X, who are 55 higher dimensional beings, have a message for us today.  For an introduction to X, please read their first message, Introducing X – Teachers of Universal Ascension. For a list of all of X’s messages, please click on Category –> X.  As per the regular convention of this blog, in italics is the directly channeled message from the guides, verbatim, with no commentary from me.

Message #6

What we will do in this message is to prepare you for the coming New Year.  The New Year is a good time for new beginnings, to access the rebirth of the completions of this year 2023, which has been, for many of you, a year of clearing out those things that no longer serve your highest good.  It’s important for you to honor the hard inner work that has been elicited in this year of 2023.  You moved substantial amounts of energies, some that have been very old and have held you back for multiple incarnations.  You see, Earth is preparing for a renaissance of itself and to do that, it must assist you in shedding these energies that no longer serve you or humanity.  For in shedding these energies, you rise and everyone rises.  You see, when one of you rises, all of you rise.  We will repeat that because it is very important.  When one of you rises, all of you rise.  This is because you are all One.    

Now, what we wish to do now is to honor each of you for the hard inner work you have done, not just in this year but the aggregate of the inner work that has taken you to this moment when you are reading this post.  It has been, for you reading this, a gargantuan effort to become peaceful in your being.  Again, whether you recognize it or not, if you are reading this post at this moment, it has taken you a gargantuan effort to ascend where you are.  We are here to tell you that WE SEE YOU.  We see you for what you have accomplished.  We see you for the hard work you have had to do to accomplish the peace you feel in your heart and the oncoming joy percolating in your mind.  We see you in the struggles you have had to overcome to get here.  We see you for the freedom you are claiming.  We see you.  We see you.  WE SEE YOU.  Now, it’s important that you now see yourself.  If you wish to be in honoring of all that has been in this moment to assist in your oncoming completion for this year of 2023, repeat this affirmation with us.

I am a divine master being transformed.

I am the one who loves and honors myself unconditionally. 

I am whole in my fragmentation and I honor the fragments that have assisted in my wholeness.

I am a divine master being transformed.

I am free.  I am divine.  I am love. 

And so it is.  Repeat this affirmation with us and we will assist you in moving through your completions, not just in this year of 2023 but anytime you are navigating crossroads in your life. 

This brings us to the core of our teaching today.  What are crossroads and how do you navigate this inflection point in your life for your highest clearing and most magnificent manifestation?  Crossroads are a time in one’s life when the energetic body is being overhauled.  So, it is when substantial inner work has been done by you such that the energetic body is raising in its frequency, which in turn enhances your vibration.  It’s a time of grand opening to the abilities of all that you are to the I am self.  It is when you, as the personality, gets materially closer to your soul note.  It is a significant time in one’s life that is akin to moving through the chrysalis to fly as the butterfly that you can be, engaged in its freedom and celebrating all that has been done to get to this level of flight. 

So, what is there to navigate in such an exquisite process of ascension?  For a time, as we have said in prior messages, before the butterfly emerges, there is some resistances to breaking through the chrysalis.  Our purpose in this message is to teach you how to rebirth with more ease and grace than you would otherwise if you didn’t have these energetic tools we are about to teach you.  So, why does the butterfly struggle to move out of its cocoon when freedom beckons on the other side of the struggle?  The short answer is habit.  You see, when the caterpillar goes into the chrysalis, it goes there for some time.  It seems, as many of you reading this have felt, that the caterpillar does nothing in its cocoon, as if it is not productive.  But this is not so, and you can ask any scientist to verify that being in a cocoon of change is a grand time for the caterpillar for it works hard to transform in the same way you have worked hard for this frequency change in yourself.  The caterpillar, when it comes out of the chrysalis, looks vastly different from itself. As humans, you may or may not experience the same kind of physical change when you rebirth in the same way as the caterpillar does into a butterfly, but rest assured that if you can see your energy, as we can, that you will have an awe of appreciation for the transformation you have elicited in yourself.  The beauty of your transformation is grand in its elegance and purposeful in its struggle to rebirth.  We will explain that in a minute.

Before we get there, we wish to highlight why you struggle to fully rebirth in the same way the butterfly is sometimes reluctant to move past the chrysalis.  As we said prior, part of the answer is habit and the more complex answer we will go through here in a minute is that, the energy you are shedding is complex within the matrix of creation.  What holds some of you back is your need to understand intellectually what is occurring.  Why does this hold you back?  Partially, because it is not possible for you to understand all that is occurring for the human mind cannot grasp the grandness of the totality of the soul.  Are we telling you just to accept what might be happening with you without any assurance on your part that it is for your highest good?  Of course not, but the way to get comfort around the discomfort of the struggle is to assess your feelings.  This does not mean, as some of you are doing, that you intellectualize those feelings. Again, intellectualizing those feelings, trying to understand all that you feel in this grand transformation will hold you back.  Why?  Imagine as the caterpillar is in its last stage of transformation and ready to break out of the chrysalis, that it asks every little question as to why what is happening is happening.  Why is the cocoon breaking when I have been here safely for some time?  What will be on the other side of this darkness?  Why is this happening?  If it needed resolution to all these questions before it can break free, you can see now that it may never break free.  What is on the other side of this transformation?  The grandness of all of Gaia.  Even if the caterpillar can understand that concept, it is that it can never fully grasp the totality of the implication of all of Gaia. 

We wish to highlight how some of you reading this may be like this reluctant butterfly.  You may look back at some of the more harrowing releases and muse, why did that happen?  Why did I deserve that? Who will I become if I am no longer who I understood myself to be?  Do you see how this question is an intellectual endeavor rather than a movement forward to your freedom?  On some level, you do not need to understand as much as you need to step in to the new you.  The new you feels different.  The new you is accessing new frequencies of joy but if you never step into who you truly are and get stuck in the space of needing to understand every aspect of your ascension, you may never discover that space.  Understand what we just taught you here.  You, as the small self incarnate on Earth, are a series of spaces, just like Gaia is a series of energic spaces that create Earth.  From that perspective, there are spaces in you that are perhaps stuck in the harrowing experience of all that has been for that is a natural response to trauma and there are other spaces in you that are capable of grand joy.  Two different spaces in one soul.  So, we are asking you in this post, what space will you empower?  The space that you empower is the space that will expand.  Why is ascension a process of integration?  It is because you are integrating spaces within you.  If you lean in to the space that is accessing the joy of the vibration of the high self, then that self begins to permeate and influence that space that may be stuck in the harrowing experience of trauma. As you empower the joyful aspects of self, the space that has, rightly so, felt traumatized, begin to soften in its fear and begins to “integrate” aspects of itself to that space that is filled with joy.  As you empower more and more of the joy in you, and you integrate, the contraction of the soul re-remembering the harrowing experience of trauma begin to dissipate and this is when you begin to feel the expansiveness of your freedom.  So, we are going to ask you again.  What space will you empower within yourself?  If you choose joy, you will be filled with joy.  If you choose to re-remember what no longer serves you, then you will be like the butterfly reluctant to come out of the cocoon.  What are you going to choose today?  What you choose today will dictate the expansiveness of all that you become in the coming year.  This is true today as it will be at any other moment in your life for which you are navigating crossroads.

We caution many of you reading this post that we are, by no means, advocating for you to engage in toxic positivity. When the soul fragment is resolved but is triangulating by re-remembering and digging through what has been resolved, the method we have taught you above works.  However, when the soul fragment is not resolved, that is the soul lesson it needs to learn is not within the personality’s conscious awareness, then choosing to ignore the soul fragment by leaning in to “positivity” will exacerbate its fragmentation.  In that contraction, the high self may order a triggering event to assist you as the personality to become aware.  How do you know a soul fragment has been resolved?  On the inner, you know.  When you get into your soul centered self by any of the means taught in this website, there will be a no doubtedness as to its resolution. 

Now, how do you move past the habit of triangulating?  This is the fun part.  When the body is triangulating, it is looking for what is familiar.  It does that because what is familiar is comfortable.  We hope you can have compassion for yourself in this manner.  The body sometimes triangulate and looks for what is familiar because it is comfortable even if what is familiar is quite excruciating as an experience.  Having compassion for yourself is key here because you can become aware that you are seeking an excruciating experience.  Understand that having compassion for yourself is giving yourself unconditional love.  So, in that process, you jar the body out of seeking out this harrowing and excruciating experience it finds comfortable.  When you can be in a more neutral space and you move out of the habit of leaning in to an identity that no longer serves you, then you can begin to choose joy.  How do you do this? Simply ask on the inner, what would bring me joy?  Trust what comes.  What will bring you joy?  What will bring you joy?  What will bring you joy?  Trust what comes.  Then, move towards doing what brings you joy.  In this process, you may begin to intellectualize what comes.  Stop this for intellectualizing is the process for which you begin to justify being in the comfort of that harrowing or excruciating experience.  This process of allowing that we are teaching you may be difficult for those who are in the habit of intellectualizing their experience.  Trust what comes and then just do it.  And when you do, you should begin to feel joy, a kind of elation you have not felt in your life.  When the joy you feel seems muted, it is because you are reluctant to allow in the same way the butterfly is reluctant to come out of its chrysalis.  Give yourself permission to allow.  If you need assistance, then ask us and your guidance system to give you a boost.  Allow what comes and you will feel an elation you have never felt before that will facilitate a freedom you have never had before.

Those of you that have been in the rigidity of validation may find the process of allowing a kind of prison.  We hope you can appreciate the irony here.  You feel that the very thing that will set you free is the very thing that imprisons or controls you.  This is another way that the body triangulates to resist freedom by leaning in to the comfort of a harrowing or excruciating experience.  So, do the exercise we have taught you above and move through this space by choosing joy.

As you begin to navigate the spaces within the incarnate self, you will become very good at expansion.  You can scan your body and feel the different spaces of yourself.  Simply move your focus from your head to your toes until you have scanned your whole body and you will feel the differences between the “spaces” of your body.  Your aura is expansive, more expansive than you can understand but all of you is connected to some part of the body one way or another.  So, doing this scan will give you insight as to the spaces you occupy.  Is that space whole or fragmented?  If it is fragmented, have you learned the soul lesson?  How do you know?  You know by how you feel when you tune in to that space.  When you focus on that space there is a knowing within you as to what must be done.  You can learn how to integrate soul fragments by perusing the articles in this blog or leaning in to another healing modality that does much of the same, such as those proffered by the shamanic tradition as inner child retrieval.  When the fragment has been resolved but may be triangulating because the depth of the experience has created a pattern within the body, simply imagine that fragment as your inner child and take his or her hand, and ask him or her to come with you to explore the expansiveness of your wholeness.  What you are doing in this process is what we have taught you earlier as to how to lean in to the space of joy connected to the high self.  As you walk this triangulating fragment, imagine the two or three or however many of you walking into the light of joy.  In this imagination, you will feel a relief which will turn into gratefulness, which can then morph into an everlasting joy that raises your frequency such that you become the butterfly moving out of the chrysalis with ease and grace. 

If you are engaging in toxic positivity while you perform this visualization we have just taught you, you will find that your inner child will refuse to go to the light.  If it does, respect their wish and assist them in integrating to the whole. 

There has been much offered here by way of energy healing.  You are about to walk into the freedom of the new so it is a time to celebrate yourself.  You are divine master beings capable of grand transformation and we are assisting you in your endeavors when we are invited.  Call on our energies to assist and it will be so.  We will have more to say in the near future, but in the meantime, we are going to wish you a joyful holiday season.  Lean in to that space of joy and you will feel an elation this holiday season.  And so it is.