This is a trailer for an online course in learning how to unconditionally love yourself.  The course channels Jacqui, who are a collective of archangels who specialize in self love.  To sign up for this course, click here.

When we love ourselves unconditionally, we become more nimble in our response to life’s circumstances and see challenges as opportunities for quantum leaps. Unconditionally loving ourselves also comes with a deep sense of peacefulness and an innate joy in our day-to-day lives. Our presence becomes very magnetic, and it becomes easier for us to be in the Now moment rather than dwelling in the past or needing to control the future.

This online course has over 2 hours of channeled material, asynchronously delivered, and six inner work exercises.

Six lessons:
1. The Spaces of You
2. Addressing Soul Fragmentations with Love
3. Writing a New Story
4. Understanding Your Why
5. Loving Yourself When You Fall
6. Unconditionally Loving Yourself