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Category: Manifestation

Reclaiming Joy by Shedding a Belief in Hierarchy

Why is abandonment the root cause of the need to believe in societal hierarchy? It is in being abandoned, foremost, that you begin to relegate yourself to conditional love. This is an important point and it is a very nuanced one. The need to climb is painful because it is, on the inner, you relegating yourself to conditional love. I will be okay when ______. No, you are okay now, as you are. I will be beautiful when I lose 20 lbs. No, you are beautiful now. I will be successful when I finish my degree. No, if you believe in yourself now, you will be successful now. If you do not believe in yourself now, no amount of earning degrees will assist you in believing in yourself.

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Choosing Freedom

How, then, do you choose freedom? You choose freedom by being your most authentic self. Truly. You choose freedom by being your most authentic self. At your soul center, you always know what that is. If at your soul center, you feel a bit uncomfortable with some decision, if there is a wobble, if you feel that there are aspects of you that are being left behind by this decision, then that decision is not yet fully authentic

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Envisioning for 2025

Envisioning is the process of seeing some joyful vision in your mind’s eye, first, then allowing the universe to assist you in making that vision into physical reality. Envisioning is a spiritual art that requires the utmost soul centeredness. Again, we will repeat that because it is very important. To properly envision, it requires the utmost soul-centeredness.

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X – How to Move Forward After Rebirth

Rebirth, as we have taught you all in the past, is a substantial change in one’s energetic body. That is, the energetic body is so transformed such that it is unrecognizable compared to its previous form. This means that the energetic body’s point of attraction in nearly all areas of life or in one deep area of life is completely changed.

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How to Believe in Yourself When You Don’t

Energetically, how does it look like when you believe in yourself when you are accessing the fifth dimensionary aspect of self? Imagine that your body is light, because it is.  When you believe in yourself, the lightbody begins to morph into a kind of vortex, a channel.  This is because when you believe in yourself, when you are standing in your power and that power is in your soul centered truth, the lightbody can be programmed to rapidly manifest synchronicities into your life.  When you believe in yourself, the lightbody literally becomes a magnet of creation. 

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X – New Beginnings for a New Year

What we wish to teach you today is how to harness energy for your new year’s intentions, these things you call new year’s resolutions.  We wish for you to call them intentions for that is what they are.  For these intentions to be efficacious, you need to harness the energy of your intentions through action or through clarification of your intention.  

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Introducing X – Teachers of Universal Ascension

Today, we wish to teach you about crystals. We are in a Moonstone, specifically, because it is very good at holding cosmic energies. Understand, that to you, crystals are rocks but to the rest of the ascended universe, crystals are geometric structures that carry within it a high vibration. We would not have been able to come to Earth, unless we were in a crystal, for our fields would not be able to handle the density of your planet.

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The Impossibility of Recognizing our Resistance to Manifestation

Resistance is when there are three or more spokes that are interlaced at once.  These spokes are an analogy for repetition of a soul lesson.  Understand that when a behavior is repeated in multiple incarnations, the likelihood is that it was repeated because there was no awareness that the behavior was disjuncted from one’s soul note.  This is why it is often very difficult to be in recognition of your own resistance – you have repeated the behavior enough times such that you do not recognize it as being separate from your soul note.  You have no awareness of its fragmentation. 

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