The guides suggested this topic so let’s see what they have to teach about it.  I believe this came about because a few years ago, with some friends, I did some energy work and I set the intention to stop seeing the world in hierarchy.  Growing up Asian, especially as a first-generation Filipino immigrant, I was schooled in the concept of establishing hierarchy very early.  It’s so pervasive in our culture that it is embedded in the language.  So, I’ve always been aware I had this belief and it’s always made me uncomfortable, even as a child watching how adults treated one another.  But only a few years ago did I set the intention to release it and only now do I believe that I can exist and not have this perspective.  On the onset, I never know what the guides are going to say, but whatever it is, I am grateful to elevate from this belief of hierarchy.  There are beliefs that keep us in gilded cages, and this is mine.

Who will assist us today?  Xavier, my galactic spirit guides, will be our teacher for this message.  To learn more about the guides, please read our About page.   If you are new to my channeling, I’ve compiled a glossary if you need to look up certain terms the guides use.  All channeled material is in italics.  It is exactly what I hear in my head, verbatim.

Xavier:  We, first, would like to thank the channel for acquiescing to our request for her to clear this energy.  She volunteered to do so and we are glad so that this message can be so. 

We want to state the obvious foremost.  What is that?  That you live in a society plagued by beliefs of hierarchy but seldom are you aware enough of it to admit it.  Do you see this?  There is a pervasive belief in your plane, to be fair not held by all, that doctors, lawyers, and such similar professions are somehow better than everybody else.  To be thin is to be prettier than when you are not thin.  That to be famous makes you far better at whatever you do compared to not being famous.  That to be educated is better than to be not and that having privilege is better than not having it. We could go on and on and on and on and it will never end.  You plane is plagued by needing to place yourself on a ladder of hierarchy and as long as you are not at the bottom or for others of you, as long as you are at the top or near the top, then your world is okay.  If not, then your world is not okay.  But it is not okay because you are at the bottom or not at the top, it is not okay because this belief is not unconditional self love.  Do you see this?

We want to begin by teaching you why the belief comes to be.  Many of you grew up with parents who had the belief worse than you do and they grew up, likely, with their parents who had it worse than them.  So, what we are trying to say is that most people embody the belief but never truly understand where it came from.  The channel posits in her introduction that it is partially cultural and she isn’t wrong, however, she is not entirely accurate either.  The belief comes from some abandonment in this life or another.  Truly.  Again, we will repeat that because it is very important.  The need to climb, the need to not be at the bottom or the need to be at the top, which is the same soul lesson, arises from the need to not feel abandoned.  We will let that sink in and then move forward.

Why is abandonment the root cause of the need to believe in societal hierarchy?  It is in being abandoned, foremost, that you begin to relegate yourself to conditional love.  This is an important point and it is a very nuanced one.  The need to climb is painful because it is, on the inner, you relegating yourself to conditional love.  I will be okay when ______.  No, you are okay now, as you are.  I will be beautiful when I lose 20 lbs.  No, you are beautiful now.  I will be successful when I finish my degree.  No, if you believe in yourself now, you will be successful now.  If you do not believe in yourself now, no amount of earning degrees will assist you in believing in yourself.  Do you see this?  The need to climb is rooted in abandonment because only in fearing abandonment do you begin to relegate yourself to conditional love.  Understand what conditional love is, conditional love is you withholding life force energy from yourself.  Do you see the connection now?  Experiencing abandonment is to experience part of your life force energy be taken away from you, to feel you do not deserve love. 

Are we telling you not to lose 20 lbs?  Or get that degree?  Or that job?  Or for that matter, are we telling you never to achieve?  Of course not, we love delighting in your joy.  But the question for you is, in achieving these things, are you achieving it because it brings you joy or are you doing it because it brings you validation?  That is the delineating factor at play. For example, how do you plan to lose 20lbs?  Do you plan to diet?  Exercise until you are numb?  Does this really bring you joy?  We cannot imagine diets bring anyone joy.  Exercise may bring you joy and that is good, but does it?  What are we trying to tell you here by using losing weight as an example?  You do not need to diet to lose weight.  To lose weight you need to love yourself as you are.  Why does this work?  When you love yourself unconditionally, you naturally begin to care for the vessel you occupy.  Truly. We challenge you to try it.  What happens when you begin to care for the vessel you occupy?  Well, suddenly, you want to feed it good things, like cold pressed juice or salads or a nice juicy steak.  Additionally, when you want to care for your vessel because you love it unconditionally, you will find that you suddenly want to dance, or hike, or run through that scenic plane you enjoy so much.  What we are trying to say is that when you love yourself unconditionally, these things you want, to eat healthy, to be active, will naturally come to you and bring you joy.  When you effort to do these things, then that is creating conditionality in your system.  Yes, some of you reading this doubt us, but we challenge you try it.  Self love can lead to weight loss, when you set the intention appropriately. 

So, we hope you know where we are going with this.  Self love leads to most things you want.  Why? Because love is magnetic energy and when you do things in love, you are naturally, magnetic to the synchronicities that bring you what you desire.  Do you see this?  When you are achieving because you believe in a system of hierarchy, that is you are racing not to be at the bottom or to be at the top, inevitably, you will achieve by efforting. 

How should you achieve?  Ask yourself what would you love?  We are hearing you in the ethers say, Netflix and chill.  That is not bad, but we will tell you now that if you ask yourself what would you love, you will find your calling.  If you ask yourself, how can I love myself to weight loss, you will find what you love to do by way of an active lifestyle.  If you ask yourself, what job or career would I love, then your high self will show you hints as to how you can transition to that.  But the trick to this is you must believe you deserve it and for you to believe you deserve it, you must not fear being abandoned.  Do you see this? 

So, we want to say something briefly about this Netflixing and Chilling.  As we said, it is not bad.  However, it is an avoidant mechanism for most of you.  You do it because when you do it, you do not feel abandoned.  Do you see this?  So, yes, for a brief moment, Netflixing and Chilling might be the call of the day by way of relaxation, but for most of you, it is not love.  It might be for those of you who find love in stories, who want to create those same stories that assist people in understanding themselves and not feeling abandoned.  But we would say, for most of you, that is not why you Netflix and Chill.  So, that is that. 

We want to get to the core of our teaching and that is how do you transmute the belief in hierarchy.  Well, you must love yourself unconditionally, for that is the anecdote to feelings of abandonment.  Do you see this?  You are love.  Give yourself that love and you will be able to transmute the need to see yourself at the top or the need to not be at the bottom.  

We will tell you one more thing before we sign off from this message.  If you want to shed this belief and it is pervasive, what you need to do is give it to us, as guides. Simply say this affirmation, ‘I give my unconditional love to the guides, please assist me.’  You will be assisted. 

The channel is completing her upgrades and we need to now give her a break.  We will end this message as we end every other message and that is to encourage you to call on our energies for support and it will be so.  You are loved.  You are loved.  You are loved.  We send you love from the ethers.  We send you love from source.  We send you love just because. And, so it is.