratic questioning.  What will you choose?

I hope I am not belaboring the point and if I am, please let me know.  What about the forced curve imposed by law schools?  The use of a curve has some merits, but it also incites competition, which breeds separation.  How can law students remain in their soul centeredness while being mandated to being part of a forced curve?

Xavier:  First, we will address what the student can do as a means of arbitrage in a very punishing system.  Again, when faced with these seemingly unwinnable situations, it is always about perspective.  Many students see their grades as their worthiness and this is a soul fragmentation that requires transmutation.  We invite any student who feels this way to peruse other articles in this forum that teaches how to transmute soul fragments by way of reflecting on what your responsibility is to the root belief or pattern.  Once you are integrated, how can you deal with being in a forced curve?  Again, change your perspective to see it as a way for the universe to show you what you are capable of.  If you were good at absolutely everything, does it not make it difficult for you to decide what you should specialize in?  However, if you see this system as inherently giving you the hidden information of where your talent lies and where you can make the most impact with ease and grace, then you can become much more detached to the grade itself and become more mindful of what message the universe is giving you by way of that grade.  Perhaps you were in the top 10 percent in your class in civil rights law.  When you revisit your reflection on your aspirations towards a legal education, perhaps one of those aspirations had to do with equal justice.  What a confirmation the universe is sending you as to the soul centeredness of your path!  If you see grades in this manner, as a way to confirm what you know in your soul centeredness, you will begin to make quantum leaps in your path as you lean in to spaces that lead you closer to your soul note. 

The next thing we will share with the readers of this article is our main message.  At this level of education, grades are truly unnecessary.  Administrators and faculty often think that such a system breeds quality education and motivates students to work harder.  They are not wrong, however, we would say that they are also not correct.  We will illustrate this with the difference between motivation and inspiration.  To be motivated is to engage in conditional incentives. If I do this, then that happens and because I want that, I will work hard on accomplishing this.  This is the energy of motivation.  Inspiration, however, is closer to one’s soul note.  When one encounters some activity that is compatible with their soul note, no one can stop them from doing it.  This is inspiration.  When something is compatible with one’s soul note, there is a natural predilection towards doing well in that activity.  In fact, you would have to work very hard to derail this person from giving this activity their all.

 At this level of education and given the inherent difficulty of a legal education, it would make it easier for all involved if administrators and faculty inspired students rather than motivate them.  All that end up in legal education are there because there was some inspiration for them to do it.  Some students find that thing that is their soul note while they are still students and others graduate and struggle to accept their soul note because they are marred by the pervasive resistance of the institutions of legal education to allow them to find their inspiration with ease and grace.  In other words, administrators and faculty act as a barrier of their inspiration rather than as facilitators of it.  So, if there are any administrators or faculty or future administrators and faculty reading this, what we will ask you is, what will you choose?  Will you be a facilitator of a student’s inspiration?  Or will you be a barrier?  The choice is yours. 

As a former educator, there is a part of me that wants to ask, how the student can be inspired towards the more mundane and challenging aspects of an education?  Isn’t there a part of any education that must be motivated? 

Metatron: What we will tell you is that any education program can be fully inspirational. There is often a culture among educators that they are facilitators of motivation.  This is one perspective and it is not a bad perspective.  However, what Xavier is inherently sharing with you is that, with the fifth dimensionary energy fully in place, it is now possible for students to be fully inspired.  So, those who gravitate towards this idea will be wayshowers.  Do not be afraid of what you do not see.  If you could not do it, you would not be inspired by it.  Follow your intuition and create the small changes you’re inspired to make and over time, you can create an education system that is rooted in inspiring students. 

The use of a curve partially facilitates job market placements, which is another space of competition for law students.  Can you share how a law student can approach this in a soul centered manner?

Metatron: Good, this is the question we are awaiting for the purpose of a legal education is to use that education towards assisting in humanity’s ascension.  So, what we will tell students is rather than see your placement in your class as a way to gauge your worthiness, see it instead as a way for you to discern where your talents lie.  That is, it is not your placement that matters, but it is where you have done well that will show you the way.  See these courses you have done extremely well in as a kind of lighthouse that shows you your path ahead.  Follow these breadcrumbs and you will begin to develop your passion for some area of the law. 

Let us say you are in an interview for your third-year placement.  You have not done well, relatively speaking, except in tax law.  You are a wiz in tax and surprisingly, you enjoy the technicality of it.  In the interview, the interviewer bluntly points out that you are in the bottom half of your class and asks you to comment on why they should hire you.  This is a good time to become a wayshower.  You can give your power away to the system or you can empower the system in a way that is soul centered.

First, we will illustrate for you how it looks like for you to give your power away to the system.  When you are giving your power away to an institution that does not serve you, you debase yourself to feed the system.  If the student is doing this, perhaps they will stammer that they had a slow start in the first semester because ______________________.  But they worked hard, and they worked harder, and eventually began doing much better.  However, because of the relatively short duration of a legal education, the outcome was still such that they are in the bottom half of the class.  This is not a bad answer, but it is not an answer that indicates this interviewee, this student understands their soul note.  They are inherently leaning in towards a shadow.  Sure, it is possible that they get hired but when they do, they likely will be in a space of working harder and harder and harder, which may result in burnout. 

Second, we want to illustrate what it looks like when this student is being a wayshower.  So, the interviewee bluntly calls out that the student is not on the top half of their class.  How can the student respond, being the wayshower that they are?  They can ask the interviewer if the firm has a tax practice.  Then, they can ask the interviewer what the chargeable rates of the tax practice is relative to other specialty areas.  The interviewer responds that tax is above average in terms of chargeable rates but in terms of volume of work, it is near the top compared to other specialties.  Learning this, the student then answers the question in a way that empowers them and the hard work they have put in to their education.  The student responds by saying, “Well, isn’t that great that I am a wiz at tax.  I have published an article with a professor in a tax related topic.  If you hire me, you will hire someone who has above average chargeable rates in an area that is high in demand for this firm.” 

We wish to highlight why this is a good answer.  The obvious is that it addresses the economics of the firm, but that is not what we want to highlight.  What we want to highlight is that it allows the student to lean in to their soul note and empower their talents rather than silo them to what they are mediocre in.  In the first response, where the student was giving their power away, they leaned in to their weakness and tried to explain it away.  This is not necessary.  It is not necessary for the reason that it is best for the student to lean in to their soul note.  So, to explain away your weakness is to suggest that you will lean in to that weakness when you enter the firm.  This would be a suboptimal outcome for both you and the firm, should they hire you.  To follow our prior guidance, and to list down your aspirations for a legal education and notice when those aspirations are being affirmed by evidence of your talent, it will be much easier for the student to understand what area of the law their soul note lies in.  In leaning in to this, they can emphasize areas of strength rather than explain away areas of weaknesses.  To be in this space of empowering your soul note, rather than shrinking into giving your power away to a system that will never empower you, is to be a wayshower. 

I think there has been a lot of information shared here.  Any last messages?

Metatron: When faced with any difficult situation in any context whether it is in legal education or not, perspective will make a big difference.  If you see the glass as half full, then you will drink a glass that is half full.  If you see the glass as half empty, then you will not be motivated even to drink the water in the glass.  You see, energy matters and your perspective will dictate the energy you put into any thing or any action.  Sure, it is the same glass of water, but your perspective about that glass will make a difference as to whether or not you consume the water in the glass.  Understand that the universe is always conspiring in your favor, so when you believe it is not, challenge yourself to change your perspective and see the opportunity in what you may perceive as adversity.  You can see it as adversity or you can see it as an opportunity to make a quantum leap towards your dreams.  Same situation, two very different energies.  We have said it time and time again, what will you choose?

Xavier: A legal education can be a grand time to understand the creator that you are.  You can see legal education as a series of boxes to choose from or you can see it as a co-creative space to further build on all the boxes that have been built.  Again, it is about perspective.  You can see yourself as a prisoner of a relatively rigid system or you can see yourself as a master co-creator of a system built by giants.  Again, what will you choose?  What perspective will you adopt?  What you choose will be your reality.  Why not choose the biggest possibility of you in the expansiveness of joy.  Believe it is possible and it will be so. 

Thank you for your time and energy!

Xavier: Call on any of our energies to assist you and it will be so.  We are assisting you in becoming the biggest possibility of you while the universe conspires in your favor.  And so it is.