X, who are 55 higher dimensional beings, have a message for us today.  For an introduction to X, please read their first message, Introducing X – Teachers of Universal Ascension. For a list of all of X’s messages, please click on Category –> X.  As per the regular convention of this blog, in italics is the directly channeled message from the guides, verbatim, with no commentary from me.

Message #9

What we wish to teach you all today is that this feeling of joy comes from unconditional self-love.  The more you love yourself unconditionally, the easier it is for you to feel joy.  When we speak of Joy, we are speaking of that space where you hold the All That Is in the highest vibration you are capable of.  This means that you do not hold anything in judgement.  You hold it, instead, in unconditional love. 

We will tell you that it seems like an easy concept and you are not wrong.  However, it is, for some, especially those older souls who has come in to their incarnation with a heavier karmic burden, a complex energetic path.  That is, these souls often must navigate their karmic burden before they can find joy.  We are here to tell you that you are not alone, those of you who resonate with being an older soul and those who do not.  All who read this are not alone for as you read this, and as you are in agreement to our teaching, we assist you.  Plain and simple. 

First, we wish to speak to those with heavier karmic burdens.  Some of you are older souls and naturally as you have had more lives, you have a bit more “clean-up” work to do in order to ascend to become the masters you wish to be.  Understand that those who incarnate into Earth, over and over again, such that they, at some point, become older souls, do so because they wish to master Earth.  Why do students get a PhD?  To master that topic for which they wish to have a doctorate in.  Why do students get a law degree?  To master the law.  Why do students get a medical degree?  To master healing.  We could go on and on, however, our core point is that those with heavier burdens have them precisely because they are capable of transmuting them.  For the universe does not give you anything to transmute that you are not capable of. 

There are some of you who will read this who are intimidated by your blueprint. What we mean by this is that you came in to your incarnation as a wayshower and being a wayshower is largely the only thing in your blueprint.  That is, you came to be a CHANGEMAKER.  And the gravity of it intimidates you.  What we will tell you, however, is to claim who you truly are, to claim the wayshower you came to be, to claim the innovator, the changemaker that you are, is to claim yourself in joy.  How to do this is our core teaching for this message.

Before we move forward, we wish to address those who may not have such a heavy karmic burden.  You, too, may have come into this world as wayshowers, but you came in to be a different kind of wayshower.  The reason why older souls come to be wayshowers, and largely only wayshowers, is because they have mastered many of the core soul lessons on Earth.  With this mastery comes responsibility and it is their soul lesson to honor this responsibility.  For those who may still be on the path to Mastery, you will be wayshowers in that area for which you signed up to master.  So, what we will say to you is to be in awareness of what you chose to master.  Those things you chose to master are things that challenge you but bring you a level of joy at the same time.  It is this thing that you cannot let go of, even as it challenges you to no end.  Some people in your plane call this passion.  This is accurate, however, what we would say is that it is more than your passion.  It is your calling, it is how you have decided to honor the mastery that is included in your soul note.  As you reach mastery in this area you have chosen, you, too, will begin to need to honor the responsibility of that mastery. 

Second, we wish to give you some hints as to how to know where you stand.  In essence, you don’t know and we will concede that on some level, it is not important to know, especially if knowing will incite the ego.  However, what we have found being with our keeper, the channel of this message, is that some older souls do not know and wish to live more anonymous lives.  What we would say is that, this is not wrong and this is not necessarily not okay as long as the soul honors the responsibility of their mastery. 

Ultimately, what we want to teach you is how to recognize your mastery. To be in recognition of the master that you are, is to find your joy. We will repeat that because it is very important.  To be in recognition of the master that you are, is to find your joy.  The challenge lies in understanding in what areas are you a master? You are a master where you have a deep knowing about something and you don’t necessarily know or understand where that knowing comes from.  Even as you do not know where your knowing comes from, there is a rightness, a peacefulness, a sense of joy in your knowing.  That is, this knowing does not come from the ego. You do not feel pride at that knowing, it simply IS.  What we are telling you is that you have a knowing and that knowing comes from a neutral space within yourself and you feel neutral about this capability.  When there is pride in a capability, there is further mastery of that area necessary to ground it in who you truly are. 

Further, when you are practicing or exercising this area for which you have mastery, you feel Joy.  Peace.  Passion.  Engagement.  You feel this way because you have cleared all the soul lessons in this particular area of life.  You may not remember all the past lives where you built up your mastery, but what we will tell you is that any soul who has mastery over some area of life worked very hard to gift themselves that mastery by incarnating over and over again and learning different aspects of themselves as it relates to this mastery.  To then practice or exercise this area of mastery, is to reknow yourself in the joy of attaining that mastery and that’s why when you are in your mastery, you are able to access the vibration of joy, which to you may feel like peace, passion, or engagement. 

Third, we wish to teach you how to be in joy being the wayshower that you are, as you engage in this area for which you have mastery in.  Understand that we are not telling you about your vocational mastery, such as mastering engineering, accounting, psychology, philosophy, etc.  We are not telling you about your mastery in what you may have majored or minored in college.  We are telling you about your SOUL mastery, which has to do with your mastery over soul lessons such as self-love, non-judgement, persistence, building relationships, etc. 

To access your mastery, what you need to do is to learn how to allow.  For in allowing, the high self can guide you as to how to bring forward this mastery in a new way, the process for which you will become a wayshower.  To allow, is to be in your soul centeredness.  What we will tell you is that no matter how well or how badly you think your day is going, you can always get to your soul centeredness and this is what we intend to teach you at this moment.  We will concede that when you are having a bad day that it may be more challenging, in the same way that it might be more challenging to go to a Pilates class when you are having a bad day, even if you truly enjoy Pilates.  Understand, however, that you can always get to your soul centered truth no matter where you are in the emotional guidance scale.

So, how can one get to their soul centered truth to access the master that they are to feel the joy within?  The first thing that must be done is you must intend to get to your soul centeredness.  It is good to have an intention when you do this. That is, your intention will read something like this, “I am in my soul-centeredness to _______________________.”  If your intention is to be in recognition of your mastery, your intention may read something like this, “I am in my soul-centeredness in order to accept that I am a master in _______________________.”  If your intention is to confirm if you have mastery in a particular area, your intention may read something like this, “I am in my soul centeredness so that I may have confirmation that I am a master in ______________________.” 

After you set that intention, what you need to do next is to connect with your high self.  Now, we know that not all that reads these articles believe they are open but understand that if you have found this article and are reading this very sentence at this moment, that you already have access.  Your access does not have to look like what you see on television or the internet.  Your access is entirely yours and it is important for you to honor that you do have access at this moment. The way you connect to the high self is to take your focus and set it in your heart space.  Then, take that focus and imagine it building like a tiny tornado encapsulating your heart.  Once the tornado becomes large enough and you have opened up the portal in your heart enough, you will begin to feel the high self. For those that can hear clairaudiently, they may hear the high self. Those who see, those who are clairvoyant, may see messages.  You can also begin to feel the messages of the high self by way of emotions or a knowing.  These are not the only ways your high self can communicate with you, so in this sacred space, trust what comes.

Once you are connected to the high self, begin to discourse with them as to what this thing is that you have mastery in and how you can find your joy by being in that mastery.  Understand that those of us on the other side only know the NOW moment.  Humans often see life as if it is a syllabus or an employment contract and think we will give them directions for the next five to ten years of their life. It does not work that way.  The high self can only tell you what can be done in this NOW moment.  For you, that is this moment and perhaps a bit of the immediate future.  Once you have completed whatever the message from the high self has been, then it is to begin to connect with them again for the next message and the next message, until you have fulfilled your responsibility of being a wayshower.

You are a wayshower precisely because there is no example for what you will bring forth.  There is no one who has done it yet, which means, you cannot go and see examples in this incarnation to see what you need to do.  What you need to do only comes from within.  We are going to repeat that because it is very important.  What you need to do is not going to come from somewhere external to you, it is only going to come from within.  This is why wayshowers often come in to their incarnation with a level of sensitivity that facilitates access to the higher realms. 

Fourth, we wish to tell you how to deal with the fear of what you perceive as the gravity of your responsibility.  We will concede that coming in as a wayshower can scare and intimidate some, but it does not have to be this way.  Fear will keep you from feeling the joy within because it will keep you from being in your mastery.  If you are fearful, it is because you have stepped out of the Now moment that your high self is in.  So, if you believe you are in fear, ask yourself if you have stepped out of the Now moment and correct course.  The way you correct course is to take yourself out of dwelling on some past that has been resolved or planning a future that you literally cannot plan.  For to be a wayshower is to move from Now moment to Now moment until you complete the task at hand. There is no planning when you are a wayshower.  The high self may give you hints as to where you are going but it cannot give you exactly what you need to do far into the future for they are co-creating that future with you.  They know as much as you do for they know what’s next when you are ready for what’s next.  They read your energy in that Now moment to ascertain how to guide you. 

There has been much imparted in this message.  We will close this teaching by reminding you that we are always available to you for support.  Call on our energies to guide you and it will be so.  And so it is.