The guides suggested this topic, so let’s see what they have to say about it.

Who will assist us today? George are a collective of multidimensional beings in a green opal that specialize in multidimensional creation through creator energy. They introduce themselves in the post, Believing in Yourself When You Don’tX are 55 higher dimensional galactic beings in 5 Moonstones.  They introduce themselves in the post, Introducing X – Teachers of Universal AscensionGeorge and X take turns facilitating the discussion.  As per the regular convention of this blog, in italics is the directly channeled message from the guides, verbatim, with no commentary from me.

George: Let us begin with a definition of what we consider “difficult” energies.

X: Difficult energies are those energies that are difficult for the human or the personality to release.  We know that definition seems redundant to the question but let us explain.  Difficult energies fall into several categories.  First, difficult energies can be those energies for which the personality is peripherally aware but not fully aware.  Thus, in their lack of awareness, it is difficult for the personality to pinpoint the soul lesson.  Understand that it is when the personality is fully aware of their responsibility to the soul lesson that the soul lesson either transmutes or transmutes and releases.  So, when the personality is only peripherally aware, it may feel like they are transmuting or releasing energy in fragments, because essentially, they are. So, that is one type of difficult energy.

Second, another type of difficult energy is when the personality repeated the behavior for many lifetimes and in some cases, may have repeated the behavior despite having some rudimentary awareness that the behavior was a soul fragment.  These are behaviors such as overworking when you don’t want to or feel guilty doing so or when you do something you generally don’t want to do but you do it for acceptance’s sake.  These behaviors are what have been called in these blogs and articles as inauthentic behavior.  We understand, as guides, that the personality may not necessarily understand that the behavior is inauthentic because in their overanalyzed justification, it served a purpose, but the energetic truth of the matter is that anything you do not want to do in your soul centeredness is not authentic.  So, that is that. 

The last type of difficult energy we will cover is the most important.  These are ancestral energies that have been generationally persistent and pervasive for a very long time.  What is a long time?  It is relative to the ancestral line so we do not want to muddle your understanding.  What is important, however, is that each person, each personality has a knowing in their soul centeredness when an energetic fragment is a persistent and pervasive ancestral soul lesson.  Why are ancestral energies  difficult energies to transmute and release?  Essentially, because you are carrying a lot of energies in one session and you may be carrying it for your entire ancestral line.  Not just those that are alive and incarnate at the moment, but all of your ancestry in the timeline you are currently in.  Understand this: each member of the ancestral line has a responsibility to ancestral energy.  There is a pervasive, and we think unfortunate, idea in your realm that some humans may be free riding on other humans.  That is, some humans are not pulling their weight as they should and some are working harder than others.  All humans are working at their potential most of the time.  The idea of free riding is a judgement that must be transmuted and released in the one that has the judgement.  There is no free riding occurring, unless you allow it through a soul fragment.  If you are in your soul centeredness, then you are doing what you need to be doing and honoring your responsibility. 

George: Our focus on this article will be ancestral energy, though, the methods taught here are applicable to all the types of difficult energies we have spoken of.  Please explain what ancestral energies are and extrapolate further why these are difficult energies. 

X: We want to start at the very beginning, so we are confident we all have a shared understanding of what is being taught.  As we said before, ancestral soul lessons are those energetic soul fragments that have been persistent and pervasive through the ancestral timeline as it relates to the timeline the personality is currently in.  There is a knowing within any personality when a soul lesson is ancestral.  How do you know?  First, you see it in your ancestral line, not with judgement, but with compassion.  You have thoughts such as, ‘I am this way and so is my … mom, dad, sister, brother, grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin, etc.’  You think it with compassion, not with judgement.  When you think it in judgement, you are still within your personal karma and not within ancestral transmutation.  We will explain more why this is at a later time. 

Second, ancestral energy has a tendency to be heavy because you are carrying an entire timeline at once.  What do we mean precisely  when we say an energy is ‘heavy’?  What we mean by heavy is that it takes a great deal of focus and heart energy to transmute, then release, an entire ancestral timeline as it relates to a particular soul lesson.  The reason you are tasked with moving this energy is because you, as the personality in this incarnation, have a particular capability in this specific soul lesson.  As we said before, each person in an ancestral line, has their own assignment.  If you were assigned a particular soul lesson, it is because you have a mastery in this particular soul lesson.  So, yes, it is hard and can be taxing to move ancestral energy, but it is also a gift.  It is one way in which the universe tells you, you are a master in a particular soul lesson.

Third, ancestral energy can be weird.  What do we mean by weird?  We do not mean odd or out of place, when we say weird.  However, we do mean that it is something that may feel out of this world because it probably is.  Understand that your timelines, the timeline the personality is currently in, is not just sourced from soul lessons derived from Earth.  You are tasked with learning soul lessons for which Earth has a comparative advantage in teaching you this soul lesson as compared to any other physical realm in the Universe.  Earth is not the only physical realm in this universe and in other universes.  So, your soul lessons may have components of things or ideas that are not familiar to you, but you inherently know how it relates to your ancestral line when you are focused in your soul centeredness and you activate your heart energy.  If you see physical bodies that are not reminiscent of a human body, then understand that you may be transmuting the galactic roots of an ancestral timeline. Let this be okay, for if the energy is being presented to you, you are capable of its transmutation regardless of how weird you may first perceive it to be. 

X: We will now ask the questions for George’s expertise is now needed.  Why is it important to commit and focus to moving ancestral energy when it is presented to you for transmutation? 

George: Transmuting and releasing ancestral energy will increase the frequency of the ancestral line.  It is possible, though in our experience, rare, for the transmutation and eventual release of ancestral karma to raise the vibration of the ancestral line.  Though, we mention it because it is certainly possible. 

It is important to commit and focus on moving ancestral energy because it will transform the personality’s relationship with other humans in the ancestral line.  Your relationship with any human who is deeply connected to the energies you are moving will begin to transform, for themselves and for the betterment of their interaction with every other person in the ancestral group.  So, your incarnation will become magical, as it relates to your relationships.  This is the main benefit of transmuting and releasing ancestral soul fragmentation.

The other reason it is important to commit and focus on moving ancestral energy is that the personality’s ability to manifest exponentiates. Why?  When you move your portion of ancestral karma, it frees up substantial energy within you for manifestation.  Sometimes, when ancestral energy is ready to be transmuted and released, the personality’s life gets kind of stuck.  What do we mean by this?  Sometimes, the personality may experience a health issue that incapacitates them or they may lose their job or decide to stop going to school.  There are many ways for which the high self facilitates the movement of ancestral karma but our core point in brining it up is to appease the personality that what is happening to you is not some kind of punishment.  If you can get past the incapacity and see it as the gift of time and space for you to do this work, so you can have more ease and grace in manifesting the life you want, you will move through the clearing of ancestral soul fragmentation much quicker.  This is because if your guidance system must deal with your resistance, then that is energy not devoted to assisting you in moving ancestral karma.  We recommend you embrace the incapacity, be grateful for it, and use the time wisely to become aware of all that is moving.  The more aware you are, the more you honor what is moving through you and take responsibility for it, the faster and easier the process will go.

We want to note that not all incapacity is due to the need to commit and focus on ancestral karma, though that is one reason the high self calls for you to have the time and space to be able to process something that is deep and heavy. 

X: How can ancestral soul fragmentation be transmuted and released? 

George: To transmute ancestral soul fragmentation, what you can do is to encapsulate yourself in rainbow light.  You can do this any number of ways as long as you imagine your energetic body is within the confines of rainbow light.  After you have done that, what you need to do next is to tune in to the feelings of the soul fragmentation.  As you do this, you will feel a space in your energetic body resonate.  That is, there will be some subtle signal that tells you the ancestral soul fragmentation can be transmuted from that space.  Send love energy to that space by softly focusing on it and setting the intention to send love to it.  Persist in sending it love until you feel it release.  You know it has released because there is a palpable change in the way you feel when you think about the ancestral soul fragmentation.  Repeat this exercise as many times as you need until you have released the entire ancestral timeline you are working on. 

X: We thank the channel for her diligence in getting through this message.  The methods we have taught you here today are very powerful and can be used for all types of soul fragmentation, not just those that have ancestral roots.  We will end this message as we end every other message and that is to remind you to call on our support and it will be so. And so it is.