The guides actually suggested this post, so let’s see what they have to teach us.

Who will assist us today? Metatron, an angel of alchemical mastery and keeper of all lightbodies and luminous bodies on Earth, and the Middleway Guides, angels of Middle Earth who are the creators of the lightbodies and luminous bodies, will assist us today. Beneath the question in italics is exactly what I hear from the guides, verbatim.

First of all, what are completion scripts?

Metatron: This is a good place to start.  Before we explain the completion scripts, let us build up to what they are.  The completion scripts are made up of the lighbody and the luminous body.  As Earth further ascends into its own soul, the completion scripts will morph to align fully to Gaia.  For now, Gaia is in the 6th dimension, though it will be building the 7th dimension fairly soon.  Perhaps, not within the lifetime of this channel, but within the lifetime of many young ones that are already incarnate on earth.  We are preparing for the coming of the 7th dimension as well as for the completion of the 6th dimension on Earth. 

So, for now the completion scripts are made up of the lighbody and the luminous body.  However, as the 7th dimension comes into place, the completion scripts will begin to incorporate what will be known in the future as the rainbow body.  The rainbow body facilitates the processes in which humans will begin to connect to the All That Is.  The lightbody facilitates the opening of your 5th dimensionary gifts to further ascend on Earth.  The luminous body facilitates humans becoming their I am self. 

When completion scripts are ran on the person, this means that they are aligned fully to where Gaia is in their ascension.  So, they are assisting guides on the other side in building Gaia’s energy.  Understand that Gaia carries every human’s energy.  So, as humans ascend, it is easier for it to ascend.  As humans contract, Gaia must assist in carrying humanity towards its integration.  You are one, you see?  As the human race, you are one with one another and you are one with Gaia.  Those who chose to run completion scripts will assist in anchoring Gaia’s energy for the betterment of all. 

How do we get chosen to run completion scripts?

Middleway Guides: You are not chosen to run completion scripts.  You simply chose to do it by getting to the same level of ascension as Gaia.  This does not mean perfection, you understand?  This means that you are already aware of all of your soul lessons through the 6th dimension and in that awareness, we can be confident that you can assist in being an anchor for Gaia. So, you simply volunteer to run the completion scripts and it will be so. 

What do we have to do to run completion scripts?

Metatron: So, the first thing that must be done is to volunteer.  In that intention, we will guide you as to what it takes to get to the same level as Gaia.  The more humans that volunteer to run completion scripts, the easier it will be for Gaia to ascend. 

To run completion scripts, one must fully integrate the lightbody, which means that the chakras has unified, fully integrate the luminous body, and go through a final exam that show your guides you are aware of all of your soul lessons.  Everyone passes this final exam with an A+, precisely because the final exam ends when you have gotten an A+.  The final exam is critical to the process for it shows us and it gives you confidence that you are not unaware of any of your soul lessons, which means that you are highly unlikely to build enough discordance in your body to put Gaia off kilter. 

What is the benefit to humans to run completion scripts?

Middleway GuidesThere are many benefits to running completion scripts, foremost of which is your heightened awareness of energy on earth.  Because you are fully aware of all of your soul lessons, you can get past your own integration in order to be able to understand how Gaia works, energetically.  Your gifts within the 5th and 6th dimensionary aspect of self also begin to activate, and your guides will begin to set up the curriculum for you to be able to understand how to use these gifts for the greatest good of all.  So, yes, you are anchoring Gaia, but that is not the point.  The bigger picture is that as you run completion scripts, you are becoming fully who you truly are, which is an exquisite experience on Earth.  This is you at your highest spiritual potential and that in itself is a magnificent experience on earth.  

Any last messages before we close this post?

Middleway Guides: You are an exquisite being just as you are.  We appreciate you volunteering to run completion scripts, but more than that, we are heartened to see all of you develop self love.  For this is what this is about, is it not?  You fully integrate the lightbody and the luminous body and you begin to love yourself most unconditionally.  When things are not bad or good, they just are and no matter what the perception is, you love yourself as you truly are.  So, it starts with love.  What we are asking here is not for volunteers to do any work.  We are asking for volunteers to be brave enough to love themselves exactly as they are, exactly as they need to be.  You are exactly who you need to be in any given moment.  You can love yourself fully no matter what is happening in your life, good for bad.  So, this is the task.  Love yourself.  Love yourself.  Love yourself.  In that love, you buoy Gaia to further Ascension and you will experience what it is like to live as if heaven was already on earth.  And so it is.  Call on these energies to assist you with self love and it will be so. 

Thank you for your time and energy!

Metatron: Call on this energy to assist you with what you need to do to integrate your lightbody and luminous body.  We are excited to bring more self love into the Earth plane. And it will be so.