Today, I was watching Hay House’s book writing workshop.  At the end of today’s teaching, they played a video of Mike Dooley, who talked about his ascent to becoming a sought out speaker and bestselling author.  Like Mike, I started my career at PricewaterhouseCoopers, the Big 4 Accountancy firm.  Also like Mike, at some point in my career I became increasingly disenchanted with corporate life.  Mike spoke candidly about his ascent and some of the harrowing experiences he had post PwC where he needed to persist in his speaking and writing career.  I don’t want to steal his thunder, so if you get a chance to go to one of his workshops at a Hay House event, Mike’s story is quite inspirational.  After watching him tell his story, it brought up my own need to persist through my blueprint and the guides suggested this topic as a result. 

Who will assist us today?   Seraphim, my angelic guides, will be our teacher for this message.  To learn more about the guides, please read our About page.  All channeled material is in italics.  It is exactly what I hear in my head, verbatim.

Seraphim:  We want to teach you all today what you can learn from failure.   That is, many who are stupendously successful understand that mastering failure is a prerequisite to success.  However, some discourses on your plane that espouses a conventional view of success often belie a reality where, more often than not, breakthroughs are facilitated by severe breakdowns, or what some of you reading this perceive to be failure. 

What we want to teach you today is how the high self decides to facilitate failure over success.  This is information that is often closely guarded by the angelic realm, but we think those that will read this are ready for the wisdom we are about to impart.  So, to illustrate our point we want to tell you a story. 

Let us say that there is a couple.  For the sake of brevity and clarity, we will use a married man and woman in our example and we will simply call them wife and husband.  Our use of a heterosexual couple does not mean we prefer any sexual identity, it is simply easier to use from the perspective of language.  If you are of same sex orientation, simply change our example to suit your needs.  So, that is that.

So, this wife and husband are getting a divorce.  Divorce for many people are perceived to be a failure or breakdown of the relationship.  Most marriages, however precarious it begins, start off promising and with optimistic expectations of the union.  This is a self fulfilling prophecy for many and it is what you call on your plane as the honeymoon period.  As the union progresses, there are challenges as there are with all relationships.  Some challenges are surmounted by one or both partners and in these situations, the union becomes stronger.  For some other challenges, neither partner is able to overcome what needs to be overcome for a stronger union. Thus, in these instances the union becomes a bit weaker each time the challenge eludes either partner.  A divorce occurs when there are more instances where challenges are insurmountable to either partner than when both partners are able to overcome their own soul fragmentation to forge a stronger bond. 

At this point, it becomes easy to judge those that get divorced as not being able to complete their soul fragmentations, however, that is not an entirely accurate perception.  Why?  Humans often don’t know what they don’t know and external outcomes often belie a complex and sometimes complicated energetic matrix.  What if we told you there is a couple that divorced but their soul fragmentation was the equivalent of a marathon.  They got through the first 25 miles, lost steam and each partner’s high self wanted to give them a boost through a quantum leap.  That quantum leap comes by way of a divorce.  How is it a quantum leap?  First, they can complete the last mile or so of their marathon through the proceedings of a divorce.  Second, they can be gifted new relationships that aren’t saddled with memories of the challenges of the marathon that was their relationship.  Third, they can experience themselves anew in a relationship that doesn’t feel like a daily marathon.  Dealt with properly, individuals such as this often say they are grateful for the challenges because they can feel the change in them and have an innate knowing that they completed a marathon.  The external optics of getting a divorce may belie the energetic triumph for both partners in reaching completion through a divorce. 

Another reason a scenario such as this is a quantum leap is that the high self is essentially granting each partner a soul agreement that doesn’t feel as heavy.   What does this mean?  It is the same kind of feeling one gets when they move.  When one moves they are forced to liquidate items that they haven’t touched in years, clear clutter that no longer serves them, and most importantly move to a space that serves the new them as opposed to trying to mold a space bought for the old them to meet the needs of the new them.  Do you so see this?  When there is a substantial energetic transformation in you, it often requires a jump in timelines and sometimes that jump in timelines comes by way of a quantum leap that looks like failure. 

Some of you didn’t expect that analysis, but you now understand that sometimes what is perceived externally as massive failure is actually a deep triumph of the soul.  We, as angels, understand that most humans prefer the experience of success.  We understand this, however, we cannot tell you that this is entirely optimal for your ascension.  Why?  There is nothing wrong with success, do not get our message wrong and as we told you in our previous example, failure is often only a temporal space that facilitates a breakthrough that feels like conventional success.  We want to emphasize in this message that often humans don’t know what you don’t know when it comes to the totality of your soulful experience. 

Let us say there is another couple and this couple has their own sets of challenges but overcomes many of them and grows stronger as a result.  Unlike the first couple, they stay married through death and do not divorce.  Again, it’s easy to say this is a successful relationship and in many ways, it is, but what if we told you this couple’s soul fragmentation was the equivalent of a 10k rather than a marathon.  As angels, we do not want to incite a human’s predilection for comparisonitis, however, to make a point we show you a contrast.  In essence, as we said before, you often do not know what you don’t know and external perception and judgements of situations are often inaccurate markers of what is truly happening at the soul level.  So, that is that. 

At this point of this teaching we want to answer the question we posited in the title.  What do you learn from failure?  You learn a lot of things in failure, in fact, more so than you learn in success.  The number one thing you learn in failure is that you truly meet yourself as you truly are and are given the opportunity to love yourself unconditionally exactly as you are, not as you wish you were.  You learn to love yourself, not love yourself IF.  Do you see this?  This is the gift of failure.  It is a golden opportunity to make a quantum leap to shed beliefs, patterns, and identities that no longer serve you.  This is a huge undertaking for any soul and reframing failure often catapults you in this space where you feel peaceful about the perceived failure.  Do you see this?  As we said, humans don’t know what you don’t know, but the soul always knows why they choose this particular experience for the personality to experience. The soul, the embodied high self, always chooses the optimal experience given the learning that needs to occur.  That is, if they could have chosen a better experience for you, they would have, but sometimes what humans perceive as better is not deeper by way of a soulful experience.  Do you see this?  From this perspective, the high self is always truly conspiring in your favor. 

What we want you to do if you have experienced massive failure in your life or if you are currently experiencing what feels like failure in your life is to ask your high self this question.  Ask your high self, what gift did you give me in that experience?  That is, you are asking the high self what was the higher learning and what was the benefit for your soul to be given the opportunity experience failure?  If you want to feel optimistic about the future, you can ask your future self what breakthroughs will come from a perceived breakdown of your external life.  Doing this exercise will give many of you peace as to what you have experienced or are experiencing.

Before we end this message, we want to tell you that many of you that engage in our teachings regularly are beginning to be able to receive us directly.  Whether you believe we are there or not, we are always there when you ask.  Again, we are always there when you ask, so, we encourage you to call on our energies for support and it will be so.  And, so it is.