The guides suggested this topic. Let’s see what they have to teach us.
Who will assist us today? Metatron will be our teacher for this message. To learn more about the guides, please read our About page. All channeled material is in italics, which is exactly what I hear from the guides, verbatim.
Metatron: Why would you resist your biggest possibility? Well, most people believe they do not resist their biggest possibility, yet they do not live lives that are truly their highest excitement. The truth is many people do not know when they are resisting their biggest possibility, and this is what we wish to assist you in this teaching.
To understand when you are resisting your biggest possibility we wish to explain to you what it feels like to be your biggest possibility. Understand that when you are being your biggest possibility, there is no resistance. So, if you know what it is like to be your biggest possibility, then you will have a sense when you are NOT resisting your biggest possibility. When you are not resisting your biggest possibility, your life flows. That is, you follow your highest excitement, you work in areas where you are highly passionate, and you have relationships that, while not perfect, you are in full understanding of how it benefits you, both the rocky parts of the relationship and the aspects of the relationship that are fun and enjoyable. What we are saying is that when you are your biggest possibility, perhaps your life is not necessarily perfect from your perspective, but you take responsibility for every aspect of it. You understand the learning in your experience, for both the good experiences and those you perceive to be more difficult or challenging experiences.
We want to dispel a common misconception at this moment. There are beliefs in your plane that if you are living a BIG life, that is, one full of validation, money, relationships, and good health, that you are your biggest possibility. Yet, everyday on your plane there is someone with a pedigreed education, a prestigious job, and a hefty paycheck to accompany all of that, and they give it up for their biggest possibility. Your biggest possibility is not what is conceived by the popular media. Being rich does not necessarily mean that you are living your biggest possibility. Being educated does not necessarily mean that you are living your biggest possibility. Being married does not necessarily mean you are living your biggest possibility. Having good health does not necessarily mean you are living your biggest possibility. Are any of these things bad? No, of course not. But, the point we are trying to make is that these things by themselves or even together does not necessarily mean you are living your biggest possibility. Perhaps, it may mean you are conventionally successful according to your plane’s societal expectations, but it does not mean, on its own, that you are living your biggest possibility. So, that is that.
When you are being your biggest possibility, as we said before, your life flows. If at your soul center, you wish to make a difference, then the universe will give you the opportunity to make a difference. If at your soul center, you wish to be in an unconditionally loving relationship, then the universe will give you that opportunity as well. If at your soul center, you wish to be abundant, then the universe will give you the opportunity to tell them how you wish to assist in ascension to attract that abundance. Do you see what we are teaching you? When you are in your soul center, you are being your biggest possibility. So, there are several nuances to this teaching. You can always be in your soul center, thus, you can always be your biggest possibility. Additionally, when you are not in your soul center, you can always follow our teaching for how to integrate soul fragments, and you can get back to your soul center. It does not matter where you are, at your soul center or in a soul fragment, you can always get back to your soul center to become your biggest possibility.
Now what we want to teach you is how to deal with a soul fragment that comes from a very deep wounding. When there are deep wounds in the energetic body, it is very difficult for you to be in the soul center for deep woundedness is very magnetic. Do you understand this? Deep wounds are very magnetic, not to make your life difficult, but to ensure that you are motivated to heal those deep wounds in this life.
What does deep wounding have to do with becoming your biggest possibility? When you are attracted to the magnetic nature of a deep wound and it is very difficult for you to find and remain in your soul center on a daily basis, it can be difficult to maintain a vibration that allows you to be your biggest possibility. Those souls who tend to be older often have deep wounding precisely because they are at a soul age where they can handle such an experience. We say this to those of you who feel you may be at fault at your deep wounding, that perhaps there is a belief in you that you, as the personality, deserved the deep wounding. We would not say deserved, we would instead say such a circumstance was gifted to you precisely because you are gifted enough to overcome it. Our purpose in this message is to assist you in unlocking those gifts.
So, before we teach you how to transmute and release deep wounding, we want to honor our agreement with the channel and that is to tell you that should you feel the need to procure a licensed professional to assist you with your deep wounding, that you should. The way to do that is to ask the universe for assistance and synchronicities in your life will lead you to the one that can assist you. Understand that the channel is not such a licensed professional, she is what she says she is, she is a channel for higher dimensional guidance. So, that is that.
What do you do to transmute, then release deep wounding? The first thing necessary is for you to become aware of your deep wounding. This is sometimes more complex than the personality may understand because all that is occurring to you and all that you feel at any given point in time are, more often than not, related. So, it is for you to reflect on what areas of your life you may have deep wounding. That is, what are these things, people, events, or circumstances that trigger you to feel something deeply negative? If you feel deeply negative about anything, there is a deep wounding in your energetic system. No matter your perception of the external optics of the situation, if you feel deeply negative about it, especially if that negative feeling has a spiraling effect to it, there is usually a deep wounding, whether the root cause is in this life or a past life. Once you are aware of all these things, people, events, or circumstances that cause you to negatively spiral, you are aware of your deep woundedness.
The next thing that needs to be done after you become aware is to be in recognition of the deep woundedness. What does this entail? Recognition entails that you take responsibility for the experience. More specifically, you must understand what behavior of yours has caused the high self to allow for this experience. Do you see this? The high self manages you and your blueprint. If they have allowed the experience to occur in your life, whether in the current incarnation or a past life, it means that the experience is purposeful for your learning as a soul. So, to understand your responsibility, ask the high self what positive thing they wish for you to learn in this deeply wounding experience? When you ask, you will get an answer by way of your intuition. Do not discount what you hear, feel, or know at the moment of your asking, for the high self has direct access to the personality at all times.
Before we get to the more complex nuances of this process, we want to teach you the next step after recognition and that is realization. Realization is that moment where you begin to take the negative belief that is the root cause of the deep wounding and you begin to replace it with a more positive belief through your action. So, this means that you begin to behave differently than the behavior that caused the deep wounding. When you engage in realization, you essentially begin to release the deep woundedness from the body in totality.
Now, we wish to discuss with you some of the more complex nuances of this process. It is important to lean in to your intuition and not the intellectual mind when you are engaged in this process. Understand that the intellectual mind is an instrument of your deep woundedness, while your intuition is the anecdote to it. Do you understand this? The intellectual mind is beholden to the ego and sometimes the intellectual mind makes it seem like it’s a great idea to lean in to the magnetic nature of your deep woundedness.
Another thing we wisht to discuss about this process is its multidimensional nature. When you are dealing with deep woundedness, often times it does not only come from this life. Before the high self allows for deep wounding in your blueprint, it has tried other ways to get you to learn the lesson. Unfortunately, when a behavior has been repeated over many lifetimes, however innocuous it seemed for the time period being lived, it becomes hard for the personality to become aware that the behavior comes from a soul fragmentation. When this occurs, the high self often assesses the situation and sometimes allowing for an experience of deep wounding is the only way to get the personality to understand there is a soul fragmentation. This is also why understanding your deep woundedness from a purely intellectual viewpoint may steer you in the wrong direction because when deep woundedness has roots in several past lives, it is the intuition that will give you access to that knowing, not the intellectual mind.
There has been much said in this message and we have much more to teach you. For now, this is enough to get many of you through your deep woundedness. We will close this message as we close every other message and it is to encourage you to call on our support and it will be so. We want to tell you that we love you and we are supporting you as you heal your deep woundedness. And, so it is.