The guides suggested this topic.  Let’s see what they have to teach us.

Who will be our teacher for this topic?  Seraphim, my angelic guides, will be our teacher for this message.  To learn more about the guides, please read our About page.  All channeled material is in italics.  It is exactly what I hear in my head, verbatim.

Seraphim:  What we want to speak to you about in this teaching is what is True Freedom and how do you get there.  First, we want to define what we speak of as True Freedom. Second, we will tell you the nascent signs and soul lessons that lead to True Freedom.  Lastly, we will walk you through how to cross the finish line to True Freedom.

So, what is True Freedom?  True Freedom is that space in you where you are no longer captured by soul fragmentation.  What do we mean by this?  What we mean is that you are clear as a channel because the high self is able to direct your energies on earth.  This is contrasted to your soul fragmentation directing your life with their beliefs, patterns, and identities. 

Now, how do you know you are on the cusp of True Freedom?  Understand that True Freedom embodied happens in spaces.  So, we, as guides, work on you in spaces.  That is, when you are ready for True Freedom this means that we are working on you within a space in you.  So, True Freedom is a space in you.  Is this space the totality of your embodied soul?  It is possible but getting to that space of True Freedom usually takes multiple lifetimes.  You are on the cusp of True Freedom when you begin to shed attachment to outcome.  We will repeat that because it is important.  You are on the cusp of True Freedom when you begin to shed attachment to outcome.  When the outcome of your life comes from allowing, then you are on the cusp of True Freedom.  We will repeat that because it is very important.  When you learn to allow, you are creating a space of True Freedom within you.  Allowing is the key to your freedom.  Surrendering is how you learn to allow. It follows, ironically, that surrendering is the path to freedom.  Do you see this? 

What are the nascent signs and soul lessons of True Freedom? We will begin with the nascent signs of True Freedom.  True Freedom comes after Rebirth.  That is, when the energetic body is substantially transformed such that one awakens to their higher gifts, usually, though not always, the high self has a choice of facilitating an embodied space to have True Freedom.  The high self will often elect to go further in the clearing to get to True Freedom because the quality of life of the human who has True Freedom within a space in their body increases dramatically.  To summarize, True Freedom usually comes after Rebirth and you know you are embarking on True Freedom because the soul lessons you are being released from are all root lessons for which you have already transmuted and released its outgrowth.  So, that is that.

Now, we want to discuss what soul lessons are indicative that you are entering True Freedom.  This is not an exhaustive list but this list contains most of the soul lessons that humans have elected as the root soul lesson.  These soul lessons are abandonment, self-hate, dishonoring of the true self, violation of another’s person, and deep insubordination towards one’s blueprint.  Again, these are not exhaustive lists, however, when these soul lessons arise, it is usually indicative that one is carving out True Freedom within a space in the body. 

Why did we give you such a list?  It is important to understand that everyone has been a perpetrator and a victim at some point in their multidimensional life.  These soul lessons arise from deep wounding and when you heal deep wounding within you, you create a space of True Freedom.  Now, we want to tell you that your high self is always facilitating your integration and its important to heed the order of transmutation and release for it tells you the story of your multidimensional soul.  Having an understanding of the root soul lessons will assist you in understanding the intermediate lessons that come before it and this is our purpose for this teaching today. 

Now, we want to conclude our teaching by telling you how to cross the finish line to True Freedom.  What we will tell you is a bit anticlimactic for we have already said it in this teaching.  The way to cross the finish line to True Freedom is by allowing.  Only in allowing can you understand the seemingly irrational things that are happening in your life that have a deeply rational spiritual basis.  Guessing what your soul lessons are or dictating to the universe what they ought to be will not get you to the finish line.  Only in listening to the whispers of the totality of your soul will you understand why what is happening is happening.  So, that is that.

If you are carving out True Freedom in your life, there are over thousands to millions of guides who are facilitating your release to the totality of your soul.  It is important, in the process, not just to be grateful for the assistance you might not understanding you are getting, but also for yourself for getting to this space in your incarnation.  For it is truly a gift you give yourself to be in a space of True Freedom within your blueprint. 

There is much more to say about these matters, however, we will leave it at this for this gives you a structure in which to think about True Freedom.  Spirituality and Awakening is an experiential process.  We teach you things, yes, but predominantly it is for you to experience and discover.  So, we will close this message so as not to steal your thunder towards that discovery.  And, so it is.

We will close this message as we close every other message and that is to invite you to call on our energies for support and it will be so.

We would also like to thank the channel for persisting through her blueprint so this message can become available to you.  She does not yet understand precisely what she has accomplished but she will soon.  We love you and we are always with you all.  And, so it is.