X, who are 55 higher dimensional beings, have a message for us today.  For an introduction to X, please read their first message, Introducing X – Teachers of Universal Ascension. For a list of all of X’s messages, please click on Category –> X.  As per the regular convention of this blog, in italics is the directly channeled message from the guides, verbatim, with no commentary from me.

Message #7

What we wish to teach you today is how to harness energy for your new year’s intentions, these things you call new year’s resolutions.  We wish for you to call them intentions for that is what they are.  For these intentions to be efficacious, you need to harness the energy of your intentions through action or through clarification of your intention.  

The first thing we need to cover is we need to have a shared understanding of the energy of manifestation.  Now, we caution some of you, who may feel a bit dogmatic about channeled messages, that this is only one energetic structure of manifestation.  There are many others, but this is the one we wish to teach you for it is the most relevant to this concept of new year’s resolutions. 

Now, the next thing we wish to highlight is this concept of a resolution.  What is a resolution?  How is this distinct from an intention?  A resolution has the energy of change, which is good for change is constant on the Earth plane.  However, it also has the energy of “out with the old, in with the new.”  We have spoken of this prior and what is faulty with this method is that it is not honoring to the totality of your experience.  If you are honoring of the old, rather than having an attitude of wanting to discard these painful experiences, you will move faster through the quantum field.  You see, everything is energy and dishonoring energy is creating stagnant energy.  If you honor the totality of your experience, however unpleasant some of them have been, that energy in the field will not stagnate and will in fact, assist you in finding the new.  So, to be grateful for something you have difficulty being grateful for, ask “what has been the benefit to me?”  “What did I understand about my responsibility towards my soul fragmentation through this experience?”  “How has this experience made conscious the hidden self?”  Answer these questions regarding this unpleasant experience and you will be on your way to being grateful for the experience.  In this honoring, you will move through the quantum in lightning speeds. 

Now that we have explained that, we wish to teach you a structure of the energy of manifestation.  When you have an intention, that is energy, but it is not enough energy to incite creation.  When you take action towards that intention, now you have more energy.  It is not enough energy for completion, but it is perhaps enough energy to see the first glimpses of tangible creation.  Then, when you honor that action and intention, you take that energy and you supercharge it.  Imagine that the intention and action creates a ball of energy, and when you honor the intention and action, that ball of energy then begins to move at lightning speeds.  What it is doing is it is making you magnetic to synchronicity for you to understand the next level of intention and action that you need for the iterant creation.  For you to complete manifestation, you need to keep doing this until you have manifested your desired outcome. 

So, that is a simple process.  There are several things that may come up in the process.  You may, at some point, encounter a soul fragment that says they don’t feel worthy of the desired outcome.  How does this look like, energetically, given this simplified framework we are giving you?  This soul fragment acts as a binder to the ball of energy.  That is, it stagnates the ball of energy so that it cannot move to create synchronicity, or it cannot become bigger so that manifestation can complete.  What you need to do at this moment, is to address the soul fragment, for that is the anecdote to moving forward.  If you move forward through efforting by ignoring the discomfort that the soul fragment is emitting to you, what occurs is that the energy of the soul fragment as a binder becomes stronger and the feeling of stuckness and stagnance will increase.  Soul fragments are karmic, so the high self is very motivated for the incarnate soul to learn the lesson it needs to learn. 

There are many articles in this forum that explains how to transmute soul fragments so we will defer to those.  What happens when the soul fragment gets transmuted?  In our simple model here, what occurs is that the soul fragment as a binder begins to dissolve and it transforms itself to pure light energy that makes the ball bigger.  If you take the time to be grateful for the experience of the soul fragment, again, you will take the ball and it will move at lightning speeds to create synchronicity.  We hope you see how consequential it can be to be grateful for the totality of your experience and to love yourself unconditionally. 

Another thing that may come up in this process is that, you as the manifestor, may begin to feel uncomfortable with your intentions.  That is, the intentions may not be in your soul centered truth.  This is the core of our teaching today for setting intentions is an artform.  We are going to illustrate this concept by telling you a story.

Let us say, there is a couple, both of whom wishes to lose weight.  So, this is both of their intentions.  So now the ball of energy has some traction once they write down this intention and ground this intention into their body.  Then, the couple takes action towards this intention by walking daily together before they get their day started.  Good, now this ball of energy has gotten bigger.  After a week of this, the couple takes the time to honor themselves and each other for sticking to their resolution.  The energy gets supercharged and begins to create synchronicity for the couple.  In this synchronicity, they are perhaps invited to hiking groups or other forms of social interaction that makes working out more fun.  Unfortunately, for this couple, they are not interested in the synchronicity that has been brought in.  What a bummer. 

So, what went wrong with our simple model here?  It could be that their intentions were not quite accurate, or the action taken was not on point as according to their soul centered truth.  What needs to occur now to make good use of the momentum they have created is to go back to the drawing board and get clear on their why, individually and together.  Why do each one of them want to lose weight?  For one partner, let us say that he or she suffers from high blood pressure and wishes better health and for the other partner, let us say, they are quite fond of dressing up.  Based on this newfound information and reflection, the action taken of walking every day may not have been the best action, though it was not a bad decision to do this.  To keep harnessing energy as to their desired outcome of weight loss, each partner needs to take action in the direction of their why.  So, for the partner with high blood pressure, perhaps in addition to walking, there needs to be a concerted effort to eat healthier.  For the partner who enjoys dressing up, it is to begin to feel their beauty exactly as they are and begin to dress up as if they have already reached their goal.  That is, do not think I will buy that suit when I’ve lost 40 lbs. Or  I will buy that new dress when I’ve lost 40 lbs.  No, do not wait, for waiting is stagnant energy.  Waiting is giving yourself conditional love. You are worthy of that suit now so buy it in your size.  You are worthy of that dress, so buy it in your current size and allow it to make you feel beautiful.  To wait is to tell that ball of energy that they are not good enough now, they will be good enough when __________.  That is conditional love.  So, being your why now will supercharge the energy such that the right synchronicity will come along.  Perhaps, after one partner changes their eating habits they come across a blog for healthy eating in which the food is even better than their prior diet.  And for the partner who enjoys dressing up, perhaps they meet a stylist who becomes a friend.  In meeting these synchronicities and acknowledging the universe for their assistance to meet their desired outcome, this couple will begin to manifest the weight loss. 

So, yes, your science says that to lose weight you must eat healthier and exercise more.  This is not wrong, but it is also not complete.  In harnessing your why, and moving towards the direction of that why, you will manifest your desired outcomes faster and with more magic and synchronicity.  When you behave as if you are already your desired outcome, you further the ball of energy and you move in quantum speeds towards manifestation. 

Another thing we wish to teach you is how to make long term intentions and how to balance that with your short-term actions.  You see, wanting to lose weight is a long term intention. That is, it will take some time to manifest.  When you look at the why of the intention, the why will lead you to what short term actions are necessary to harness the desired outcome.  It’s important to have both.  It’s important to reflect and get clear on both.  Be honest with yourself if you do not really want to lose the weight and perhaps a better intention for you is to love yourself as you are.  It’s important that you start with a base of intentions and that you are flexible in allowing those intentions to morph such that you cater to your soul centered self.  Your soul is always communicating to you what you need to do to live your best life.  Heed those knocks.  Listen to the rumblings of your soul and do not drown them out in favor of what is popular or what you think people expect of you.  What do you expect of yourself?  What will bring you joy?  What will you love to do?  What will assist you in loving yourself?  These are what you should intend. 

In following our guidance here on how to create new beginnings with new year’s intentions, you will move at quantum speeds through the field.  Call on our energies to assist you in setting these intentions and planning the actions that will serve your why.  We will assist you in getting to your soul centered truth for your most authentic manifestation at your highest potential.  We send you love wherever you are and we assist you in loving yourself unconditionally this new year.  Happy New Year to all of you!  Namaste.