In my awakening experience, my life was turned upside down, including the need to separate from my job.  So, this triggers questions of what should I do with my life.  I’ve always been very practical and while I have always sought to have impact in  my career, I never approached it spiritually.  This is what I wish to ask the guides today.  How do we figure out what to do with our lives?  Especially, when there is all this guilt that we should already know, given our age, and the education and skills we have attained.

Energetically, this question is more complex than we understand and I wanted to get the Guides take on how do we answer this question in  a way that leads us to lead confident lives in the vibration of Joy.

Who will assist us with this question?  Seraphim, my angelic guides are going to guide us today.  Beneath the question in italics is exactly what I hear from my guides, verbatim.

How can we answer the question ‘What should I do with my life?’  That is, where do we even begin to answer such a big and broad question?

This is indeed a very big question and as guides, we often like to get you to clarity for in being in clarity, energy moves much more freely.  But as we discussed prior to you writing this post, sometimes it is necessary to address the bigger and broader questions before we can be in a space of clarity.  So, therein lies the first thing that needs to be done is that one needs to get to clarity about what one wants with the time they are given on Earth.  One needs clarity before action can be taken.  So, this is more complex energetically than most humans understand for clarity comes in stages.  So, you have an interest.  Pursue that interest until you get to a level that is very difficult and challenging for you.  Do you still like it?  Are you still interested?  For it is easy to think one is interested or passionate in something if they are being validated for it and if that validation comes easy, it can often misconstrue itself as passion.  So, you must get to the most challenging level of your discipline that you are capable of to really discern if that interest will turn into passion.  For it is in overcoming obstacles that one begins to fall in love with what they are doing.  It is just like a marriage.  Marriages often become stronger after the union has been tested.  So, test yourself and get to a level of that discipline that is truly challenging for you. Do you still like it?  Are you still in the vibration of joy? 

Understand that this is a natural process.  Sure, when you are being challenged you may want to quit but there will be fire in you to continue, if it is within your blueprint.  If it is not, often times humans lose steam and their interest wanes as the challenge contracts their energy.  So, this is a key to discernment.  Am I gaining energy in this endeavor?  Or am I losing energy or contracting in this endeavor?  So, if you are in the feeling of expansion, keep going.  If you are in the feeling of contraction, then it is time to stop, discern and check in with your guides. 

Just to be clear, what you are saying is that what we should do with our lives is what we are passionate about? 

It seems simple, but, yes that is precisely what we are saying.  That is, if it is in your blueprint as we said, there will be fire in you to complete whatever task you are doing within whatever profession you desire.  There will be a feeling of “I must” or “This is my purpose.”   There will be fire in you and that fire will expand you, even in challenging times.  Take our guidee here, for example, she has been challenged quite a bit in the last few months but she is still passionate about assisting those going through what she is going through and inevitably, she will realize that she signed up to be a lighthouse for others. 

Can you tell us a little bit more about our blueprint?  What is it?  How can we ensure that we are always within our blueprint? 

This is a much more complex question than you currently understand.  The blueprint is a set of curriculum that you have set up for yourself, along with a team of guides before incarnation.  So, the blueprint isn’t simply a resume for what education you will attain or what profession you will do.  It indicates the learning, the holistic learning, you will encounter on Earth.  This includes learning within relationships, your level of self love, and what we are talking predominantly about in this post, your vocation. 

So, there is a bigger question within this question and it is how do we discern what is in our blueprint?  What is in your curriculum?  And the key to this is as we have said prior, the act of discernment.  How do you feel about it?  Are you expanding?  Are you contracting?  Do you feel empowered or disempowered?   When it is in your blueprint, even though something is challenging, there will fire in one’s self to complete it.  So discernment is key in understanding whether one is expanding or contracting.   This is ultimately the goal – expansion. 

Is one always in their blueprint?  For the most part you are.  It is nearly impossible for any human to know exactly what is in their blueprint at least in the sense that one gets a class schedule for college.  For, the blueprint reveals itself to you step by step.  So, the name of the game is to discern, take action, discern, take action.  You only have purview over the immediate future.  We say this for many humans often think about what they should do with their lives and they are far into the future.  While, setting long term goals is important, it is focus on the present moment and discernment, then action, within the present moment that breeds manifestation.

So, to get to clarity is really about regular discernment in the present moment?  In that sense, couldn’t we argue that we never truly get to clarity except in the immediate future?  From this perspective, how do we create long term goals?

This  is a better question than you think for humans often make long term goals that are more appropriate in the present moment.  Setting long term goals is important for where attention goes energy goes.  So, we want to be clear that we are not saying not to create those long term goals and we wish to guide the readers on the difference between how to create long term goals versus discernment and action within the present moment.

Often times, humans create long term goals that are more appropriate in the present moment.  That is, they create long term goals that are so specific that they truly require discernment.  So, long term goals should be more fluid and flexible and we would even say, aspirational.  Whereas nearer term goals should be regularly discerned.  For example, many college students say they wish to become an attorney.  This is just an example.  That is a very specific goal that requires discernment.  Do I like what attorneys do?  Am I in the vibration of Joy when I perform tasks that attorneys normally perform?  We hope you and your readers see what we are getting at.  In setting goals in this way, there is no way to measure discernment.  There is no way to gauge and analyze, is it right action?  Is it right timing?  For you have siloed yourself into a particular profession.  Now, if this same college student set long-term goals based on their aspiration, perhaps this student is passionate about social justice, or fairness, or whatever the case may be, they may be led to become attorneys or something else entirely.  So, long-term goals are simply aspirational intentions that lead you within your present moment discernment and action.

Basically, you are teaching us how to get to a more authentic decision-making regarding vocation?

That is absolutely correct.  And there is something in this question that is worth noting in that, what everyone really wants is to be authentic and it is being your authentic self that will allow you to sustain the vibration of Joy.  This is why pigeonholing yourself to a particular vocation rather than remaining flexible within a set of aspirations and intentions often makes people unhappy.  Then, they often feel trapped for that is precisely what they did to themselves when they set the intention on a vocational level as opposed to an intentional level.  This is the root of most human’s discombobulation over their career and stepping back and changing the way one intends one’s long term versus nearer term goals will assist someone looking for direction in what vocation they should pursue in feeling confident about their decisions. 

I think there has been a lot of information offered here.  I think this is a good place to close this post.  Any last messages for readers of this post?

This has been a very timely conversation for this is a time of grand release so many humans are going through transition phases at this time.  Now, we wish to tell you that it is important to imagine the world you wish to live in and not get bogged down to the idea that certain things are not possible.  Anything is possible.  Truly, anything.  So, if anything is possible, wouldn’t it be wonderful if humans collaborated towards a more just and sustainable world?  Think about that.  The idea that anything is possible.  For the detractors of this statement is essentially streams of consciousness that are resistant to their own Ascension, their own blueprint.  So reflect on the idea that if anything is possible, what would I want the world to look like?   Then, discern if it is right action and right timing and move present moment by present moment.  In this manner, you may surprise yourself on what kind of impact you make on yourself and others. 

Thank you for your time!

We see that you are complete for this moment.  We send you love in your expansion.