Earlier this month, I asked the guides to teach us how to make effective New Year’s Resolutions.  Let’s see what the guides have to teach us about this topic.

Who will assist us today? Metatron will be our teacher for this message.  To learn more about the guides, please read our About page.  All channeled material is in italics, which is exactly what I hear from the guides, verbatim.

Metatron: We are coming through this channel today to teach you how to have a productively joyful new year.  Now, understand what we said.  We did not say productive new year, although, if that is what would bring you joy, we would not object to it.  However, understand what we said.  What we said is that we want you to be productive towards building joy in your body.  If you are going to effort anywhere in your life, you need to effort in building joy in your life.  Any other kind of efforting will lower your frequency.  So that is that. 

So, what do we want to teach you all today?  We want to teach you how to envision and how to use this process of envisioning to have a productively joyful new year. 

First things first, what is envisioning?  Envisioning is the process of seeing some joyful vision in your mind’s eye, first, then allowing the universe to assist you in making that vision into physical reality.  Envisioning is a spiritual art that requires the utmost soul centeredness.  Again, we will repeat that because it is very important.  To properly envision, it requires the utmost soul-centeredness. 

The first step toward envisioning is to begin to get into the channeling state.  You can do this by sitting in a comfortable position and beginning to focus on your breathing.  If you are familiar with it, you can use box breathing and this is a great way to bring you to the present moment.  If you are not keen on box breathing, you can simply breathe in and out and send your focus on your breath.  What does this do?  This process centers you into the present moment. It is what is called on your plane as mindfulness.  When you do this long enough, you will find that you begin to get calm, the intellectual mind begins to subordinate itself to the intuition, and thus, you are able to more clearly channel your soul center. 

The next step towards envisioning is to begin to discourse with the high self while you are in the channeling state.  Now, speaking to the high self is something of an art that we wish to teach you in this channeled message.  Why is it an art?  Many people believe the high self takes orders from the personality or the personality takes orders from the high self.  This hierarchical view of the totality of the soul is a misnomer.  Why?  Because the process of setting intentions is co-creative.  Again, we will repeat that because it is very important.  The process of setting soul centered intentions is co-creative.  So, what do you need to do to set intentions while you are connected to the high self through the channeling state?  What you need to do is to feel into your current intentions.  So, let us say you want a new job and you have a pretty specific role you wish to land.  Send this intention to the high self while you are in the channeling state and gauge how you feel as you do that?  Do you feel joy?  If you do, then this is confirmation that it is soul-centered.  Do you feel something slightly negative such as apprehension, fear, or perhaps a slight sense of not-enoughness? This does not necessarily mean it is not soul centered, however, it could be indicative that there is a soul fragment that is blocking your way towards that manifestation.  If this is the case, then ask the high self to assist you with the transmutation and release of the soul fragment.  If you feel something adverse, you feel put out, or you feel a negative sense of overt pride, it may be indicative that the intention is not at all soul centered and being in such a position will empower a soul fragment.  Understand that the high self will not allow you to empower a soul fragment for long, for one of the high self’s major functions is to lead you towards ascension.  So, it will not allow you to descend, if such descension is unnecessary and prolongs your pathway to ascension. 

Perform this exercise for all of your new year’s intentions and you will gather soulful information as how you want the coming year to unfold. 

Now, we want to teach you another thing that is important for the new year and that is the importance of setting aspirational intentions over resolutions.  What is a resolution?  A resolution is, more often than not, an intention to stop or start some behavior or pattern or it is some outcome to achieve.  Setting new year’s resolutions isn’t a bad thing but it isn’t as efficacious as setting aspirational soul centered intentions.  What are aspirational soul centered intentions?  These are statements of how you wish to feel given a desired outcome you wish to attain.  For example, for those who want a new job in the coming year, a resolution would be get a new job at a particular salary in a particular location.  An aspirational soul centered intention would read something like this, ‘I would like to manifest a new job that honors my highest creation that will allow me independently feel abundant in a city where I feel joy.’  Do you see the difference?  An aspirational soul centered intention is co-creative with the universe.  It is specific enough for the universe to assist you in manifesting it in the physical plane but it is also broad enough such that the universe has room to pleasantly surprise you.  Do you see how this is co-creative?  When you set aspirational soul centered intentions in this manner, what you are doing is you are asking the universe to assist you in manifestation.  So, there is an element here for allowing, discerning, and having faith in where the universe is taking you.

When want to break down aspirational soul centered intentions more deeply.  What are the components of an aspirational soul centered intention?  First, it addresses how you wish to feel. In our example, at your job you wish to feel honored and abundant enough to feel independent and in the city where you live, you wish to feel joy.  Second, aspirational soul centered intentions are specific enough such that you are not asking the universe to do the work of manifesting for you.  In our example, we said this person would like to manifest a job that honors their highest creation.  If there is a specific job that you wish to have, then that would assist the universe in helping you make it into physical reality.  If there is a specific kind of creation you wish to engage in, perhaps the creation of art or even a business, then that will also assist the universe in helping you make it into a physical reality.  The more specific you can be, as long as that specificity is within your soul center, then the easier the universe can assist you.  But remember that this is a bit of an art in the sense that this method is so efficacious because it is broad enough so the universe can pleasantly surprise you.  So, there is that tension with specificity and allowing and discerning where the universe wishes to take you.  Do you understand this?  What we are saying is yes, you can tell the universe exactly what job you want if you know what that is in your soul center but it is also okay to ask the universe to show you a job that will honor your highest creation and the universe will lead you to several possibilities.  When a possibility is presented to you and it doesn’t feel right, be brave enough to say no.  Saying no, will allow the universe to show you that thing that is within your soul center.  Additionally, allowing the universe to show you possibilities gives you the opportunity to surpass even your highest expectation.  This is why it is important to navigate this tension between specificity and giving the universe broad laterality to show you who you truly are.  So, that is that.

We want to end this message by putting it all together.  To begin to manifest your ideal 2025, what you need to do is to set aspirational soul centered intentions.  Once you have this list, perform the exercise we have taught you above to discourse with your high self as to how soul centered these intentions are.  You will get messages in these sessions with your high self.  Check all of your aspirational soul centered intentions with your high self, then, take the next soul centered synchronous opportunity that comes your way.  Remember what we said, when a synchronous opportunity does not feel right, be brave enough to say no.

What this process does is it facilitates a quantum leap to the life you wish to live.  Why?  Because rather than dictating to the universe what you must have or what you deserve, you are learning to listen to the universe as to that thing that is for your highest ascension.  This is why this method is so efficacious. 

We will end this message by wishing you all a happy new year.  We need to give the channel a break now for she is still within an upgrade and the available channeling energy within her is limited. Call on our energies for support and it will be so.