The guides actually suggested this topic so let’s see what they would like to teach us.

Who will assist us today?  Metatron, an angel of alchemical mastery, Seraphim, my angelic guides, Xavier, my galactic angels, Kahuna Nui Sebastian, an Ascended Master who specializes in the energetics of your healing journey, Kahuna Nui Dolores, an Ascended Master who specializes in the energetics of quantum leaps, Middleway Guides, keepers of Middle Earth and managers of the dimensional reality on Earth, will assist us today.  Beneath the question in italics is exactly what I hear from the guides, verbatim. Metatron will be facilitating this conversation.  The questions posted are channeled from Metatron.

Update: The post the guides are referencing below is, How to Set Intentions that Guides are Receptive to.

Metatron: Walk us through the different types of guidance and how humans can open up to them?

Seraphim: We are angelic guides.  We guide our guidee, the channel, on her soul lessons that are Earth based.  That is, these are karmic lessons that originated on the Earth plane.  Earth angels are specialists on Earth for Earth is a particular kind of ascending planet and it requires specialist knowledge to begin to facilitate the general ascension of the soul and to meld this to the totality of their journey throughout the universe.  All humans have guardian angels or angelic guides.  Some have both because they have lived enough lives that two sets of angels are necessary. 

To connect to your angelic guides or guardian angel, all you have to do is tune in to the calm space in your heart.  We are always with you and you are inherently connected to us.  There is nothing special that needs to be done to connect.  We are with you.  We are connecting with you everyday.  But you must listen.  Not with your ears, but with your heart.  Again, not with your ears, but with your heart.  You will find that when you are in the channeling state during meditation, when your brain waves have slowed down quite a bit to calm the nervous system down, that you can connect to us quite easily.  You may hear us, you may understand us as a knowing within the calmness of the center of your soul, and some of you may see us directly or see our messages.  It all depends on how you receive.  One method is not better or worse than another method.  What is more important is you begin to work on differentiating guidance from that of your intellectual mind.  We repeat because it is very important.  What is more important is that you begin to work on differentiating guidance from your intellectual mind. 

Again, you are always connected to your angelic guides.  No human is EVER alone.  We are always with you: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  So, tap into us and connect with us to understand your higher knowing. 

Xavier: We have referred to ourselves to our guidee as galactic angels.  We have a similar function to what Seraphim has delineated above, except that we guide the galactic lives of our guidee.  That is, we assist with the soul integration of galactic lives that our guidee has lived.  You see, Earth is a planet of integration.  The density of this planet has much value for in its density, it is a good place to integrate all lives throughout the universe.  This is why it is such a popular planet of ascension.  Additionally, your galactic lives have given you much capabilities energetically.  You also have a knowing of energy that is difficult for the human mind to understand.  But because it is inherently in your DNA, your knowing is within your feelings.  Your knowing is within your feelings.  As you tap into the knowing within your DNA, you can use your knowledge to assist you in your greater ascension on earth.  These are things like, how to make a quantum leap, how to clear your particular type of energy, and how to harness energies of groups for greater learning.  That is just a sampling of what is in your knowing. 

Our jobs as galactic angels are two fold.  First, it is to assist you in your galactic integrations. Second, it is to be your teachers on your knowing that comes from Earth.  Like Seraphim, we are always connected to our guidee.  This is not by definition, like Earth Angels, but by mandate of our soul agreement with our guidee.  We have guided our guidee before and often come out as her galactic angels when she is on Earth.  Currently, she believes she connected fully to us in her 30s, but in fact, we have been connecting to her all her life.  This is also by mandate of our soul agreement with her energy.  Many of you who has had many galactic lives have set up similar agreements to be guided by galactic beings such as us.  

What do you need to do to connect?  Ask for greater connection and by intention, we begin to develop and implement the curriculum necessary for you to connect directly.  Do not try to control how you connect.  Instead, ask to become who you truly are and you will begin to discover what your supernatural capabilities are on earth.

Middleway Guides: We are a consortium of beings residing in Middle Earth as keepers of the dimensional reality of Earth.  We are the ultimate keepers of the portals, gateways, and vortexes that are on Earth.  There are also individual keepers that keep each portal, gateway, or vortex, but we manage the totality of all the keepers and ensure that they have what they need to keep Earth’s ascension going.  So, we are the keepers of the keepers of Earth, so to speak.

What we wish to teach you today is how to use portals, gateways, and vortexes to access guidance.  You see, when you are in a power spot, which is what we generically call all portals, gateways, and vortexes, it is easier for you to connect to guidance.  You might not always see, hear, or feel the keepers of power spots but understand that as long as you are there, you are being worked on unless you intend otherwise.  As long as you are in a portal, gateway, or vortex, you will be worked on unless you intend otherwise.  The way you access this kind of energetic work is to set intentions for your clearing and manifestation.  Then, get into the channeling state in meditation, as Seraphim has instructed above, and intuit which power spot will assist you.  Listen to your knowing.  As you engage with the power spot by way of walking, exploration, hiking, or whatever the case may be, you will be worked on.  Those that are psychically open, may discourse with the guides and keepers that manage each power spot.  These guides and keepers are just like any other guides and keepers and have specialist knowledge in their area.  If there is a particular power spot that you are drawn to, the likelihood is that your supernatural capabilities as a soul are a match for that particular power spot.  Set the intention to connect or discourse, and the guides and keepers there will set forward the curriculum to make it so.

Dolores: We are what is referred to as open guides.  We are not assigned to any particular guidee and simply guide any who is in need of our specialty and who requests our assistance. To connect with any open guides, simply lay out your request and the right guide will come along.  You can do this by journaling what outcome you wish to reach or what you wish to clear in your life.  In her awakening experience, this channel sought us at a power spot and wanted to make a quantum leap from the intensity of the Dark Night of Soul that was facilitated as part of her rapid awakening experience.  She asked and we responded.  We are now with her constantly for she is still rapidly ascending.  As she begins to stabilize to the totality of all that she is, we will begin to guide her less and guide the ones that come through this website who requests our assistance. 

There are many kinds of open guides.  Generally, open guides are specialists in a particular area, though not all.  There are open guides for nearly every type of ailment on earth, whether it is of the physical sort or the psychological one.  There are also open guides for different types of manifestation, for different kinds of relationships, and most significantly, there are open guides, such as us, that specialize in ascending earth.  When you are ready to ascend to the next level of your blueprint, we guide you through completion and do the energetic work necessary to do that work.  So, it is to set clear intentions as to your desired outcome and be open to the guides that come forward.  As you begin to hear, see, or feel them, ask them if they are of light.  If they are, then you are ready to be assisted to the next level of your soul evolution.  If the ones that come forward are not, it is best not to engage with them and to integrate within yourself your deep attachment to an outcome that perhaps does not belong to you. 

Earth is becoming more and more open as it ascends into its global blueprint.  More and more humans in the coming years will seek guidance from guides such as us.  We are ready to assist you as long as you are ready to learn.  So, set the intention to be open to your own curriculum.  And it will be so. 

Metatron: Fairies and other types of guides will be covered by Sebastian

Sebastian: There are many other types of guides such that it cannot be succinctly covered in any given post or book.  So, we are going to summarize some of them here.  The main point here is to ask any energy that comes forward as guidance to see if they are of light.  If they are of light, it would be good to seek guidance from them.  If they are not of light, it would be good not to engage further and to even block the entity from your field. 

There are many other types of guides and guides that are in training.  On the other side, we are a trainer of guides and this is why we are coming forward to do this part of the post.  Beings on the other side that are not in their fragmentation have much wisdom to impart on the Earth plane.  Those who wish to be trained as guides are then sent to impart messages to those seeking guidance.  It is the same concept as when humans open up psychically and before they begin charging for their services, it would be good to go through some period of training to ensure that they are as clear as a channel as possible.  These energies on the other side wish to ascend by training to become guides so we give them the opportunity to do so by facilitating the connection. 

There are other types of guides that predominantly do the energetic work that is necessary for your ascension.  These are what you know as fairies but they are also known by other names such as menehune, in the state of Hawaii, spirit guides, totem animals, and many more names that are too exhaustive to comprehensively list.  These guides are energy workers.  They weave your energetic body for your ascension.  Our main point here is that for every human incarnate, there are at least two thousand guides that are working on you.  So, it’s important to move through your resistance and unawareness as much as possible for when you are resistant or unaware, these beings cannot move forward with their work and must wait for you to come back into alignment.  It is not to put you in fear, but to assist you in feeling supported in your journey.  As other guides have already said above, you are never alone.  There are hundreds of entities working on you at any given time, cheering you on in your ascension. 

 Metatron: What is the most efficient way to ask for guidance?

Xavier: Understand that guides are energy.  We do not experience time as you do because where we are there is no time or time is a much more complex matrix than the human mind can compute.  So, it is not our time that is precious, it is our energy.  We wish to give you some guidelines as to the most efficient ways to connect with guidance:

1) Set clear intentions

Elsewhere on this website, we cover how to set intentions that guides are receptive to.  Read that post for it gets to the heart of the matter, which is the more aware you are, the easier it is for us to guide you.  We repeat.  The more aware you are, the easier it is for us to guide you.  So, become as aware as you can be, in terms of your responsibility to what must be cleared or your intentions for manifestation.  How do you feel about these matters you are intending to clear or manifest?  Are they right action? Are they right timing?  Get as far as you can on your own and then seek our guidance.  It’s also important for us to note that we are not asking you not to ask us just because you don’t have clarity yet.  If you could get to clarity very easily, you would not need so many guides.  So, get as far as you can and then allow us to assist you. 


2) Get into your soul-centered self

It is much less energy for us to connect with you when you are in your soul centered self because we do not have to go through the complexity of your shadows.  What you are doing when you get to your soul centered self is you are creating a pathway for us to reach you easily.  There are many ways to get into your soul centered self.  One way is to turn on the lightbody and luminous body, but for that to be available both must be fully integrated.  So, if your lightbody or luminous body is still integrating, there are other ways to connect.  Getting into the channeling state in meditation is the easiest way to become soul centered.  Understand that as you get to the channeling state, you might encounter your shadows or your soul fragmentation.  Allow it. Do not suppress it as some meditation books teach you.  Allow it and integrate it by either disaffirming a false belief or affirming your love for the imperfection of the fragmentation.  On the inner, you will know what to do if you are patient, you listen to your soul centeredness, and you act from your heart space.  There are other ways to get to your soul centered space, which will be covered later.  For now, mastery of getting to the channeling state through meditation is key to getting clarity in your day to day living and in connecting with your higher guidance. 


3) Understand that manifestation is co-creative with your high self and/or your guidance

Being incarnate on Earth is a co-creative exercise.  Yes, you are the one incarnate who is undergoing the experience of the density and the all the challenges that come with it, however, it will be less challenging if you saw it as a co-creative exercise.  You can have what you want in right timing and as long as it is right action according to your blue print but you must be willing to harness the energy appropriately for that manifestation.  It is co-creative, you understand?  This is why it is important to get to a state of allowing.  Do not empower the intellectual mind or the ego, instead tune in to your self love and ask what it truly wants.  This is the best way for you to be come who you truly are.  It is co-creative precisely because we are guiding you to that sweet place of finding and discovering who you truly are.  Without that discovery, if you are rigid, then your path becomes more challenging and sometimes get marred by obstacles.  So, listen humbly to guidance and ask, how is this in line with my intentions? How does this move my blueprint forward?  In your asking, you will get clarity.  

Metatron: This is a good place to close this post.  Any last messages from each guide? 

Xavier: You are more powerful than you understand.  Claim that power.  Allow us to assist you in that claiming and you will find the power of your heart space.  This is why it is co-creative.  We are leading you to the path of who you truly are through your heart space and not through your intellect.  You may very well get to the same place using your intellect, but it won’t feel as good compared to being in allowance of that guidance.  Allow us to assist you in taking the path that expands your soul the most.  And so it is. 

Dolores: Quantum leaps are always available to humans and we are here to assist you in understanding when it is appropriate to make a quantum leap.  The time is coming forward where quantum leaps will be somewhat normal on the earth plane and we are here ready to assist in that guidance.  Call on our energies and it will be so.  

Sebastian: Sometimes you are stuck.  That is okay.  You sometimes do not know you are stuck and so you have difficulty getting to clarity.  When you are at your wit’s end, call on guidance.  Again, when you are at the end of your rope, call for guidance and we will assist you in being aware and in moving resistance.  Your intentions are very powerful.  If you intend to ascend, it will be so.  If you intend to ascend, it will be so.  So, set clear intentions for your highest good and watch yourself move more fully to your soul centered self.  And so it is. 

Metatron: Become who you truly are and that is the way of ascension.  Become who you truly are and that is the way of ascension.  Call on our energies to show you your heart centered space and it will be so.  And so it is. 

Seraphim: As angels, we are very knowledgeable about the earth plane for we have been here before you were literally born in this incarnation.  So, lean on that knowledge.  Be curious.  Ask what is possible.  Believe the unbelievable.  And believe in your magic.  When you do, you will see yourself soar through your ascension in joy.  And so it is. 

Middleway Guides: Gaia is much more powerful than humans understand.  Begin engaging in portals, gateways, and vortexes and learn what they do.  On the inner, the knowing is within you, within your DNA.  Tap into this knowing because quantum leaps are going to become more common and power spots are a great place to make a leap in the quantum.  And so it is. 

Thank you for you time and energy!