I have failed quite a bit in academic settings.  I was dismissed from the first university I attended.  I went to nine schools of higher education before I graduated with my undergraduate degree.  I was also dismissed from the first graduate school I attended, which was my undergraduate alma mater.  Each time I failed I was able to bounce back and earn the degree.  It was a very difficult process and even though I was successful in graduating, I burned myself out trying to outwork a learning disability I didn’t know I had.  Failing is difficult but sometimes despite our best efforts, we fail because the universe is trying to tell us to pivot.  The guides actually suggested this topic, so let’s see what they have to say about it.

Who will assist us today? Metatron, an angel of alchemical mastery, Archangel Raphael, my guardian angel and an archangel who specializes in deep healing of karmic wounds, and Seraphim, my angelic guides who specialize in assisting humans with quantum leaps.  Beneath the question in italics is exactly what I hear from the guides, verbatim.

Why do humans choose to experience failure?  At the level of the blueprint, why do we make this choice?

Raphael:  We would not say that humans choose to fail, for that is a different vibration than what is actually occurring.  We would say that humans choose to experience two states of the world that are in diametrical opposition to one another.  They want to experience contrast, and this is why people choose not to be successful the first time they attempt something. Why experience contrast?  Because it teaches you something about yourself.  It fulfills a soul lesson, which is different for each person.  What we can say definitively is that each person that chooses to experience a massive failure, in their perception, is doing it as a way to give themselves the opportunity to choose to experience radical self-love.  It is easy to believe you are loving yourself when you are successful.  It is easy to delude yourself that overworking is loving yourself when that overwork results in massive success.  In fact, overworking yourself usually causes energetic contraction in the vast majority of situations.  We would say it is almost never necessary to do this, and this is a very difficult soul lesson for many high performance individuals.  So, in this simple example of a person who overworks themselves and despite their overwork fails, what is the message?  Stop overworking.  Pivot.  Pivot.  Pivot.  What we see as guides is that often in humans there is an attachment to an outcome that breeds a rigidity.  They want this outcome at all costs.  There is a soul fragment that needs to heal.  Attachment to something is usually an indication that you need to integrate a soul fragment.  Ask yourself, where does this rigidity come from?  Why can’t I let go what might not be right action, or what might not be mine in right timing?  Understanding why you are being stopped by the universe is important in transmuting the soul fragment that is causing failure and learning the soul lesson.  The beautiful thing about massive failure is that it is an opportunity for massive learning, which in turn is a pathway to a quantum leap. 

Do we have a choice not to fail?  I am asking this because after I massively failed, I would often fantasize about alternative realities that did not occur but, in my mind, could have occurred.  Ultimately, I think this just hindered me from healing because it distracted me from accepting the outcome and honoring that I did my best despite the outcome.

Seraphim: Whether there is a choice is different for each human according to their blueprint.  What we would say is that it’s not the choice that is important but it is the focus on accepting the outcome as it occurred. This is hard, so it is important to give it the time, space, and emotional capacity it needs to heal.  Let us take divorce, for example.  Most humans see divorce as the breakdown or failure of a marriage.  As guides, we do not see it this way – we simply see it as an end of a soul contract – but humans don’t always see it as we do.  We use divorce as the example because it clearly shows how it can be difficult to accept an end of a soul contract when there is rigidity that one must be married only to one person.  Do you see this?  This is rigidity according to what is acceptable or optimal for society.  What is optimal for one person may not be optimal for another.  In pining for an outcome that doesn’t belong to them, they prolong their feelings of despair.  Each spouse going through a divorce is best served by being in acceptance of an end of the soul contract.  What would assist them now is to reflect on what was learned in the relationship and to honor that they have accomplished what their souls wanted to accomplish and this is why this relationship has come to an end.  In extrapolating this example to other scenarios of failure, reflecting on what has been learned as a result of the failure – understanding what soul lessons has come to completion because of this event – will assist the person in accepting the outcome and moving forward to the next journey in their blueprint.

How can we reframe failure?  How does this reframing lead to a quantum leap?

Metatron: The first thing that must be done is that humans must take stock of what was learned, what has been completed, as Seraphim has explained above. The next thing that must be done is to honor oneself for a job well done.  We know it is weird for humans to be told to congratulate themselves on their failure, but it is what must be done to be able to reframe it.  This is because in every failure, there is an opportunity to pivot in a really big way.  Failures are windows of opportunity to make a massive quantum leap.  We will repeat.  Failures are windows of opportunity to make a massive quantum leap.  In order to make that leap, you must honor your completion.  In order to make that leap, you must honor your completion.  To honor your completion, you must be self-aware of what that completion has been.

Now, for the challenging part.  It is challenging to make the leap precisely because humans are always trying to make sense of destruction.  Stop this.  When things fall apart, allow it and simply intend for where you wish to pivot.  Set those intentions, wait, and then allow.  Humans, by your very nature, are impatient beings.  You set intentions, then believe it will happen tomorrow.  That might be the case for some, but not all. Harnessing energy takes time, so give it the time and energy it needs to show you opportunities to pivot.  What often happens after failure is that the human ego is dented.  When humans are not aware of the completion they just accomplished, they often act out of this dented ego and sabotage themselves by trying to make things happen.  This is not allowing.  We will repeat.  This is not allowing.  This is why the reflection that Seraphim has explained above must be done before one can make a quantum leap.  Wait.  Then, allow.  Allowing means that you wait for an opportunity to pivot, discern if that opportunity is right action and right timing, then make a decision to take or not take the opportunity presented.  You don’t have to accept every opportunity presented to you.  Accept only those you have deemed right action and right timing.  When you do, you will make a quantum leap.  

I think there has been a lot of information offered here.  I think this is a good place to close this post.  Any last messages for readers of this post?

Metatron: Love yourself precisely as you are.  Love your imperfections.  Love the successful aspects of self equally to those you deem less than.  When you no longer deem these aspects of self as anything other than an expression of your best self, you will make a quantum leap.  Call on any of these energies to make such a leap and we will assist you in making it so. 

Thank you for your time and energy!

Raphael: We send you deep unconditional love in your journey.  Call on us for healing and it will be so.  And so it is.