The guides suggested this topic.  Let’s see what they have to teach us.

Who will be our teacher for this topic?  Seraphim, my angelic guides, will be our teacher for this message.  To learn more about the guides, please read our About page.   If you are new to my channeling, I’ve compiled a glossary if you need to look up certain terms the guides use.  All channeled material is in italics.  It is exactly what I hear in my head, verbatim.

Seraphim:  This is a very special message for those who choose to undertake its energy.  Why is this a very special message?  Because gifting yourself freedom is the highest potential you can gift yourself.  Do you understand this?  Gifting yourself freedom is the highest potential you can gift yourself.  Precisely because freedom is a difficult soul lesson to master because of the density of the Earth plane. 

How, then, do you choose freedom?  You choose freedom by being your most authentic self.  Truly.  You choose freedom by being your most authentic self.  At your soul center, you always know what that is.  If at your soul center, you feel a bit uncomfortable with some decision, if there is a wobble, if you feel that there are aspects of you that are being left behind by this decision, then that decision is not yet fully authentic.  Does it mean it will never be fully authentic?  Not necessarily.  What we are trying to say is that if you do not feel joy about a decision, if you don’t feel peaceful or neutral about a decision, then it likely isn’t right timing or right action.  You must decipher which.  If it is not right action, the likelihood is that there will never come a time when you will have what you aspire to have.  If it is not right timing, then there are soul lessons remaining before the universe can allow the energy to flow for that thing that you aspire to.  When you are making fully authentic decisions, it is within right timing and right action.  Do you understand this?  When you are making fully authentic decisions, it is within right timing and right action.  In being cognizant about these two things, you are deliberately choosing freedom. 

What happens when you preempt your soul center and make a decision that is neither right timing nor right action?  It is not always bad, but if it is not right timing nor right action, the likelihood is that you are acting through a shadow, what we call a soul fragment.  Soul fragments are not always bad, in fact, soul fragments are those aspects of you that have talent, have grit, and that has the tenacity to persevere.   However, to operate through a soul fragment, we think, is a much more difficult path than to begin to reconcile your soul lessons on the inner before making a decision.  You see, it is not all bad to operate through a soul fragment, but to do so is to effort.  Do you see this?  To do so is to effort because you are forcing an energy that is not freely flowing.  If you only addressed your soul lessons beforehand and waited when it is right timing and right action, then no efforting on your part would have been necessary.

So, what is efforting?  To effort, or what we like to say as efforting, is to push the energy where the energy is not fully flowing.  It is to begin to break down walls to have the energy flow.  When you effort, it is not an efficient use of energy.  Why?  Well, why break down walls when you can simply call your guides to open the door for you?  Wouldn’t that be a much easier path than getting a whole team to break down an entire wall and then to have to put it back together again after you have gotten what you want.  Efforting leaves a lot of destruction behind that needs to be cleaned up, not just by you, but by your guidance system, which is more vast than you currently understand.  This is why, as guides, we often discourage you from efforting. 

If you don’t effort, how do you get what you want?  Rather, how should you approach manifesting?  Well, this is what we want to teach you today.  Get into your soul center by taking a few deep breaths and get into a relaxed state.  You do not need to go all the way to the channeling state meditatively, but you do need to be relaxed enough so that the intellectual mind is not empowered.  Now, answer this question.  If there were no limitations, what would you like to have?  Again, if there were no limitations, what would you like to have?  How you answered this question is likely your soul center.  Why?  It is in empowering your limitations that you effort.  Do you see this?  It is in empowering your limitations that you effort.  Many of you believe you will answer with stuff, the cars, the houses, and the beach front location.  However, when you are in a relaxed state, when the intellectual mind is not empowered and the ego is mostly asleep, we can tell you definitively that those things are not the first things on your mind.  How do we know?  Because we know that at your soul center, you wish to be loved and honored.  You want to be loved by your partner, family, and friends.  You want to be honored by your job or career.  And you want to be honored by those you come across on a daily basis.  This is what you truly want at your soul center.  So, if you want to do these things in a beach front property, we are not here to stop you.  But we are here to say that the beachfront property is not what you truly want if there were no limitations, it is what you want because it enhances the love you feel for your family or friends to be in such lovely surroundings with them.  Do you now see why we are so confident that things are not what you would wish for if there were no limitations?  It’s okay to want the stuff, however, to assist you in knowing if its soul centered, ask yourself, how does this enhance my love for life?  For my family?  For my friends?  For my job? 

Now, we want to discuss this concept of full authenticity because it is going to be the theme of Earth for the next few decades.  There is much chaos in your plane.  At least, it is what is perceived as chaos.  It is happening because when you are shaken from your complacency, you find the courage to be fully authentic.  To say what needs to be said for your soul to reach its center.  Do you see this?  Sometimes, authenticity is that quietness in you that is subtly thoughtful towards others.  Other times, it is that thing that has been itching to roar out of you because you have ignored if for some time.  We cannot tell you which you are, but what we can tell you is that you can always be in your soul center no matter what is happening in your life and at your soul center, you always know what is authentic. 

This brings us to our next teaching: the importance of patience in allowing.  To allow, you must be in your soul center.  To be in your soul center, it usually requires that you are in a calm unhurried space, meaning you are patient.  When you are allowing, you are in authenticity.  Do you see this?  Allowing is the way to authenticity.  Efforting is the antithesis of allowing.  Allowing is an art that humans often don’t understand.  That is, you know what the word allowing means, but most humans do not grasp the totality of what is needed to allow.  When you are allowing, you are in your soul center.  This is where many humans often get caught up.  You are not allowing when it is the ego that is directing your efforts.  Do you see this?  You are allowing when you are in your soul center.  So, taking the time to be in that soul center, then discerning that you are, in fact, in your soul center, is an important step in allowing.   We hope you understand our message. 

Now, for the last thing we want to teach you.  So, let us say you have mastered allowing and being in your authenticity.  This means that you are in the cusp of True Freedom or you are in True Freedom.  What do you do now?  Well, the world is open to you at this point, meaning manifestation is fairly easy, so long as it is soul centered.  So, what do you need to do when you are in your freedom?  You need to stay in your soul center in order to keep the energy flowing.  Do you see this?  You are very magnetic when you are in your soul center.  We will repeat that because it is very important.  You are very magnetic when you are in your soul center, therefore, when you are in True Freedom, you are nearly always magnetic because to be in your freedom is to have mastered allowing and authenticity. 

There has been much said in this message.  It is a very powerful message if you take the time to engage with it and with your relationship to what has been said.  We will close this message by telling you all that when you engage with this teaching that we are assisting you as you claim your authenticity in this life.  When you have difficulty allowing, call on our energies for support and it will be so.  And, so it is.