Category: Awareness
When the Shadow is the Personality
by Maricar | Feb 13, 2025 | Ascension, Awareness, Rebirth, Self Love, Seraphim, Soul Fragmentation | 0
What we are pointing you to is to become aware of what drives the personality. Is what drives the personality inspiration? Or is what drives the personality motivation? What is the difference? When you are inspired, you do simply because you must and you must because being in joy in not negotiable to you. When you are motivated, you do because you must and you must because it is better than some alternative. Do you see the difference?
Read MoreAwakening From Within
by Maricar | Jan 29, 2025 | Awareness, Psychic Abilities, Rebirth, Seraphim, Soul Fragmentation | 0
[R]emember what we said, there is no space in you that have no light. This means that spaces in you that are fragmented, that is, those spaces in you that are part light and part shadow, have within their construction the answer to the shadow. Do you understand this? A soul fragment consists of part light and part shadow. Therefore, embedded in the soul fragment is the light that will transmute it. We hope in this teaching you begin to have awe for the sheer intelligence of the universe. Embedded in the soul fragment is the light that will transmute it. In other words, the obstacle is, in fact, the way.
Read MoreReleasing Resistance to Your Biggest Possibility
by Maricar | Jan 16, 2025 | Awareness, Metatron, Past Life, Rebirth, Resistance, Soul Fragmentation, Trauma | 0
Why would you resist your biggest possibility? Well, most people believe they do not resist their biggest possibility, yet they do not live lives that are truly their highest excitement. The truth is many people do not know when they are resisting their biggest possibility, and this is what we wish to assist you in this teaching.
Read MoreHow to Release Difficult Energies
Why are ancestral energies difficult energies to transmute and release? Essentially, because you are carrying a lot of energies in one session and you may be carrying it for your entire ancestral line. Not just those that are alive and incarnate at the moment, but all of your ancestry in the timeline you are currently in.
Read MoreX – How to Release Attachment to Identity
by Maricar | Dec 12, 2023 | Ascension, Attachment, Authenticity, Avoidance, Awareness, Procrastination, X | 0
We come forward with a message for you all today to teach you how to release your attachment to identity. Before we do that, we wish to educate you on what identity is. Identity is the first level of attachment, you understand? I am the one who is good at school. I am the one who is bad at school. I am the rebel. I am the saint. I am the one who strives. I am the one who takes it easy. I am the one who reaches my potential at all costs. I am the one who avoids my potential at all costs. What we hope you see in these statements is that you are not always aware you hold a certain identity. Almost no human gets up in the morning wanting to harm themselves, yet many of you do by holding on to identities that do not serve you. I am the one who _________. This is identity. You feel you must be this person. There is nothing wrong with some of these statements, yes, but what needs to clear is your unguarded attachment to these identities, to your identities that no longer serve you.
Read MoreX – The Art of Trusting the Process
The story of human incarnation can be told through the energies of this gateway. When the old is no longer needed, it is not discarded, it is honored for the service it has performed and then transmuted to be birthed into the new. Many times, humans manifest and clear through struggle and at some point, feel sour about these old energies that they believe have weighed them down that they forget that the old energies have been critical for them to get to this level of ascension, the current level of peace they feel in their being. It’s important to honor these energies and to be grateful for the struggle you perceive they have caused for without the struggle, your level of awareness would not be where it is today. This is the work of Earth.
Read MoreHow to Make the Most Out of Mercury Retrograde
by Maricar | Aug 22, 2023 | Astrology, Awareness, Metatron, Quantum Leap, Resistance, Seraphim, Soul Fragmentation, Xavier | 0
A lot of people I have met absolutely dread Mercury Retrograde. Nothing happens in the universe...
Read MoreHow can we Heal Burnout?
by Maricar | Aug 7, 2023 | Authenticity, Awareness, Burnout, Sebastian, Soul Fragmentation, Xavier | 0
In their last message, the guides taught us that making repeated inauthentic decisions is the...
Read MoreHow to Effectively and Efficiently Communicate with Your Spirit Guides
by Maricar | Aug 4, 2023 | Awareness, Dolores, Meditation, Metatron, Middleway Guides, Multidimensionality, Psychic Readings, Sebastian, Seraphim, Spirit Guides, Xavier | 0
The guides actually suggested this topic so let’s see what they would like to teach us. Who...
Read MoreHow to Make a Quantum Leap to Integrate the Lightbody
by Maricar | Jul 20, 2023 | Ascension, Awareness, Lightbody, Metatron, Multidimensionality, Quantum Leap, Sebastian, Seraphim, Xavier | 0
The guides actually suggested this topic, so let’s see what they have to say about it. Who...
Read MoreThe Impossibility of Recognizing our Resistance to Manifestation
by Maricar | Jul 13, 2023 | Awareness, Blueprint, Manifestation, Metatron, Past Life, Resistance, Soul Fragmentation, Stuck, Xavier | 0
Resistance is when there are three or more spokes that are interlaced at once. These spokes are an analogy for repetition of a soul lesson. Understand that when a behavior is repeated in multiple incarnations, the likelihood is that it was repeated because there was no awareness that the behavior was disjuncted from one’s soul note. This is why it is often very difficult to be in recognition of your own resistance – you have repeated the behavior enough times such that you do not recognize it as being separate from your soul note. You have no awareness of its fragmentation.
Read MoreHow our Judgements Breed Rigidity
by Maricar | Jul 4, 2023 | Awareness, Karma, Rigidity, Sebastian, Self Love, Seraphim, Soul Fragmentation | 0
As humans, you are very magnetic. You will magnetize to you those situations that allow you to learn what you need to learn according to your blueprint or whatever karmic lessons you have decided to learn in this lifetime. We will repeat because it is very important. Humans are very magnetic. The people that you attract and that are attracted to you are not random. If there was no point of attraction, they would not be in your life. We repeat, the people in your lives are not random. If there was no point of attraction, they would not be in your life. So, if they are, there is a reason.
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- Abandonment
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- X
- Xavier