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Category: Fear

X – Finding Joy Within

What we wish to teach you all today is that this feeling of joy comes from unconditional self-love.  The more you love yourself unconditionally, the easier it is for you to feel joy.  When we speak of Joy, we are speaking of that space where you hold the All That Is in the highest vibration you are capable of.  This means that you do not hold anything in judgement.  You hold it, instead, in unconditional love. 

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How to Overcome Fear with Ease and Grace

Energetically, fear is a stoppage, it is a pause.  So, when you feel fear, and it stops you from what you believe is your highest good, take a moment to take stock and discern if your instincts are correct.  Is what you wish to do right action?  Is it right timing?  Journaling will assist you in understanding authentically what is in your soul centered truth.  This is because the body knows, and the body becomes uncomfortable when you as the personality is trying to push it in an inauthentic path. 

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