It’s important to have clear intentions when clearing energy or manifesting.  There’s a line between your intentions being too specific such that you are micromanaging the process and your intentions being too vague so that they are somewhat benign. I thought I’d ask the guides to assist us with understanding this line and guide us on how to set intentions that spirit guides are receptive to.

Who will assist us today? Kahuna Nui Sebastian, an Ascended Master who specializes in energetics behind the healing journey, Seraphim, my angelic guides, and Xavier, my galactic angels, are going to guide us today.  Beneath the question in italics is exactly what I hear from the guides, verbatim. Since several guides are going to be assisting us today, I will delineate below who is answering the question.

How can we set intentions that guides are receptive to?

Seraphim: First, we wish to give the readers of this post a framework to assess whether their intentions are clear enough.  Clear intentions are important for if intentions are unclear, how are guides to know what you are truly asking for?  So, the first thing you assess is whether or not you can picture yourself being, doing, or having your intention.  Is it clear enough in your mind’s eye?  Can you see yourself experiencing whatever your intention is?  If you cannot, it is not clear enough and you need to dig deep and be in awareness of what you truly want.

The second thing to assess is whether you truly want what you are asking for or is it something you want because it will validate you?  Surprisingly, the number one reason guides do not respond to your request is because your request is either empowering your shadow or it is an inauthentic request.  You don’t really want it.  You may believe you want it because it will validate you or it empowers a shadow that you are unaware of but it is not a want of the high self and it is not compatible with your blueprint.  So, by universal law, we cannot respond, for we cannot sabotage your blueprint. 

The third and last thing you need to assess to check if you have clear intentions is to discern if it is compatible with your blueprint.  Now, this takes quite a bit of focus and concentration during meditation.  It also takes quite a bit of self awareness to understand if you are within your blueprint.  It is not always clear or easy if you are acting within your blueprint and it is important to check in with us guides or with your high self if a particular outcome is compatible with your true desires as a soul. That is, is what you want what you came to learn on Earth?  This is an important point to discern for yourself. 

Can intentions be too vague or too specific?  Can you give us examples? It is not always clear when we are too vague or micromanaging our goals such that we are sabotaging ourselves.

Sebastian: This is a good question.  First, we will address when intentions are too vague.  It is good to set intentions for your highest good, but if your only intention is that which is for your highest good, put yourself in our shoes and imagine that we are confused as to which specific thing you are speaking of.  That is, there are many things that are for your highest good and we cannot usurp your free will so we cannot choose for you.  Do you see this?  We cannot choose for you, by universal law.  So, unless you are clear as to that thing that is for your highest good, the likelihood is that we will send you messages to show you that you need more clarity as to your specific outcome.

Now, we wish to address when humans are too rigid towards their intentions.  This usually occurs when humans want a specific outcome this way.  Unless it comes this way, they are not interested in it coming at all.  This rigidity usually sabotages your intentions.  By universal law, as guides, we must do what is for your highest good and if this way is not the pathway that is for your highest good, we cannot assist you. 

When our intentions are too vague, what can we do to get clearer on our intentions?

Xavier: It seems simple enough to make your intentions more specific, but there is more to it than that.  When intentions are too vague, several things can be at play.  First, the person setting the vague intentions has some vague idea of what clearing needs to occur, but has not dug deep enough to be aware of the root cause of what they need to clear.  We give you a clear example.  Let us say someone wants to clear all fears.  This is a fair request, and most humans want all fears to be cleared.  However, your fears are usually asking you to be self-aware of what the root cause of the fear is.  This is a HARD thing to do for humans.  Of course, it would be difficult for to reach the root cause, one must confront their fears.  We will repeat.  To reach the root cause of your fear is to face your fear.  And it is hard to do.  But that is what must be done.  So, when you ask us to clear all your fears, we will respond by showing you how to get to the root cause.  We will begin with the fear that is most consequential for you at the moment.  This is a complex process we go through as guides.  Essentially, what we do is we analyze your blueprint across time and space and we make a judgement call as to which fear would elevate your vibration the most at the moment.

So, this vague intention is not necessarily impotent, however, if you sent clearer intentions such as I wish to clear my fear of examinations, we can guide you better and you will reach your desired outcomes must faster. 

What about when intentions are too rigid?  Is this different from intentions being too specific?

Seraphim: First, we address the difference in vibration of an intention that is too rigid versus an intention that is too specific.  An intention that is too specific is not as worrisome as intentions that are too rigid.  To have very specific intentions can sometimes be very good, if those specific intentions are in line with your blueprint.  In this case, the specificity will serve you by accelerating your manifestation.  When intentions are very specific but against your blueprint, then, as guides, our job is to make you aware of why either certain aspects of your specific intention is not for your highest good in this life or why your intention in totality is not for your highest good.  Whatever the case, the specificity of your intention will mean that there is much awareness that needs to come to the forefront of your consciousness. 

Rigidity is slightly different from specificity.  As Sebastian has alluded to, rigidity usually manifests itself by way of controlling how something will occur.  In this case, it could be that the intention is good and it is in line with your highest good, but we will still not be able to assist you if the pathway you are rigid about is not for your highest good.  Do you now see the difference between intentions that are too rigid and too specific?  When you are too rigid, as guides, we try to make you aware that your rigidity may be the issue.  Often, however, it is misconstrued as the intention not belonging to the person and people often give up the intention not realizing that what they needed to give up is their rigidity.  This is a fine point that deserves to be highlighted. It’s important to discern if what you need to give up is your desired outcome, or is it that you need to give up your rigidity.  You can gain clarity on this through silent meditation.  

I’d like to close this post by asking: Why are clear intentions important for clearing and manifestation?

Seraphim: Clear intentions are important because the more self-aware you are, the easier it is for us guides to guide you.  We do not have to make you self-aware of what needs to occur for your highest good, we just need to show you how to get to your desired outcomes.  Becoming self-aware is much easier in silent meditation, especially for aspects of self that might be tricky.  That is, it could be that you need to differentiate between your true desires versus the desires of a strong soul fragment.   You can more easily discern this in silent meditation for you will feel the discomfort with a soul fragment in meditation but you often cannot have the same self awareness when you are just in your day-to-day life.

Xavier: As Seraphim has already alluded to in the beginning, when you can see yourself having, doing, or being what you desire, it is easier for us guides to guide you as to how to attain your desired outcome.  If your desired outcome is not for your highest good, then we cannot move forward with the manifestation because we must first make you self-aware that you need to pivot your intention.  So, being honest and authentic in your intentions for manifestation not only make our jobs as guides easier but it makes manifestation for you easier and faster, on the whole.

Sebastian: Clear intentions show substantial discernment on behalf of the individual.  The more aware you are, the easier it is to clear and the easier it is to manifest.  It is important to honor where you are.  If you need to pivot, that is okay.  If you make a quantum leap, that is excellent.  If you manifest quickly, that is great.  Accept where you are and honor that you are trying your best.  Try your best to be as self-aware as you can be but do not beat yourself up or compare yourself to others for that is a futile exercise.  That is, your blueprint is always challenging for you but may not be challenging for someone else.  To suggest that some humans are doing better than other humans is a preposterous idea to guides.  You are trying your best.  You are trying your best.  You are trying your best.  Honor that.  And if you truly are not trying your best, then set your intention to try your best and you will be assisted. 

Thank you very much for your time and energy!

Sebastian: Call on any of us to show you how to create clear intentions, and it will be so.