About Maricar

I am a Direct-Voice Channel.
I began hearing my spirit guides, Seraphim and Xavier, around 2019. I was both elated and surprised by my opening to higher dimensional guidance. It felt so good to channel my spirit guides that I set the intention to become a clear channel. In early 2022, the Universe decided to conspire in my favor and I experienced a rapid awakening while going through a series of Dark Nights of the Soul. As a result, I became even more clairaudient and opened up to many light beings beyond my own guides. I am a conscious direct-voice channel, which means that I channel by repeating exactly what I hear in my head and I remain conscious in my body while I channel.
Everyday is magical and everyday I learn something new about the mysteries of being incarnate in a human body. This blog is an outlet to share that knowledge in hope that you’ll feel supported in your journey as I’ve felt in mine having such vast access to higher dimensional beings across the universe.
I am a first-generation Filipino-American and I live on the island of O’ahu in the state of Hawaii, where I grew up in a series of Title 1 schools. In my late 20s, I was diagnosed with ADHD that is comorbid with Dyslexia. The late diagnosis forced me to reconcile the academic failures I experienced throughout college and graduate school and set me on a path of deep healing and eventual awakening. Thus, I am very passionate about assisting those who have decided to overcome obstacles to live their most authentic lives at their highest potential.
The love and support I feel everyday being open to higher dimensions is an experience like no other. If I can open up, anyone can. I am also very passionate about assisting others to awaken to higher dimensional guidance, no matter how realistic they believe that to be for themselves.
Professionally, I am a former economics professor, accounting manager, and transfer pricing consultant. I’ve earned a bachelor’s degree in Economics and Accounting from University of California, Santa Barbara and a master’s degree in Economics from San Jose State University. For more information on my education and professional experience, please find me on LinkedIn.
You can reach me at maricar@livingyourtruthwiththeguides.com.
The universe is always conspiring in your favor.

About The guides
Meet Our Teachers
The guides listed below are the teachers that come forward to teach us about the mysteries of being in an incarnate body. In their channeled teachings, they give us exercises to do so that we can clear energies that do not serve our highest good or empower energies that bring us closer and closer to our soul centered truth. The purpose of this blog is for you to feel supported in your incarnate journey, as I’ve felt in mine. Call on any of the guides to assist you and they will.
Even if you can’t hear or see the guides as of yet, they are responding to your requests. If you notice what you are noticing, you will discern that they are answering the questions that they can and giving you hints as to the questions you need to ask to get the answers you are seeking. Keep persisting in your opening, and they will conspire in your favor to make it so.
Dolores: Kahuna Nui Dolores is an Ascended Master who specialize in the energetic work for Quantum Ascension. Kahuna Nui in the Hawaiian Language means High Priest. It can also be interpreted as Master Shaman.
George: George is a collective of multidimensional beings that specialize in multidimensional creation through creator energy. They introduce themselves in the post, Believing in Yourself When You Don’t.
Jacqui: Jacqui is a collective of Archangels who specialize in self-love.
Jordan: Jordan is a collective of Ascended Masters who specialize in psychic abilities and opening up to those psychic abilities.
Raphael: Archangel Raphael is my guardian angel and specializes in deep healing of karmic wounds.
Metatron: Metatron is an angel of alchemical mastery.
Middleway Guides: The Middleway Guides are angels of Middle Earth and co-creators of the lightbody and luminous bodies of Earth. They assist humans in ascension and are the keepers of all crystals on Earth.
Sebastian: Kahuna Nui Sebastian is an Ascended Master who specializes in past life regressions throughout time and space as well as the energetics behind your healing journey. Kahuna Nui in the Hawaiian Language means High Priest. It can also be interpreted as Master Shaman.
Seraphim: Seraphim is my angelic guides and they are a collective of 36 light beings who specialize in Quantum Ascension.
Toros: Toros is a collective of Ascended Masters who specialize in moving humans to their highest authenticity for heart centered manifestation.
X: X are 55 higher dimensional galactic beings in 5 Moonstones. They introduce themselves in the post, Introducing X – Teachers of Universal Ascension.
Xavier: Xavier is my galactic guides. They refer to themselves as galactic angels. Xavier is a collective of 36 light beings who are masters and creators of energy. Xavier loves to dance to the song Uptown Funk as a signal that vibration is rising.