The guides actually suggested this topic, so let’s see what they would like to teach us today.

Who will assist us today?  George, galactic beings who will introduce themselves in this post, Metatron, an angel of alchemical mastery, Seraphimmy angelic guides, and Xavier, my galactic guides, will assist us today.   Beneath the question or heading, in italics, is exactly what I hear from the guides, verbatim.

Metatron and Xavier will be facilitating this conversation.  The questions posted are channeled from Metatron and Xavier.

Update: The article the guides are referencing in this channeled message is, The Importance of Clear Intentions in Harnessing Energy for Manifestation.

George – Introductory Message

George: We would like to begin this message by introducing ourselves.  We are a collective of galactic beings, 222 in total, who specialize in multidimensional creation.  We are, like the ancestry of this channel, masters of creator energy.  We come to her in a green opal that has been programmed by her guides, Xavier, who are also masters of creator energy.  What we wish to teach through this channel is the energetics of alchemical creation.  Earth is moving forward into its blueprint and is beginning to activate energies that has been available in other ascending planets, and we are here to prepare humans in understanding the Alchemical Matrix.  So that is that. 

Metatron: What does it mean to believe in oneself?  Energetically and physically? 

George: It means different things depending on what matrix you are in.  We will begin with where most humans are at this moment, which is the 5th dimension.  Understand that as a collective, the fifth dimensionary energy is fully in place, which means that all humans are capable of ascending to this level of energy.  That is, all humans have ACCESS to the fifth dimension. 

So, what does it mean to believe in yourself when you have access to the fifth dimension?  It means that all humans have access to their lightbodies, whether or not it is fully integrated into the physical body.  The lightbody is very powerful because it transcends the veil.  This means that you, as humans, have access to your multidimensional knowing if you knew how to work your lightbody.  We will get to that in a moment.

What we want to do now is we want to explain the Alchemical Matrix.  When one integrates through the 4th dimensionary aspect of self and completes their integration at this level, at some point the lightbody will integrate with the physical body.  When this occurs the human literally has access to energies beneath the veil, if they knew how to use their lightbodies, which is what we want to teach through this channel with our time with her.  One of the things you can access beneath the veil is what we call the Alchemical Matrix.  The Alchemical Matrix is a series of energetic matrices that are beginning to open up to humans on Earth.  The Alchemical Matrix is a very powerful tool of creation and those that have elected to access the Alchemical Matrix have agreed to integrate beyond what is required for the lightbody.  The reason for this is that the Alchemical Matrix is capable of rapid manifestation and ascension, however, in that capability, it can also descend a human just as quickly as it can ascend it.  So, it has been decided by a council of higher dimensional beings that certain criteria must be met before we open up access to the Alchemical Matrix.  When access is open, the energetic being goes through a rigorous training, programming, and integrating to ensure they are ready for the responsibility that comes with having access to the Alchemical Matrix. 

Energetically, how does it look like when you believe in yourself when you are accessing the fifth dimensionary aspect of self? Imagine that your body is light, because it is.  When you believe in yourself, the lightbody begins to morph into a kind of vortex, a channel.  This is because when you believe in yourself, when you are standing in your power and that power is in your soul centered truth, the lightbody can be programmed to rapidly manifest synchronicities into your life.  When you believe in yourself, the lightbody literally becomes a magnet of creation. 

Now, how does it look like when you believe in yourself in the Alchemical Matrix?  It looks the same, in the sense that the path to the Alchemical Matrix is the portal that is the lightbody.  That means, the lightbody needs to morph into the vortex and channel that it is before you can access the Alchemical Matrix.  Those that have elected to access the Alchemical Matrix are wayshowers of creation.  Understand that this is not an exclusive thing, it is not something you have to be “admitted” to.  You choose if you want access to the Alchemical Matrix and if you do, your guidance system will render the curriculum necessary to get there.  They won’t give up on you, so access is wholly up to the human who elects to do the work and perseveres until completion. 

Physically, believing in yourself looks the same.  That is, when you believe in yourself, you are confident that you can have something, you do not wobble, and you instinctively understand that what you want is in your soul centered truth.  That means that you are not attached to the outcome, even though you know the outcome will be yours at the same time.  There is an inherent feeling of rightness that permeates the body when one believes in themselves. 

Metatron: Humans don’t always believe in themselves and this is okay.  How do they get to the space where the Lightbody becomes a vortex for creation? 

Seraphim: This is an excellent point.  Yes, humans do not always believe in themselves and this is because it is the work on Earth to ascend.  So, the anecdote to that is to integrate the soul fragment that does not believe in you as the personality.  Understand that when you are in your wholeness, when you are in your soul centeredness, you always believe in yourself. 

Now, it is not necessary to integrate every soul fragment you have before you can believe in yourself.  However, it is necessary to integrate those that are hindering you from believing in yourself in the area for which you are manifesting.  So, if what you are manifesting is a new job, the soul fragments you must address are those that are hindering you from a soul centered career.  If the need or want is arising at this moment, this means that the manifestation is within your grasp, physically and energetically. 

Integrating soul fragments is a simple yet complex process.  It is complex because there are many avenues available to you.  It is simple because all you truly need to do is to become aware that there is a soul fragment that holds a certain belief or pattern that is not within your soul centered truth and to understand your responsibility to that belief or pattern.  

Once you integrate the soul fragments, you will naturally begin to feel the peacefulness and joyfulness of believing in yourself.  Now, there might be a wobble because integrating soul fragments are not discrete events, it is a process.  If you can move past that wobble, you can access the lighbody as George has explained above. 

Xavier: Let us say that the person is successful in integrating all the soul fragments necessary to get to their soul centered truth as it pertains to what they want to manifest.  How do they activate the lightbody vortex and channel? 

George:  The first thing you must do is you must have a clear intention of what you wish to manifest.  Now, this topic has already been covered in this blog and we will direct the channel to provide you access to that article. 

Once you have a clear intention, what you need to do is you need to carve out a space of roughly 10 – 20 minutes.  What you will do in this time is you will imagine your lightbody activating.  To do this, focus on your heart space and then imagine it getting bigger and bigger.  As it gets bigger, your lightbody will reveal itself to you.  Do not try to control its shape or size, just allow it to reveal itself to you.  At some point, your lightbody will begin to morph into a tornado looking apparatus.  Simply allow this for this is when the lightbody is opening up to the vortex that it is.  The vortex is essentially a channel to the other side.  When the lightbody opens up in this manner, begin to focus on your intention.  You will find that when you do this, you will begin to get messages as to next steps.  Confirm that these next steps are in your soul centered truth and when you do, take action on them.  Then, do this exercise again for another 10-20 minutes to get to the next step.  Keep repeating until you have manifested your intended outcome. 

Metatron: Is there a difference between utilizing the lightbody versus the lightbody in conjunction with the Alchemical Matrix?  

George:  We would say, energetically, there is a difference but physically, there is no difference.  You will get to the exact same place no matter which energetic modality you utilize.  The reason we are educating you now about the Alchemical Matrix is because humans will make greater use of it in the future.  Understand that it is not better or worse, rather, it is what energetic modality is the most effective and efficient given your intention.  For those who came as wayshowers of creation, you will naturally gravitate towards the Alchemical Matrix.  For others, it may be more efficient and effective simply to use the lightbody singularly.  There will be a knowing within the person on what is happening when they do the exercise we have explained above. 

Metatron: There has been much information offered here.  This is truly an experiential process.  Any last messages before we close this channel? 

Seraphim: As guides, we do not deal in exclusivity.  The lightbody is your birthright now that that the fifth dimensionary energy is in place.  The Alchemical Matrix is yours to access as long as you persevere towards the curriculum necessary to responsibly take advantage of it.  We do not give up on you as long as you do not give up in yourself.  Call on our energies for support and it will be so.  And so it is. 

Xavier: We thank the channel for dictating this teaching.  You are all loved and supported by us.