Category: Lightbody
What is the Light Luminous Body?
by Maricar | Sep 26, 2024 | Lightbody, Luminous Body, Metatron, Multidimensionality, Videos | 0
Metatron teaches us about the light luminous...
Read MoreX – The New You
by Maricar | May 14, 2024 | Alchemical Matrix, Dimensions, Lightbody, Luminous Body, Multidimensionality, Psychic Abilities, Rebirth, X | 0
What we wish to teach you today is what multidimensionality has to do with the new you. You see, humanity is currently undergoing a transformation. Many of you are beginning to open up to your multidimensionality. What do we mean by multidimensionality? Multidimensionality has to do with your energetic capabilities that transcends time and space.
Read MoreHow to Believe in Yourself When You Don’t
by Maricar | Apr 4, 2024 | Alchemical Matrix, Ascension, George, Intentions, Lightbody, Manifestation, Metatron, Seraphim, Xavier | 0
Energetically, how does it look like when you believe in yourself when you are accessing the fifth dimensionary aspect of self? Imagine that your body is light, because it is. When you believe in yourself, the lightbody begins to morph into a kind of vortex, a channel. This is because when you believe in yourself, when you are standing in your power and that power is in your soul centered truth, the lightbody can be programmed to rapidly manifest synchronicities into your life. When you believe in yourself, the lightbody literally becomes a magnet of creation.
Read MoreCompletion Scripts – What is it and How Does it Align you to Gaia?
by Maricar | Aug 2, 2023 | Ascension, Guides, Lightbody, Luminous Body, Metatron, Middleway Guides, Multidimensionality, Self Love | 0
The guides actually suggested this post, so let’s see what they have to teach us. Who will...
Read MoreHow to Make a Quantum Leap to Integrate the Lightbody
by Maricar | Jul 20, 2023 | Ascension, Awareness, Lightbody, Metatron, Multidimensionality, Quantum Leap, Sebastian, Seraphim, Xavier | 0
The guides actually suggested this topic, so let’s see what they have to say about it. Who...
Read MoreThe Path of Integration to Higher Dimensions
by Maricar | Jul 7, 2023 | Ascension, Dimensions, Lightbody, Metatron, Multidimensionality, Seraphim, Soul Fragmentation | 0
In my meditation this morning, the guides taught me the path of integration as we move to higher...
Read MorePredicting Timelines and Outcomes in Psychic Readings
by Maricar | Jul 19, 2022 | Jordan, Lightbody, Multidimensionality, Psychic Abilities, Psychic Readings | 0
When I opened up, one of the most common things that I get asked are various types of...
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