The Universe is always conspiring in your favor.


Category: Anger

X – New Year, New You

A new year is a good time to revisit a new you.  Not in a way that dishonors who you have been and who you feel you are currently, but in a way that gets you excited about the biggest possibility of you.  Who is this person that is the biggest possibility of you?  How do they feel about themselves?  How do others feel around them?  How they react to the circumstances of their lives, both those they perceive to be positive and those they perceive to be negative?  Understand what we are teaching you at this moment.  We are teaching how to begin telling yourself the story of the biggest possibility of you and in telling yourself this story, it will become much easier to move into this expansive space of joy that embodies the biggest possibility you can be.

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X – The Art of Trusting the Process

The story of human incarnation can be told through the energies of this gateway. When the old is no longer needed, it is not discarded, it is honored for the service it has performed and then transmuted to be birthed into the new. Many times, humans manifest and clear through struggle and at some point, feel sour about these old energies that they believe have weighed them down that they forget that the old energies have been critical for them to get to this level of ascension, the current level of peace they feel in their being. It’s important to honor these energies and to be grateful for the struggle you perceive they have caused for without the struggle, your level of awareness would not be where it is today. This is the work of Earth.

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