I am currently trying to transfer law schools because I believe there is a better fit for me elsewhere.  I love the faculty and administration where I am at but the courses offered are not in line with my inherent talents.   I’ve read a lot of admissions books over the years for my undergraduate and graduate degrees and many of these books don’t feel soul-centered.  They teach you how to game a codified system of admissions, which isn’t wrong, but it also isn’t soul-centered.  I want to manifest from a soul-centered or heart-centered space.  So, I asked the guides to assist me on how to do that given the current state of admissions.

Who will assist us today?  Jacqui, a collective of Archangels who specialize in self-love, Seraphim, my angelic guides who specialize in quantum leaps, and Toros, a collective of Ascended Masters who specialize in heart-centered manifestation.  Beneath the question in italics is exactly what I hear from my guides, verbatim. Since several guides are going to be assisting us today, I will delineate below who is answering the question.

Before we start, can you comment on the system of admissions for law schools.  How can an applicant be heart-centered in their applications?

Toros: The system of admissions of law schools can seem very fallibly human.  That is, it is riddled in hierarchy, some would say snobbery, and a misguided sense that test scores show admissions committees who is talented.  This is wrong on a soul centered space.  We will get to that in a minute. Understand this: admissions committees are made up of mostly law faculty, many of whom are soul or heart-centered.  Many who go on to become professors have an innate need to make a change and to move the system to a more soul or heart centered space: to assist the system in ascending.  So, yes, the system can be riddled by collective energy that needs to be transmuted, but on the whole we see it very positively in that there are law professors in every law school that are tuned in to their heart space.  For law professors who may read this now or in the future, we have a message for you.  Do not be shamed away from your heart center.  We repeat: do not be shamed away from your heart center.  That is why you became a professor to begin with.  So honor your agreement and push forward in a soul centered way. 

We will not belabor the logistics of law school admissions but we do want to correct some fallacious beliefs among applicants.  On the whole, applicants believe that grades and test scores are the only thing that matters.  This is wrong, if you look at every law school admitted class, you will find exceptions.  Honor yourself exactly as you are.  Try your best.  Try your best.  Try your best.  And do not dishonor your best.  You are exactly who you need to be and that is what needs to go into the application. 

Before I follow up with some of the matters you discussed above, I want to make the observation that many applicants do not know why they want to go.  How can these applicants figure out why they want to go so badly?  How can they be in heart centered space when they don’t even know why they want the advanced degree?

Jacqui: This is a good segway before we get to the heart of the message.  We would say more than half of all applicants do not know why they are applying for law school or any advanced degree.  It is not uncommon because humans innately have a need to meet the contents of their blueprint.  So, if you are meant to go, you will go.  There is much anxiety in this group of humans about whether they will get in.  There are many feelings of not enoughness because there is inherently a false sense of perfection within admissions circles.  Very few people meet the criteria that these books and blogs purport applicants have.  If you were perfect, you would be dead.  If you had no soul lessons, you would be the Dalai Lama.  So, it is normal to have pockmarks in your application.  The important thing to keep in mind is how do you feel about your perceived mistakes or perceived imperfections. 

Now, we answer the question asked by the channel.  When you don’t know, begin to reconcile those aspects of self that are giving their power away.  1) My parents have advanced degrees so I must go or they won’t approve of me.  In fact, they will, if you approve of yourself.  2) I come from a poor background and it would make me feel less lesser than.  If you felt whole exactly as you are, this feeling that you are a second class citizen would diminish and you would stop magnetizing those reminders to yourself. 3) I am not smart unless I have an advanced degree.  I want to be pedigreed.  You are smart because you believe you are and you exist.  You are pedigreed if you believe you are.  Do you see what we are getting at? When you do not know for yourself at the heart level, you are usually giving your power away to society at large or to an inner circle you believe won’t approve of you unless you acquired such an advanced degree. 

For those who do not know, what should you do to get to clarity?  Begin to journal what you are passionate about.  What makes your heart race, what makes you go “yipeeee!!!!”, and what would you do if you never got paid and no one was watching?  Doing this exercise will give you clarity as to why you want to go to a particular program.  If you wish to supercharge your clarity, meditate silently on it for about 20 minutes at a time, and ask us or your guides to give you hints as to why you wish to go.  You will go if it is in your blueprint.  What you are doing in this exercise is that you are leveraging guidance to get the gunk out of you.  To get out those belief systems that do not serve you.  The not enoughness that we discussed in the last paragraph. 

We want to be very clear about something – to be soul or heart centered is to be in your passion.  We repeat.  To be soul or heart-centered is to be in your passion. So, in whatever part of the application you are completing, that is the only thing you need to answer or discuss.  For those who have “pockmarks” in their profile, these have something to do with your passion as well.  It may not be obvious to the average person, but it will come to you if you discern. 

That was very powerful.  For those applicants who are innately not good test takers, how should they approach that?

Seraphim: First, we wish to say something about admissions tests.  They do serve a purpose, but not the purpose people think they serve.  Let us take the LSAT as an example.  The LSAT teaches you how to read critically.  Studying for such an exam does have skill building built into it such that the test taker does enhances their ability to read.  So, there is a school of thought out there that admissions tests are completely useless.  They are not.  We will say, however, that they are misused by both admissions committees, applicants, and the secondary industry around admissions that have arisen as a result of competitive admissions standards. 

We want to discuss admissions committees first.  It can be very efficient to have such metrics, but where admissions committees go wrong is when they treat each applicant in a one size fits all manner.  Applicants are people.  In the same way no one likes being treated like a widget, stop treating applicants likely they are commodity to be sold to law firms and the collective energy of your profession will change.  Now, we are hearing complaints in the matrix of professors whining about efficiency.  With the advent of technology, admissions committees can create algorithms that are more intelligent than the one size fits all model.  With the use of artificial intelligence, this can be possible and many law professors around the country are currently doing the research to make this so. It will not be long until the admissions process itself improves and ascends. 

Next, we wish to speak to applicants.  Do not give your power away to the test.  Many of you take it, do not do well, then, do not decide to apply.  This is silly.  We have said it before and we will say it again.  If your blueprint calls for you to go, you will get in.  Do not give your power away to a test.  This is your soul lesson.  If you tried your best, honor that.  Then, apply.  We know it is easier said than done for many of you who will read this but it is possible.  When you have these feelings of not-enoughness, you are being called to integrate those false belief systems you have about yourself and your society.  In your transmutation of these belief systems, you will be admitted and you will soar.

We don’t have much to say to the industry surrounding admissions that we haven’t already said.  We will say, however, that these professionals should reflect what kind of society they would like to see and reflect that in their work.  What kind of world do you want to live in?  Be that and do that.  Be the change you want to see and you will soar higher than you have imagined.  Do not give your power away to your shadow.  We repeat: Do not give your power away to your shadow.  Embody who you truly are and you will be assisted in that journey.

On to other parts of the application, such as the personal statement, resume, and the application itself.  How should applicants approach these matters?

Torus: Applicants are told this time and time again, but some do not believe it.  The most important aspect of an application is the personal statement.  If your passion comes through the page, it is magnetic.  Passion is magnetic.  Passion is magnetic.  Passion is magnetic.  If you are clear and passionate about what you wish to get out of the degree, if you have done that level of discernment, it will be felt by the reader of your personal statement.  It is magnetic.  So, do the work to discern this and it will be worth your time and effort. 

To those who do not know why they are going as has been said before, you must discern before you write such a statement.  Meditation is a good way to get to clarity.  So is being in stillness in nature.  So is being in the water.  What we are showing you is that there are ways to alleviate some of the soul fragments that will activate your ego and in doing these exercises you can be more soul centered about what you write.  Experiment on what works for you and it will be so.  Write from you heart, from your soul center and you are likley to be more magnetic than if you wrote from your ego and intellect.  The ego and intellect should be subordinate to the heart, the seat of the soul.  When you are in this space, you will write a more magnetic narrative than if you weren’t. 

The other parts of the application can be discussed at another time for we see that this is substantial amounts of energy work for one post. 

Thank you very much for your time and energy!

Torus: Call on this energy to find your authenticity within the process.  We come as were are called.  We never not come in assistance.  If you think we are not assisting, you are probably wrong.  Look for signs we give you and it will be so.  And so it is with love, grace, and ease. 

Seraphim: We are assisting your journey in deep unconditonal love.  We show up where we are called and we assist.  And so it is. 

Jacqui: Authenticity comes from being in self-love.  When you need to get to self love, call on us to assist you and it will be so.  Love yourself as you are.  You are perfect as you are.  You are divine as you are.  And so it is.