I was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in my late 20s.  Fast forward more than a decade later, I opened up more fully and my guides have told me that some of my ADHD was simply the manifestation of my deep multidimensional capabilities.  Xavier, in particular, has told me that I have a brain that looks for joy.  Xavier has proposed this post so let us get started and ask them for their message.

I would like to acknowledge that it’s important that you follow doctor’s orders and you discern for yourself what is best for you.  Personally, I take Adderall nearly daily, especially when I have a lot of ‘Earth work’ to do.  It does not shut off my psychic gifts.  My guides regularly advocate taking it in certain situations, for it does assist me in being on the Earth plane.

Who will assist us with this question? Xavier, my galactic angels are going to guide us today. Beneath the question in italics is exactly what I hear from my guides, verbatim.

You proposed a post with the title ‘The Brain that Looks for Joy.’  What will this post be about?  What is the brain that looks for joy?

As you mentioned, we wish to speak about the multidimensional brain for with the seeding of the 5th dimensionary energetic field on planet Earth, there are going to be more humans who awaken to their multidimensional ability.  So, what is the brain that looks for joy?  This is a good question for aspiring to the vibration of joy makes it such that one’s energetic field is vibrating at a high enough frequency that manifestation becomes effortless.  As guides, this is what we specialize in, we specialize in creator energy, which from the perspective of your plane means predominantly manifestation.  So, the brain that looks for joy is the brain that is able to effortlessly focus and manifest, almost at quantum speeds.  This is the kind of brain our guidee, this channel, has and we wish to instruct her and all the others with such equipment on how to use and maintain these special technological specimens. 

Let’s step back for a minute and get clear on a few things.  Are you saying all ADHD brains are multidimensional brains?  Is it just ADHD? How would one know that they have a multidimensional brain?

Very good question and the answer is that not all humans with ADHD will have such a multidimensional brain but most do.  You are correct that there are other what your plane calls mental health disorders that maybe an indication that one has a multidimensional brain.  So, how does one know?  Multidimensional brains tend to be very creative and this creativity tends to occur in a spacey way.  Many with multidimensional brains tend to have various psychic abilities, of which many have galactic roots.  So, these humans often feel uncomfortable on the Earth plane and this is because they are struggling to have all of their energy incarnate within the human body.  So, there is that challenge of getting all of the soul embodied.

How can we access the multidimensional capabilities of our brains?  What would the first step be in effortlessly manifesting at quantum speeds?

Herein lies our message for you to access your multidimensionality by vibrating in the energy of joy.  Now, this is not easy in the sense that sustaining such a high vibration in such a dense planet is not easy. The first step to getting to a vibration of joy, especially when one may not be in the mood to be in such a vibration, is to meditate and imagine one being in the vibration of joy.  How would you do this?  Simply, think of things that you enjoy that put you in the vibration of joy.  In roughly 10 minutes, your vibration will begin to rise and as it does you begin to feel a sense of calm, a sense of rightness, a sense of oneness with the universe and this feeling is the vibration of joy.  Once you reach that vibration, begin picturing what it is you wish to manifest and it will become much easier to focus on it.  In doing this exercise, you will find that the universe moves very quickly to conspire in your favor.  Us guides move in quantum speeds.  As soon as you set an intention, we set in motion the energetic environment for that intention.

That sounds really simple and I have to say that I don’t manifest that fast.  What are some things that trip up the energy such that delays in manifestation occurs even if we have this technology in our being to speed it up?

This is really good insight but in fact you manifest faster than you think.  You opened up quite fast, did you not?  The way you did this is by setting the intention to open up and then taking action on that intention.  So, set the intention, wait for a signal from the universe that puts you in the direction of that intention, then take action on the intention.  If you keep repeating this, you will manifest quite fast.  What we mean by the multidimensional brain is that its ability to connect intention with action is quite fast.  That is, the brain is harnessing the energy to put in place the structure for manifestation. 

Now, we wish to address what might get in the way of our simple conception of manifestation and that is the soul fragments that may block the energy for manifestation.  As these fragments come up, they must be integrated and there are several methods available on the Earth plane that teaches these methods, such as the soul integrative process, inner child retrieval and many others.

Basically, we keep harnessing the energy by getting into the vibration of joy and imagining what we wish to manifest.  Do we just keep doing this until we have manifested what we intended?

Precisely.  There is disbelief in our guidee’s intellectual mind that it could be this simple and it actually is.  What makes it difficult is resistance, which is a soul fragment that needs to be integrated using the methods we have delineated above.

I think this is a good place to close this post.  Any last messages for readers of this post?

We wish to tell the readers our motivation for requesting this post.  The first is that there is an oppression of individuals with multidimensional brains and it is a disservice to the beautiful gift they have been given.  If you only knew what you were fully capable of with this special equipment embedded in your brain, you would not think you were disordered.  Part of our aim is to put an end to that stigma and to assist those with multidimensional brains to take their power back from those who judge them.

Our second aim is to show you how to use it and there will be more of these posts for we wish to see this community with galactic roots thrive on the Earth plane. 

That definitely resonates with me.  Thank you very much for your time.

We see you in time, we see you in space, and wherever and whatever you are, we hold you in love.  We will speak again in our multidimensional classroom.