Recently, the guides taught me and a group of friends the importance of clear intentions in manifesting what we want.  They called this harnessing energy for manifestation.  I asked them to share what they taught us because it’s really useful in understanding how to manifest our wants in the physical plane.

Who will assist us with this question?  Kahuna Nui Dolores, an Ascended Master who specializes in the energetic work for Quantum Ascension, and Seraphim, my angelic guides, are going to guide us today.  Beneath the question in italics is exactly what I hear from the guides, verbatim.  Since two guides are going to be assisting us today, I will delineate below who is answering the question.

What does it mean to harness energy for manifestation?

Kahuna Nui Dolores: This is a process in which one has clear intentions and they magnetize opportunities to them.  Now, this is very different than having a want and then striving, striving, striving. While we are not decrying the need for hard work in certain instances, humans often work harder than they need to because of the false belief of needing to break down doors to get what they want.  We would like to offer a different model where one harnesses the energy to magnetize their wants to them.  For this to be successful, one needs to have a clear intention of what they want.  Understand that it is intentions that harness energy.  Everything is energy and before things become things they are thoughts.  So, having clear thoughts about what one wants is key to manifestation.  

How do we set clear intentions to manifest what we want?

Seraphim: So, let us say you want a new car.  That is a clear intention.  It is tangible and measurable.  The problem with this is that it has no heart.  There is no why.  Now, let us say that now, you wish to have a new Mercedes Benz convertible sports car, a very expensive car.  Now, this is an even clearer intention.  Let us now analyze the why of having this particular car.  If you have chosen this car because you think it will make you feel worthy, then it makes for murky energy.  That is, while you have an extremely clear intention, your ‘why’ will make the attainment of this car murky.  For relying on things to derive your self-worth is a point of integration, not a point of growth.  It is a contraction, not an expansion. In this instance, you may still get the car, but the acquisition of it will feel heavy and it will make the energetic field murky.  In an alternate analysis, let us say you want that specific car because you love cars and it’s a particularly strong car with an engine to die for.  It is an expensive car, but you tell yourself that it is your reward for working extremely hard to build your business and it will remind you every day of the grit it has taken for you to be successful.  Same car, same person, very different energy as to their ‘why.’  In this second scenario, this human has a very clear measurable and tangible intention that is coupled with a beautiful why.  In this instance, the energy is not only strong, it is clear.  The acquisition of this car in this instance will be expansionary for this person.  For every time this human gets into this car, they will be buoyed by the pride they feel in themselves and every time they get in this car, it is an instance of honoring the hard work they have done to be successful. 

So, to sum up, it is important for intentions to be clear, which means they are tangible and measurable, coupled with being anchored by a very strong why.  Now, let us look at scenarios where this person may not get this new car because their intention setting is hazy.  If this person just says, ‘I need a new car to get to work,’  then they may get a new car but likely not the car in question for it is not the car they asked for.  So, you see, the universe will not honor vagueness.  This is the same as saying, ‘I want to be rich.’  That’s fine, and the universe will give it to you, but in what modality do you want to be rich?  What do you want to do to earn the money to be rich?  Furthermore, money is energy.  What is the reason you need so much energy in your life?  So, you see, it is important to have a clear, measurable and tangible intention.  This is very different to saying, I want to be rich by becoming a banker that moves money capital from unsustainable means to sustainable means.  Now, that has a clear measurable and tangible intention of wanting to become a banker of sufficient means and there is a clear why in wanting a more sustainable world.  This person will magnetize to them the opportunities to get them there. 

So, you can have whatever you want.  Anything is possible as long as you have clear intentions that harness the energy. 

It seems like all this happens instantaneously.  Can you talk a little about timing of manifestation? How fast can we magnetize our manifestation?

Seraphim: This is a good question for as guides, we actually see this happening instantaneously for we see the matrix of possibilities and not necessarily the timing you see.  For your purpose as humans, you can manifest this in rapid fire and that is what we refer to as quantum manifestation.  That is, as you magnetize to you opportunities to attain your wants, it builds up energy until the energy is exponential and is allowing you to make quantum jumps.

In the beginning, it may seem like the energy is moving slowly as you are refining your intentions.  As your intentions refine, the energy moves.  When intentions are hazy, energy is dispersed and does not become tangible.  As you tighten your intentions, the energy tightens until it is so tight that it becomes a physical thing in your world. So, we would say that your manifestation is as fast as you can refine those intentions.  Furthermore, it is as fast as you can feel into the why.  The clearer you can feel into the why, the more quantum jumps that can be made and the faster manifestation can appear. 

This is quite a linear way to look at manifestation. Sometimes you hit snags such as feeling stuck.  When this happens, what should we do to move the energy again?

Kahuna Nui Dolores: You are right that when one is feeling stuck that the energy is indeed stuck so it is not manifesting.  When you are stuck, there may be several reasons for it.  The first and most common is that there is a point of integration.  Let us take the example above of the human who wants a Mercedez Benz sports car convertible because it is their reward for working hard on their business and furthermore, it is a reminder to them of the grit they had to exhibit to get where they are.  Let us say that while this human is extremely successful that they are sometimes plagued by memories of their parents telling them they are never enough.  While they have a beautiful why in place, there is a snag in the matrix, is there not?  They wish to honor their hard work by purchasing the car, but there is a soul fragment who has difficulty honoring themselves because no matter how successful they become it is never enough.  In this scenario, we have laid out, in this instance where this human has thoughts of not enoughness, the energy will stagnate and it will cease the manifestation until they can clear up the soul fragment that feels they are never enough.  They can do this by continually honoring themselves and saying, ‘Today I am enough.  Today, I honor all that I have done and there is nothing more I could have done.’  As they do this, they will integrate the soul fragment who has memories of not-enoughness.  When the soul fragment reintegrates to the big self, then the energy will move again for manifestation. 

The other common reasons for stuck energy is an unclear intention and pandering to the ego self.  When intention is unclear, then the way to move energy is to clarify intentions according to the criteria we have set forth above.  When one is pandering to the ego, then it is important to understand why the ego mind is overpowering the soul.  There are many reasons for this, one of which is a point of integration which we already discussed.  The other reasons are that you may be giving your power away to the ego mind and this takes some effort to exercise one’s intuition, one’s soul, one’s heart in order to balance out the mind, body, and soul.  As you center yourself more and more, the energy begins to move more freely.  So, there is a greater lesson here in that energy moves freer and faster in humans that are more balanced and centered than those who are less balanced and centered.  This is in diametrical opposition to what you have been taught in that those that break down doors and do whatever it takes are most successful.  It is actually those with more balance and are centered within the mind, body, and soul that have more ease, energetically, in manifestation.  

What do we do if we don’t necessarily know what we want but we have a good initial intention?  For example, a lot of people I know want to have impact in their careers, but they don’t necessarily know what that looks like.  How do we tighten up our intentions if we don’t know what is possible and we might not necessarily know exactly what would bring us joy?

Seraphim: This is a fantastic question, for many that are reading this are wayshowers.  As wayshowers, by definition, there is no example on Earth yet.  If there was, you wouldn’t be a wayshower because someone has already done it.  Many of you are going on the inner and reaching for that highest truth but it is hazy.  So, how do you get more and more information as to what this highest truth may be and what the implication for you might be.  The simple answer is meditation and the complicated answer is that you must engage with the high self, your oversoul, or who we previously called the big self, on what the possibilities are for your highest truth.  For each human has a matrix for a blueprint, so there may be several possibilities of how to make impact.  Meditating regularly and asking the high self to clarify for you what the possiblities are for you to make an impact, will give you information.  This will also harness the energy to bring you the possiblities that you can try in small scales.  When these opportuntieis come, then it is a chance for you to try it and see, are you in joy in these activities?  To understand if something will bring you joy, usually means you must try it and see.  Doing this regularly will give you clarity as to what that impact may mean and as clarity comes forward, the energy moves for manifestation. 

I think there has been a lot of information offered here.  I think this is a good place to close this post.  Any last messages for readers of this post?

Kahuna Nui Dolores:  You are more powerful than you understand.  Anything is possible if you believe anything is possible.  So, believe in the biggest possibility of you.  Believe in the grandness that you can be.  Believe in the beauty you can bring into this world.  And most importantly, believe in the oneness you have with fellow humans and see yourself in your humanity in concert with other people’s humanity.  In doing this, you bring about a much more beautiful world than you see today. 

Thank you for your time!

Seraphim:  We send you love in your expansion.  Simply call on our energies for your manifestation and it will be so.